CPO News December 2024

December CPO 1 and 7 Joint Meeting

Tuesday, December 10, 7 pm, TVF&R Station #68, 13545 NW Evergreen Street, and on zoom
Note new location. Because our two CPOs share interests and issues, we are combining forces again this month to present information to our members.
After community briefings from county service providers (Sheriff, Parks, Fire, etc) we’ll learn more about the county’s plan to change the Community Participation Organizations (CPOs) with a presentation from staff of the Washington County Office of Equity, Inclusion and Community Engagement that oversees the program. Labeled a Modernization Project, the plan includes changes to CPO boundaries, appointing leaders rather than having them elected, and several other critical changes. Read about the proposed changes, attend the meeting, and then take a survey to collect community feedback here.
Following that presentation, CPO 1 will hold its annual leadership election. The current slate of Virginia Bruce as Chair and Bruce Bartlett as Vice Chair/Secretary is running again. Nominations may be sent to cpo1leaders@gmail.com.
If you can’t attend our meetings, they are recorded and available on the CPO 1 YouTube channel for viewing at your convenience. Visit our YouTube channel and subscribe! The CPO 1 Facebook Group is a good place to discuss current issues and get timely updates.
The Washington County CPO leadership group, the Committee for Community Involvement (CCI), meets monthly and its meeting recordings can be viewed on the CCI YouTube Channel
Neighborhood Meeting – Proposed nature-based park
Tuesday, December 10, 6 pm, TVFR Station 68, 13545 NW Evergreen
Prior to the Joint CPO1 & 7 meeting, Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District representatives will discuss plans to develop a new park in North Bethany, previously named “Future Park at Heckman Lane.”
No development applications were received by press time. If we receive any later, they will be shared on the Facebook group page.