Park News January 2024

- THPRD winter registration is open
- Holiday Gift Card Drive Wrap Up
- Levy Task Force Update
- Maintenance news
- January Events near Cedar Mill from THPRD
THPRD winter registration is open
Registration is now open for an array of winter classes. From enriching workshops to fitness programs and creative arts, there’s something for everyone. Don’t miss out—dive into a season of learning, growth and fun! You can find more information about registration on the THPRD website or come into a center now to pick up your paper activities guide.
Holiday Gift Card Drive Wrap Up
Thanks to the generous and giving spirit of the park district community, THPRD has raised over $3,300 so far during this annual giving drive. To help support local area families and students, THPRD again collaborated with the Beaverton School District (BSD) to collect gift cards. All 160 cards were given to the BSD Community Resource Department staff, who will distribute them to schools with identified needs.
A special shout-out and appreciation are also due to the THPRD recreation division staff in all centers for helping collect, log, and promote the drive efforts. Many thanks to this wonderful and amazing team!
Levy Task Force Update
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District’s Levy Task Force has recommended that THPRD pursue a Local Option Levy to maintain existing operations. They were very concerned about the spending cuts that would be necessary without a levy and felt that it was essential that the district utilize an operating levy to fill the gap.
The group recommended a future focus on capital replacement. The task force advised that the $0.50 cent levy option would not go as far as they would like to fund capital replacement. With the levy, the district would have about $3 million a year budgeted for capital replacement. The task force wanted the board to focus on prioritizing funding for capital replacement in a future bond measure when the 2008 bond measure retires.
The district is grateful for the volunteer service of the Levy Task Force members! In terms of next steps, staff is working with consultants and legal counsel on drafting a ballot title and ballot language for the Board of Directors consideration at their January meeting. We anticipate the board will be voting in January on whether to refer the local option levy to the voters for the May 2024 election.

Maintenance news
In an effort to eliminate future flooding and erosion in the playground area at Schlottman Creek Greenway, Park Maintenance North staff have installed several large boulders, new soil, seed, and straw to strengthen the bank area near the playground.
January Events near Cedar Mill from THPRD
Cardio Core

Saturdays, 8 am, Sunset Swim Center
Join us for a new Cardio Core class with Inna starting January 6! Participants challenge themselves with the resistance of the shallow water in this low-impact workout as they exercise to lively, upbeat music. For more information on our Water Fitness Classes check out our website.
Volunteers needed to help with garden at Recreation Center
Saturday, January 20, 9-11:30 am, H.M. Terpenning Recreation Complex, 50 NW 158 Ave.
Help us spruce up the Community Garden at HM Terpenning Rec Complex! Volunteers will help weed and mulch, as needed. Please bring a reusable water bottle to drink throughout the day. Tools and gloves will be provided. No gardening experience necessary. For more information or to sign up, visit the THPRD website.
Cedar Hills Park garden community work available!
Saturday, January 27, 9-11:30 am, Cedar Hills Park, 2300 SW Cedar Hills Blvd.
Help us spruce up the Community Garden at Cedar Hills Park! Volunteers will help weed and mulch, as needed. Please bring a reusable water bottle to drink throughout the day. Tools and gloves will be provided. No gardening experience necessary. To register, please visit the event page on the THPRD website.
Join us for a special event on the Magic of Sound!
Monday, January 29, 6-7:30 pm, Cedar Hills Recreation Center, 11640 SW Park Way, $20
Join us for this one-and-a-half-hour journey into a deeper understanding of self through Chakra Therapeutics, relaxing into gentle Yoga asanas, and experiencing the Magic of Sound Healing. Allow your mind, body, spirit, and emotions to merge into a state of “flow” as you are guided through a unique healing experience. We will diminish and resolve the “dissonance” in our systems, to alleviate and eradicate corresponding physical, mental and emotional symptoms. Please bring your yoga mat! For more information, please visit the event page on the THPRD website.