Garden & Nature News December 2024

Treekeepers of Washington County programs

Washington County Master Gardener Association events

OSU Extension Garden Calendars offer timely help

We work to protect and advocate for trees in urban unincorporated Washington County. Don’t miss our upcoming events! All of them are free. Visit the Treekeepers website to learn more.

tree-friendly habitat logo

A tree-friendly habitat is a place where trees are recognized for the critical role they play in the ecosystem by providing several essential services in support of all living creatures. The trees in our yards, neighborhoods and cities are living infrastructure, providing habitat to countless other plants and animals. They pay us back many times over by cleaning our air, cooling and shading our homes, alleviating flooding and pollution, decreasing air, noise and light pollution, offering health benefits, and by adding to the attractiveness and serenity of a neighborhood, which increases community property value. Our care of trees will protect their health so they can continue to contribute these benefits to us all. 

PDX ReStore

Show your commitment to protecting trees and maintaining a “Tree-Friendly Habitat” by signing our Treekeepers Pledge and displaying one of our new signs! Whether the trees in your care are in your yard, in a public space, or in pots on your balcony, we welcome you to join us. Designed to inspire others to safeguard our urban forests, this durable 10″x10″ sign is built for outdoor use. Made from sturdy aluminum, it’s weather-resistant and perfect for yards, balcony gardens, or as a thoughtful gift to a fellow tree advocate. You can learn more about the program at the Tree-Friendly Habitat website or visit the pledge page to sign it.

There are ample opportunities to advance your gardening knowledge and skills right here in Washington County. OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers and the Washington County Master Gardener Association (WCMGA) offer a lineup of classes, lectures and family friendly events year round. All events and details can be found on the WCMGA events calendar

We invite you to the third of three classes on mason bees led by Ron Spendal. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to extract, clean, and store mason bees. If you have cocoons ready for cleaning, bring them along. If you don’t have cocoons, we have plenty for you to practice with. Attendance at the previous Mason Bee classes is not necessary to attend this class. Ron Spendal is an OSU Master Gardener who has been researching and educating on mason bees for over 15 years. He operates educational mason bee displays across Washington County, Oregon and runs highly sought-after courses on mason bee management through the Washington County Master Gardener Association. Please visit the event page for more information. 

This topic will be presented by Sean Hogan, owner of Cistus Nursery and Co-Founder and President of Portland Botanical Gardens. Our climate has so many plants that it can be difficult to choose. This is a festive sampling of surprises and new introductions—from olives to succulents, manzanitas to scheffleras—that love it here. Sean will also give an update on the progress of the Portland Botanical Gardens. Please visit the event page for registration. 

garden calendar

Fall is the perfect time to plant trees and shrubs! Before you know it, though, it will be time to prepare for gardening in 2025. OSU Extension Monthly Garden Calendars can help! Find timely monthly garden tips on garden planning, maintenance and clean up, pest monitoring and management, indoor gardening, house plants, and more.