Cider Festival moves to October

Sunday, October 6, noon-4 pm, JQA Young House park
Mark your calendar now for Cedar Mill’s oldest homegrown annual gathering! Since 2008 we’ve been celebrating fall and community at the homesite of one of our founding families.
Sponsored by Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD), the event includes free fresh-pressed cider, live music, history, vendors, hot food, and kids’ activities on the grounds of the John Quincy Adams Young House. Young owned the lumber mill and gave the community its name when he became postmaster. The saltbox-style family home was built in the 1860s and is one of the oldest houses in Washington County. THPRD has been working with Friends of the JQA Young House on a restoration plan.

Local scouts run hand-cranked presses to produce fresh cider from 1000 pounds of apples, donated by Market of Choice. Free samples are available to everyone.

Bauman’s Cider will give samples of their hard cider and sell cans. Market of Choice says, “We look forward to partnering with the 2024 Cedar Mill Cider Festival again and bringing the community together to celebrate cider and fall.”

The Whiskey Deaf Duet (Annie Staninec & John Kael) is the musical entertainment this year. This duo plays “mostly bluegrass, early country, “old-time,” and a few oddball numbers a bit outside those lines—a mix of vocal and instrumental, and mostly on guitar and fiddle.” We know you will enjoy their music!
THPRD provides the space, the canopies, the setup crew, and everything else that makes the event a success. September has been tricky because they produce many events relating to Beaverton Welcoming Week, so we decided that early October is a better choice.
Volunteers are needed to help out with the big History Tent, so get in touch if you’re interested in local history. Stay tuned as the details are finalized and be sure to plan to bring the family to our very own community celebration.