Business News October 2020

- Wine tastings at The Wine Cellar
- Season ending at the Cedar Mill Farmers Market
- CMBA meeting
- Free Small Business Training & Resources
- Holistic Pet annual sale
- Village Gallery of Arts
Wine tastings at The Wine Cellar
Thursday 8, 12-5:30 pm, 525 NW Saltzman Road.
The Wine Cellar is offering Thirsty Thursday to-go wine tastings! To participate, select the tasting(s) that interest you and register online at under the Thirsty Thursday tab. Pick up your wine samples on the day of the tasting between 12-5:30 pm, take the samples home, and pour into your glasses! You may also join our live 30-minute Zoom tasting at 6 pm!
The tasting sizes we offer are the 2 oz. tasting flight and the 4 oz. tasting flight. Each flight will include five samples of wine (for a total of 10 oz. or 20 oz.). 2 oz. tasting flights are the ideal size for one person and the 4oz flight is best suited for two.
October 8: The Uncommon (& Delicious) Red Wines of Oregon
Additional details here.
Season ending at the Cedar Mill Farmers Market
Saturdays, through October 10, 9 am-2 pm, corner of NW Cornell Rd & Murray

After a successful (and crazy) season, it is hard to believe that the 2020 Farmers’ Market is almost over. Our last market date is October 10, and we are amazed by how much we have accomplished together. Our wonderful community makes this market happen—thank you for coming out to the Cedar Mill Farmers Market every week to support our fantastic local farmers and vendors! Please continue to visit them and stay safe!
Email us if you are interested in volunteering next season, being a sponsor, or helping in another way: you can reach us at We really appreciate you, and we will see you all in 2021!
Get One Free Taco, Give One Free Taco to a First Responder
Help Us Let First Responders Know We Appreciate Them.
Bandito Taco and Sunset Credit Union are teaming up to show support of Washington County First Responders—and the great part? YOU get a free taco too!
Simply stop by Sunset Credit Union.(located at 1100 NW Murray Blvd.) by October 23, and ask for your FREE taco coupon. You’ll receive a free taco. We’ll then donate a FREE taco to the First Responders at Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue or Washington County Sheriff’s Office in your name.
CMBA meeting
Tuesday, October 12, 12 pm via Zoom
The Cedar Mill Business Association is continuing our monthly Speaker/Networking meetings online through Zoom! Our guest for October is Patrick Lyons, a professional speaker, writer, coach and consultant for New Legends Now. Lyons helps people and companies achieve more than ever before, and his guidance stems from one foundational belief: there is absolute greatness inside each and every one of us.
With expertise in strategic execution, strategic planning, leadership development and creating world-class culture by design, Lyons gives people and companies the tools to unleash that greatness personally, professionally, and organizationally. He has 25 years of experience and a wealth of knowledge, helping individuals, teams and organizations get unstuck to execute and reach their goals.
CMBA Members will receive the Zoom link through our Monthly E-Blast, so stay tuned! We invite guests to two free visits at no charge. Please contact our admin, Chelsea, at to receive the Zoom link and meeting information. For more information about the Cedar Mill Business Association, please visit our website at
Free Small Business Training & Resources
The Small Business Advocacy Team regularly conducts free, educational seminars online. These seminars are available for anyone to attend. Recordings of presentations are available on our YouTube channel. Register to participate in a live webinar online.

Learn about topics ranging from Covid-19 resources for businesses to the difference between independent contractors and employees. Doing business from home? Check out the webinar on Business Licenses and Home Occupations.
If you have questions or concerns about state or local government, contact the Small Business Advocacy Team or visit their website.
Holistic Pet annual sale

Saturday, November 7, 10 am-6 pm, 13567 NW Cornell Road.
Holistic Pet has moved our annual sale from August to November 7. We will be celebrating surviving COVID-19 as a small business with a sale on all foods we carry for dogs and cats! We will also be raising money for a local charity by having raffle baskets available. Customers can get one raffle ticket for every $2 they donate. Winners of the $75 value baskets will be announced on November 8!
Village Gallery of Arts
Featured Artist/Artisan: Sue Selbie: Book artist and paper cut designer.

Sue’s love of color and nature began at a young age, when she was wandering the British countryside. She now enjoys translating her photographs of Portland and the Pacific Northwest into multi-layered 3D paper cuts—as seen in this show’s example, “Canopy.” Over the last few months, she has spent time playing with color and pattern on paste paper, creating several new notebooks and journals for the current show. You can see more of her work at and on Instagram @greenstitchpdx.
Big, Bold Paintings in the Window
September 10-October 21: Chris Kondrat: This is a mixed media piece called “Snowmelt Revisited.” It includes watercolor, stamping, collage, and acrylic accents.
October 8-November 18: Terry Misley: Check website for further details as date arrives.
October 22-November 18: Lori McLaughlin: Check website for further details as date arrives.
Congratulations! Jurors’ picks:
Watercolor Society of Oregon (WSO), Fall Exhibition
Tuesday-Saturday, October 2-November 29, Chehelam Cultural Center, 415 E Sheridan Street
Eight of our members’ artworks were juried into this exhibition, which will be held at the Parrish Gallery. The show can also be viewed online at the WSO website at The members in the show are: Mary Burgess, Leslie Dugas, Laura Hopper, Britt McNamee, Phyllis Meyer, Rose West, Sandra Takabayashi and Liz Walker.
2020 BAM! (Beaverton Arts Mix) Virtual Show and Sale
Twelve of our members’ artworks were juried into this show! See it all throughout October at The members in this show are: Rebecca Benoit, Teal Buehler, Sue Girard, Sherry Hanson, Chris Kondrat, Phyllis Meyer, Marcia Petty, Jo Reimer, Debbie Teeter, Ellen Van Horn, and Liz Walker.
“Art To Go” project grant awarded:
Village Gallery of Arts applied for and was awarded a Beaverton Arts Emerging Opportunities Grant to fund our free “Art to Go” project. Beaverton Mayor Denny Doyle mentioned our project as part of the Mayor’s Message in the “Your City” publication for September/October. Check back on our website to see how this grant will be used to support various groups over the coming months in our community!
Upcoming events:
November 18-December 31: A Holiday Xtravaganza is coming! Four categories of art will be featured: Ornament Showcase; Holiday Jewelry; Seasonal Cards; and “Artwork In The Spirit Of The Season,” both 2-D and 3-D. Watch for more information in the coming months!
Village Gallery of Art offers in person and online classes! If you are interested in learning more about these classes, go to