Development News

- Shutdown speeds new Milltowner library parking lot construction
- No more pie? Shari’s to Chase Bank
- Cedar Grove affordable housing going up fast!
- Several new subdivisions under construction
- 116th subdivision
- Proposed gas station at 185th & West Union: Public Hearing

Shutdown speeds new Milltowner library parking lot construction
Pre-quarantine plans for completing the east extension of Dogwood and the new parking lot for Cedar Mill Library called for a complicated pattern of closures to maintain library access. With everything shut down, Bales/Findley Properties and Robertson & Olson, the project contractor, moved quickly to grade and pave the new lot. Paving will take place May 11-16, weather permitting. Once the library, gallery, and resale shop are allowed to open, everything should be ready.

The new CVS Pharmacy building at the corner of Saltzman and Cornell (A) is going up fast, and the business is on track to open before Thanksgiving. Retail buildings C, D, and E will be completed at five-week intervals after the CVS building is finished, according to Mike Cranmer, Superintendent of the R&O construction team. The Sunset Athletic building (B) will be completed last.

The eastern end of the library parking area is on the upper level of the development. It will eventually connect with the upper lot that will serve Sunset Athletic and the office spaces on the second floor of Building C.
Still no word on tenants for the rest of the center. Typically, businesses wait until construction is further along before signing contracts to lease space. The current situation involves so much uncertainty, it is a challenging time for commercial space everywhere!

No more pie? Shari’s to Chase Bank
CPO 1 received plans for the demolition of the Shari’s Restaurant building at Trail & Cornell, and the construction of a new Chase Bank building to replace a Walker Road location. The project is currently under review by Land Use & Transportation Current Planning staff. Comments on the project should be submitted to Paul Schaefer, at Once it is sent out to the public, it will be on the “Comment on a Project” page on the county website. We have no information on the schedule. It usually takes around a year before ground is broken. When we learn more, we’ll include it in an upcoming issue.
Cedar Grove affordable housing going up fast!
Cedar Grove, the affordable apartment development at Murray and Cornell, is going up fast. Completion is anticipated in November 2020.
Community Partners for Affordable Housing (CPAH) is working with their property manager on when to open the application process. Interested parties can call 503-223-6327 or email

Several new subdivisions under construction
Karla Heights
Karla Heights, a 14-lot subdivision off Appelate Way at 10735 NW McDaniel Rd. is getting underway. The development was approved in July 2017. Grading for roads and lots is happening now. Sage Homes is the developer.

Cypress Ridge
Cypress Ridge, a 47-lot subdivision, is under construction on previously vacant land between Reeves and Lovejoy. The project was approved in June 2018 after a series of changes, as we wrote about here. Roads are complete and infrastructure (electrical, sewer etc.) is in place. Sage Homes is the developer.
We’ve been told by a neighbor that the homes will be built by others. We’ll write more when we have the information.

Proposed gas station at 185th & West Union:
Public Hearing
Thursday, July 16, 9 am, location TBA (unclear at this point if it will be on Zoom or in person)
A public hearing will be held to consider this proposal. The previously scheduled meeting has been postponed to the above July date. Here’s a link to the Washington County Land Use Staff Report and Recommendations.

Written comments can be submitted anytime up until the public hearing date, via email to, or by mail to the address in the link. The application will be approved if the provisions of the Washington County Community Development Code can be met by the application.
CPO 7 (Bethany/Rock Creek) leadership is following this closely. More information is provided on their Facebook page.