CPO 1 News

- CPO 1 May meeting: TriMet and Peterkort update
- CPO 7 meeting
- Development News
- April meeting notes
- Service Provider Updates
CPO 1 May meeting: TriMet and Peterkort update
CPO 1 will feature a TriMet update covering these topics: “What is a Hop Card, how do you get one, and how is it used? What kind of shuttle services are recommended in the Westside Multimodal Improvements Study? How is Ride Connection related to TriMet?”And we will have a general update on the projects and services provided by TriMet.
A representative of David Evans & Associates has been invited to share an update on some design changes for West Village Phase I project (formerly Sunset Town Center Phase 1), the mixed-use project proposed for the land north of the Sunset Transit Center. This was not confirmed at press time but the program will be updated on the CPO 1 Facebook page.
You now have the choice of meeting online via zoom, or in person in the East Community Room at Cedar Grove Apartments at the corner of Murray and Cornell. If you are driving, please either park on the street or in the southeast corner of the Safeway lot. If you can’t attend the meeting, it is recorded and available on YouTube for viewing later. Visit our YouTube channel and subscribe! Our Facebook Group is a good place to discuss current issues and get timely updates.
CPO 7 meeting
Monday, May 13, 7 pm, Bethany Presbyterian Church, 15505 NW Springville Road, and live-streamed on Facebook
CPO7 will host the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and Washington County Land Use & Transportation. Presentations will address how traffic safety concerns are assessed and addressed by Washington County and how Washington County partners with other jurisdictions to mitigate problems.
Partnering with other jurisdictions has become an issue in our neighborhood because the north section of one neighborhood street (150th Ave.) is in Unincorporated Washington County while the south end of the street (where it connects with Walker Road) is in the City of Beaverton. Additionally, some neighbors living on 150th Ave (north of Walker Road) are in CPO1 while others (those living north of NW Pioneer Ave.) are in CPO7. We, and LUT, think this is a topic that would be of interest to CPO1 members and we would like to invite you all to our May 13 meeting. This will again be an in-person meeting with the option of accessing the live stream format.
Development News
Lakeshore pond dredging
An application was submitted to Washington County Land Use and Transportation (LUT) by the Lakeshore HOA to dredge the three ponds due to accumulated sediment, and to enhance the wetland and vegetated corridors. Comments are due by May 7. Visit this page and select L2400042.
Cedar Hills Apartments granted a two-year extension
High Street Residential requested that Beaverton grant an extension of the approval for their project to redevelop the existing Cedar Hills Shopping Center into 4,700 sf. of ground floor commercial space, and 400 attached dwelling units. No changes to the design of the previously approved decision are proposed.
Park Place Homes LLC development approved
Two two-parcel partitions were approved for lots on the west side of NW 113th Ave, north of NW Damascus. Conditions included building a sidewalk and a half-street improvement for 113th.
Cedar Mill Terrace development application submitted

An 8-lot subdivision is proposed for a 1.75-acre site on NW Kearney east of 116th. Right-of-way will be dedicated along the property’s south boundary along Kearney to allow for a full-width street connection between NW 113th and NW 116th. Another ROW didication at the northeast corner will allow for a full-width connection of NW 114th and NW Kenzie. A pedestrian path is proposed to connect NW Kenzie and NW Kearney along the east side of the development.
Westlake Consultants submitted the application for Noyes Development who plan to build the subdivision. The area is zoned R-6 (six lots per acre) as are the adjacent properties. This application is for the land division. Another application will be submitted before construction begins. The application packet will be available to view at the CPO 1 area of the Cedar Mill Library. CPO 1 comments are due by May 17. If you want CPO 1 to comment, send an email to cpo1leaders@gmail.com.
April meeting notes
By Bruce Bartlett, CPO 1 Vice Chair
Every month, CPO 1 starts our land use-oriented meeting by reading the county’s Land Acknowledgment statement, in part to remind us of our stewardship responsibilities. A recording of the meeting can be found here. During the “It’s Your CPO” segment, a statement from Stacey Wainwright, who was unable to attend, was read regarding Thompson Road east of Saltzman and how the lack of sight distance makes it very unsafe for everyone.
Pam Treece, District 2 County Commissioner shared that May is the time to establish the county budget and there are many moving pieces. Further budget cuts are predicted in the 4% range. Public comments will be accepted during the review period. She reported that Portland General Electric donated $10,000 to the Washington County Cooperative Library System (WCCLS) related to the impact of the January 17 ice storms. The money is earmarked for E-books for young people. The Oregon Legislature approved approximately $13M for the new Center for Addictions Triage and Treatment (CATT), a project to increase addictions treatment capacity in Washington County on schedule to open in 2025. That money will allow construction to begin.
Service Provider Updates
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District, Tualatin Valley Water District, and Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue visited us in February. All agencies are having an extremely difficult time hiring enough people to serve our needs. If you are looking for a rewarding professional first-responder job, look into the Sheriff’s Office or TV Fire & Rescue positions. As the weather warms and activity increases, many volunteer positions are open to provide essential assistance to programs at the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District.
We then had visits with representatives of the three public agencies that have funding measures on the May ballot. Due to a ruling from Washington County Counsel, they were only able to explain the measures and not advocate for a vote.
Holly Thompson, THPRD Communications Director, visited in-person and explained the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Levy 34-337. Corrinne Haning, TVF&R Public Affairs Officer discussed Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue – 34-332, and Juan Carlos Gonzalez, our Metro Councilor, explained the levy to support zoo activities: Metro – 26-244. Voters are encouraged to visit these links to learn more, and to watch the meeting video on YouTube for concise and interesting presentations.
Washington County Sheriff Candidate Caprice Massey is running unopposed for a four-year term after having been appointed last year. She had visited with us during the first part of the meeting. No organized opposition was found to speak on any of the levies. US House of Representatives Democratic and Republican Primaries for the First District are on the ballot, but we were enjoined to avoid politics.
The Washington County CPO leadership group, the Committee for Community Involvement (CCI), meets monthly and its meeting recordings can be viewed on the CCI YouTube Channel.