CPO 1 news April 2024

- April CPO 1 meeting: What’s on the May Ballot?
- April CPO 7 meeting
- Development news
- March 2024 CPO 1 Meeting Notes
April CPO 1 meeting: What’s on the May Ballot?
Tuesday, April 9, 7-9 pm, hybrid via zoom and at Cedar Grove East Community Room, 13400 NW Cornell
After the Land Acknowledgement and updates from our service providers, we’ll share any development information we have received and provide time for announcements from CPO members.

At about 7:40 we’ll begin the main topic: What is on our May Primary Ballot?
We have invited representatives for the following tax levymeasures: Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District; Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue, and Metro. We’ll include any organized opposition if we are able to find people to speak on that.
We have been advised by the Washington County Counsel that we may not host candidates for office.
You now have the choice of meeting online via zoom, or in person in the East Community Room at Cedar Grove Apartments at the corner of Murray and Cornell. If you are driving, please either park on the street or in the southeast corner of the Safeway lot. If you can’t attend the meeting, it is recorded and available on YouTube for viewing later. Visit our YouTube channel and subscribe! Our Facebook Group is a good place to discuss current issues and get timely updates.
CPO 7 meeting

Monday, April 8, 7-9 pm, Bethany Presbyterian Church, 15505 NW Springville Road and livestreamed on the CPO 7 Facebook page.
Main topic: Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD) will discuss the future park at Heckman Lane, the Westside Trail Crossing at Highway 26, and the Waterhouse Trail.
Following these presentations, there will be a CPO 7 update and time for general discussion. Note that there are still vacancies on the Steering Committee, and we encourage all CPO 7 members to consider joining this team. They can email CPO7Leaders@gmail.com with questions or to submit their name.
Development news

SW Taylor/SW Salmon partition
A three-parcel partition is proposed for a .64 acre property between SW Taylor and Salmon near SW 95th. The existing house on Taylor is proposed to be demolished, and two additional lots will have access from Salmon. Comments are due by April 10 and can be made via this page, select Case File #L2400049.
French International School addition

An addition to the French International School of Oregon is being proposed to the City of Portland. The address is 8500 NW Johnson Street, near Barnes & Miller. According to a sign on the property, the proposal includes nine buildings of one and two stories, with total parking to be determined. Information on the sign says to contact info@frenchintl.org or visit the website for more information, however we didn’t find anything about this addition. Apparently, a meeting was held in February, but we didn’t get the info in time to investigate.
Peterkort Starbucks Phasing
April 3, 6:30 pm, via zoom
Baysinger Partners Architecture requests approval of a Design Review Three application to allow two-phase construction of a previously approved single-phase development. In Phase 1, the applicant proposes to 1) expand the existing Peterkort Towne Square shopping center pad building that formerly housed Sunrise Bagels; 2) add approximately 1,120 square feet of area on the west end of the building, and 3) add a drive-through lane and pick-up window on the west end of the building. Phase 2 development is limited in scope to constructing a new 2,950 sq. ft. building on the portion of the site identified as Pad J.
Neighborhood meeting for proposed nature-based park in Bethany
April 8, CPO 7 meeting, 7 pm, 15505 NW Springville Road.
The site is 2.39 acres on tax lots 1N117CA31700 and 1N117CA40700 near Heckman and 259th. It is located in the R-6 North Bethany District (NB) (Residential, 5-6 units/acre) and the R-24 NB District (Residential, 19-24 units/acre). Contact Nicole Paulsen, Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District, at 503-629-6305.
March 2024 CPO 1 Meeting Notes
By Bruce Bartlett, CPO 1 Vice Chair
Service Provider Updates
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District, Tualatin Valley Water District, and Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue visited us in February. All agencies are having an extremely difficult time hiring enough people to serve our needs. If you are looking for a rewarding professional first-responder job, look into the Sheriff’s Office or TV Fire & Rescue positions.
As the weather warms and activity increases, many volunteer positions are open to provide essential assistance to programs at the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District.
Adopt One Block
Sunday, April 21, 1-4 pm, meeting place below
The Cedar Mill Community Club (CMCC) is hosting the first Cedar Mill Town Center Cornell Road Cleanup! We’ll patrol for trash along Cornell Road from Sunset HS to NW 119th. Meet in the Sunset Athletic annex parking lot (13861 NW Cornell) across from Sunset High School. CMCC will provide buckets, bags, long-handle-grabbers, and vinyl and leather gloves. Please wear bright colored, running-style clothes for visibility. For details, please contact CPO 1 Vice Chair, Bruce Bartlett at bonnyslopemayor@gmail.com.
Fish & Wildlife and Smart Development
Ariana Scipioni, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife’s (ODFW) regional habitat biologist covering a large area in NW Oregon, explained why beavers and frogs both need connected habitat to move across the landscape. In collaboration with Portland State University, ODFW mapped out statewide wildlife habitat connectivity at detailed resolutions for 54 species. Smart development such as roadway overpasses and underpasses can help maintain critical wildlife movement. An underpass for frogs is being constructed on Hwy 30!
The beaver is our state animal due to the large population of beavers at the time of colonization. Industrial-scale trapping decimated the population in the late 1800’s. Now, ODFW has formed the Beaver Works Oregon to improve communication and information on the competing benefits and costs of beaver management in the state, working to improve understanding of beaver ecology and management. HB 3464, signed into law on January 1, 2024, moves the management of beavers from the Oregon Department of Agriculture to ODFW, where they will be tasked with adopting rules relating to beaver management (extermination and trapping) on private lands as well as tracking populations as a whole.
Westside Multimodal Improvements Study (WMIS)
Stephanie Millar of the Oregon Dept of Transportation (ODOT) and Kate Hawkins of Metro described the WMIS. They were joined by Don Odermott, a member of the WMIS Steering Committee and a local transportation expert. The study analyzed over 80 transportation projects, policies, and programs that could help improve existing and future transportation deficiencies in the westside corridor. With the county’s burgeoning population, it is crucial to design an efficient system that will serve the area for decades to come. Mr. Odermott discussed the completed Washington County Transportation Futures Study which informed the work of the WSIS. Many transportation projects are described by this study, including the First and Last Mile (FLM) project which developed strategies to make bicycle and pedestrian amenity improvements, provide on-demand transportation features such as small shuttles, ridesharing, carsharing, bike-sharing, ride-sourcing, and a mobility interchange hub, and the policy considerations to facilitate these options.
The WMIS examined four enhancement scenarios from minor improvements in Scenario 1 to major large-scale infrastructure improvements in Scenario 4. The recommendations coming from the study are being reviewed by the WMIS Steering Committee which defer the large-scale projects in Scenario 4 to a future date. We will share these recommendations with CPO 1 when they are approved.