Garden News November 2024

Washington County Master Gardener Association events
There are ample opportunities to advance your gardening knowledge and skills right here in Washington County. OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers and the Washington County Master Gardener Association (WCMGA) offer a lineup of classes, lectures and family friendly events year round. All events and details can be found on the WCMGA events calendar.
An Introduction to Growing Berries
Tuesday, November 12, 7-8 pm, Zoom, free, pre-registration required
Join the Washington County Master Gardeners for a presentation comparing and contrasting strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. Topics covered will include longevity, space requirements, variety choices, expected time of harvest, quantity of harvest, common pests and diseases, and cultural requirements. Presenter Jane Collier has been a Clackamas County Master Gardener since 1996. She has taught many classes for the award-winning 10-Minute University™ Program. Jane gained extensive experience with growing blueberries while operating a ‘U-Pick’ blueberry patch on her farm. Please visit the event page for registration.
Plant Propagation by Hardwood and Softwood Stem Cuttings
Saturday, November 16, 10 am-12 pm, PCC Rock Creek Campus, Building 4 (Room 103) and WCMGA Education Garden, 17705 NW Springville Rd, Portland, no registration required, free
Join Washington County Master Gardeners to discover the magic of plant propagation in this two-hour class! Delve into the art of softwood and hardwood cuttings, exploring techniques for their successful growth. Learn to nurture and propagate plants effectively with hands-on guidance and expert tips.The class will be led by OSU Extension MG Volunteers Karen Anderson, Helen Dorbolo, and Cindy Muir. For more information and maps to our gardens, visit our garden webpage. Please visit the event page for more information.
Treekeepers of Washington County programs
We work to protect and advocate for trees in urban unincorporated Washington County. Don’t miss our upcoming events! All of them are free. Visit the Treekeepers website to learn more.

Tree Walk: Noble Woods
Saturday, November 16, 2-4 pm, exact location after registration, register here, free
Noble Woods Park represents one of the oldest and largest forested areas in the heart of Hillsboro, with majestic old trees including century-old cedars and firs. Join us for a leisurely 1.1 mile walk on paved and soft-surface paths through open and wooded natural areas, boardwalks and bridges over Rock Creek that provide wildlife viewing opportunities.
Be part of our on-call ivy crew!

November through March, times and locations will vary, register here, free
English ivy hangs on through winter at a time trees are particularly vulnerable, as the invasive vines keep growing while trees are dormant. The excess weight can increase risks for trees during winter storms. Help us save trees by removing ivy and other invasive plants that threaten them. Weather makes it hard to schedule events, so please sign up and we’ll notify you when there is a good weather window so we can schedule an ivy pulling event. And if you know of a location where trees are suffering from ivy, you can notify us on this hotline form.
Weed Wranglin’ Workshop
Thursday, November 7, 6-7:30 pm, Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District, 7175 NE Evergreen Parkway, Suite #400, Hillsboro
Weeds! They can be everywhere, and we all have to deal with them. With so many different kinds sprouting up in our gardens and so many ways to control them, it can be difficult to get started. Join us for this one-hour workshop and 30-minute casual discussion where we will jump into some weed-wranglin’ tips to help you get those weeds under control.
Topics covered include: Key plant terminology; An overview of our weed management strategy; A walk through of how to manage several common weeds.

Please feel free to bring in any examples of problem weeds from your yard. Copies of our handy Weed Watchers Guide will be available. Snacks and drinks provided! Register here.
Fall is a great time to plant!
If you’re ready to put your garden tools away and leave planting until spring, think again! Many folks are surprised to learn that fall is a great time to start planting, but it’s true! Cool temperatures, reliable rainfall, and short, bright days help plants make an easy transition to your garden. Instead of thinking of fall as the end of the gardening season, think of it as the beginning of the next one! Visit the Tualatin Soil & Water Conservation District page here to learn more.