CPO News February 2024

- February CPO 1 meeting: All things library
- CPO 7 meeting: Middle Housing
- Development Applications
- Neighborhood Meetings
- January Meeting Notes
February CPO 1 meeting: All things library
Tuesday, February 13, 7-9 pm, hybrid via zoom and at Cedar Grove East Community Room, 13400 NW Cornell
After the Land Acknowledgement and updates from our service providers, we’ll share any development information we have received and provide time for announcements from CPO members.

Around 7:40 we will go behind the scenes at the Cedar Mill & Bethany Community Library (CMBCL). Liz Paulus, Adult Services, and Peter Leonard, Executive Director, will give a “Library 101” presentation, and describe the services and programs at the library; the Special Events they host; how to volunteer at the Library; and introduce the CPO 1 feature area.
They will explain funding sources and the impact of tighter budgets from tax limitation measures that went into effect more than 20 years ago, post pandemic inflation, and high benefit costs. The Washington County Cooperative Library System (WCCLS) provides funding from the county’s General Fund to all 17 libraries in the system (cut by 7% this year). Cities provide additional funds to their city libraries, but nonprofits like the Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Library and the Aloha Library have to make up the gap with local fundraising efforts.
Second Edition Resale is one of the library’s funding sources. A possible local option levy to allow continued service is being considered and a study is underway to determine the best long-term way to fund and operate public libraries.
They will share how libraries are dealing with difficult issues such as book challenges, and public safety concerns from inappropriate behavior, homelessness, and their own mental health issues. There will be time for questions and feedback.
You now have the choice of meeting online via zoom, or in person in the East Community Room at Cedar Grove Apartments at the corner of Murray and Cornell. If you are driving, please either park on the street or in the southeast corner of the Safeway lot. If you can’t attend the meeting, it is recorded and available on YouTube for viewing later. Visit our YouTube channel and subscribe! Our Facebook Group is a good place to discuss current issues and get timely updates.
CPO 7 meeting: Middle Housing

Monday, February 12, Bethany Presbyterian Church, 15505 NW Springville Road
A developer has submitted a proposal to add 46 new ‘cottage houses’ as “Middle Housing” onto approximately one-half of the total 3.5-acre properties located at 395 NW 150th Avenue and 15075 NW Pioneer Road. As planned, all traffic would enter and exit this development from NW 150th Avenue near its north terminus.
The Middle Housing provisions adopted by Washington County in 2022 allow for increased density in housing developments, even for land currently zoned R5 (5 residences per acre). Middle Housing provisions have removed the requirement for developers to communicate or meet with people living in affected neighborhoods. Middle Housing land use approvals cannot be appealed.
Anne Kelly, Washington County Sr. Planner, will provide a description of the Middle Housing ordinances and the planning process. Ryan O’Brien with Planning & Land Design LLC will describe the vision for development at NW Pioneer and NW 150th properties.
Development Applications

Park Place Estates
A lot line adjustment and two 2-lot partitions are proposed for an approximately two-acre parcel at 1975 NW 113th Avenue. The existing house will be removed. Access to the four new parcels will be a private street tract from 113th. The existing parcel is zoned R-6 (six dwellings per acre) and two units are proposed for each of the four resulting parcels. A Neighborhood Meeting was held in August 2022. The application was submitted in May 2023 and accepted by the county in January after some incomplete items were received. Once the public comment period has begun you can use this page to send comments.
Neighborhood Meetings
A virtual meeting was held on January 31 to discuss a proposed partition for a 1.2-acre property on NW Alpenglow, south of Leahy Road. A representative of the owner explained that the existing house belonged to their mother. Now that she has passed away, they want the partition to make the property more marketable. The existing house would probably remain, and two or three additional lots would be created. The existing lane to Leahy would be abandoned and access to the new lots and the home would be from Alpenglow.
January Meeting Notes
By Bruce Bartlett, CPO 1 Vice Chair
Service Provider Updates
All agencies are having an extremely difficult time hiring enough people to serve our needs. If you are looking for a rewarding professional first-responder job, look into the Sheriff’s Office or TV Fire & Rescue positions.
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District
The Peterkort residential re-development of Sunset Station (discussed below) is proposing to create parks and trails in the Cedar Mill area in lieu of system development fees. A community visioning plan will guide the process. Many volunteer positions are open at THPRD.
Tualatin Valley Water District reports that the flushing of the water lines is on-going and while water may be cloudy, it is always safe to drink. Water line replacement is happening on NW Westlawn Terrace. The pump station at Miller & Barnes will be upgraded. Please do not call 911 if you have a water emergency, call 503-848-3000 which is monitored 24/7.
Washington County Sheriff’s Office – FlashAlert news alerts are posted online and on the Washington County Scanner Facebook page. To receive the Sheriff’s Office monthly newsletter, sign up here.
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue –We were informed that a rate increase of their Local Option Levy will be required for salaries to remain competitive, for fire stations to be built in areas of high growth, and for purchasing equipment.
CPO 1 Updates
The sidewalks along NW Cornell Road are being disrupted by street trees. Land Use & Transportation (LUT) will do a substantial upgrade to repair the sidewalks and plant more suitable trees.
The Cedar Mill Community Club had a very successful lighting of the holiday tree and is starting to form an Adopt One Block group to keep downtown clean.
Transportation Updates
Don Odermott, previous Hillsboro Transportation director, discussed the Westside Multimodal Project addressing Sunset Highway mobility. After three years of study, the region is facing some major decisions about how to proceed in evolving our road system. We will learn about this likely at the CPO 1 March meeting.
Jessica Pelz, Policy Analyst; and Russ Knoebel, Division Manager, Capital Projects Services, provided an overview of Washington County’s Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program (MSTIP) and an Update on the six transportation projects underway in CPOs 1 & 7. MSTIP is funded by property taxes and allows the county to execute construction of necessary large-scale roadways. There are 1300 miles of county roads and more required to keep up with urban development, particularly in the unincorporated areas. Of the $6B of desired street and transit improvement, $400M funding has been identified in partnership with the cities.
Sunset Station Development
The Peterkort Company is working with David Evans & Associates (DEA) on a plan for the first phase of a larger development in the Sunset Station area. This proposal was presented first at the Central Beaverton NAC in early December. It includes residential, mixed-use, and some integrated open space. THPRD is working closely with DEA to devise a comprehensive concept plan for parks and trails. THPRD is likely to assume ownership of the completed amenities. A master plan should be available by April 2024 for review.