Cedar Mill News News

Who to Call

One of our diligent volunteer editors, Anne Lawrence, has updated and expanded this section of the website with loads of useful information for when you need to find an expert or an agency to help with a problem. It will be a permanent feature of the website—find it through the link on the left sidebar of the home page.

We welcome suggestions for additions and corrections! Let us know at info@cedarmillnews.com.

Searching the News

When we transitioned to our new website format last month, we created a link to the “Legacy Website,” to allow people to access all our issues back to January 2003! The link is on the left sidebar.

The Google-powered Search Box on every page lets you find everything we’ve ever published. If you have a question about anything around here, we’ve probably written about it.

When you enter a search term in the box, however, you get a warning that you’re going to an insecure site. That’s because the new site follows internet security guidelines, while the old site didn’t. Don’t worry though, there’s no danger to you from using the link. You will not be asked to enter anything, you’ll simply see the results of the search, and clicking on those links just takes you to the past articles. For example, this link will take you to everything we’ve written about “Murray Cornell.”

PDX ReStore

From now on, there will be a Search Box on the new site, but it will only return results from April 2020 onward. We apologize for the inconvenience, but it’s a better solution than trying to convert every word of 17 years of News by hand!

Restaurant editor

We’re looking for someone to edit and update the article we ran in the April issue listing some of the restaurants in the area offering take-out or delivery. We want to keep up the list, even after the quarantine and stay-home order. We intend to make it sortable by category.

Occasional restaurant reviews can be a part of this volunteer position once things open again. So if you enjoy eating out, have good computer skills (WordPress is a plus) and want to help us all find the good stuff, let us know at info@cedarmillnews.com.