New parks in our future? Not soon, says the district

thompson park map

There are three large undeveloped properties owned by Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD) in the Cedar Mill/Bethany area. We asked the district for an update. None of them are slated even for planning in the near future. If you have a chance to talk to any of the candidates for the three open THPRD Board positions, please ask them if our area can be a priority. 

findley park map

 A: The property formerly owned by the Findley family is now called Bronson Creek Greenway. Most of the 25-acre site is dedicated to wildlife. Staff and contractors recently completed habitat improvements geared towards frogs and turtles. This included reshaping the floodplain, which had been modified for agriculture, to hold more water and lowering the banks of the pond for frog and turtle nesting and access. Large logs were added to provide basking sites for reptiles. Thousands of native trees, shrubs, and herbs were planted throughout the site in December and January.

The district’s Trails Functional Plan is aligned with the site and space has been left along NW Laidlaw Road for future public access, but no plans or funds have been allocated for development.

A: Northeast Park is on the district’s five year Capital Improvement Plan to begin design work in 2028 and we anticipate construction being complete in early 2032. However, we are currently updating the district’s Parks Functional Plan which sets prioritization criteria for new park development. Once complete, Northeast Park would be scored and ranked compared to district needs. Although there are some *in-district homes near the site, the majority of properties nearby are still out of district, so the likelihood of development in the near future is low.

thompson park map

A: After the road realignment, there will be two parcels totaling 5.27-acres. The larger parcel is approximately 4.5-acres and more suited for development. The smaller parcel is approximately half an acre. There are no current plans for site development.

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*THPRD worked with Washington County in the early 2000s to require all new development within THPRD’s ultimate service boundary to annex into the district. Many of our residential areas and a good chunk of the commercial areas were developed prior to that so they are not in the district.