WashCo News April 2024

County Boards and Commissions have openings

The recently announced opening on the Planning Commission (PC) was the result of the resignation of Stacy Milliman who is moving out of Washington County. She was one of two Commissioners appointed by Nafisa Fai, Washington County Board of Commissioners (BCC) member representing District 1. Commissioner Fai will nominate a replacement who will be confirmed by a vote of the BCC at an upcoming meeting.
The nine member Planning Commission advises the BCC on the adoption, revision, or repeal of portions of the County’s Comprehensive Plan. The PC also makes final land use decisions for some plan amendments. PC decisions may be appealed to the Board.
PC members must reside in Washington County. Generally, two members are appointed by each Board Commissioner, and one by the Board Chair as an at-large appointment. No more than two members can be engaged principally in the buying, selling or development of real estate, and the PC already has two, Mike Frey (District 2) and Jared Whipps (District 3). No more than two members can be engaged in the same occupation, and at this time there are no members engaged in the same occupation. Some knowledge of the Oregon land use planning system is helpful.
WashCo Senior Planner Todd Borkowitz, Land Use & Transportation (LUT) staff liaison to the PC, says, “While a board commissioner typically recommends a potential PC appointee from their district, they can also recommend someone residing elsewhere in the County. The Board has made out-of-district appointments in the recent past, including PC member Jared Whipps who the Board appointed earlier this year.”
The following county advisory Boards & Commissions have positions open now. Several will also have positions available later in the year as terms expire. To learn about Boards & Commissions, visit the County website here.
- Advisory Council on Racial Equity (ACRE): 2 positions available now and 6 positions available after Jun 30, 2024.
- Aging and Veteran Services Advisory Council: 7 positions available now and 3 positions available after Jun 30, 2024.
- Audit Committee: 4 positions available now and 4 positions available after Jun 30, 2024.
- Behavioral Health Council: 7 positions available now.
- Enhanced Sheriff Patrol District/Urban Road Maintenance District Budget Committee (ESPD/URMD): 1 position available now and 1 position available after Jun 30, 2024.
- Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District (ESPD) Advisory Committee: 3 positions available now.
- Fairgrounds Development Advisory Committee: 3 positions available now
- Garbage and Recycling Advisory Committee: 2 positions available now.
- Homeless Solutions Advisory Council: 4 positions available now.
- Housing Advisory Committee (HAC): 1 position available.
- North Bethany County Service District for Roads Budget Committee: 1 position available now and 2 positions available after Jun 30, 2024.
- Northwest Area Commission on Transportation (NWACT): 2 positions available now.
- Planning Commission: 1 position available now.
- Property Value Appeal Board: 1 position available now and 5 positions available after Jun 30.
- Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee (URMDAC): 2 positions available now.
Anyone interested in any of these topics is encouraged to investigate further. The Boards & Commissions page has additional information on each position, and clicking on the name gives detailed information about requirements and time commitments. [Ed. Note: I have eliminated B&C listings that don’t pertain to Cedar Mill and Bethany readers. That info can be found on the links mentioned above.]