Garden & Nature March 2024

- East Multnomah SWCD
- Friends of Trees Community Tree Planting
- Weed Wranglin’ Webinar
- Tree & Native Plant Sale at Skyline Grange
- Treekeepers of Washington County programs
- Washington County Master Gardener programs
- Bird Alliance Nature Night: For the Love of Hummingbirds
East Multnomah SWCD
Learn about invasive weeds, stormwater and more
For a full list of March events visit East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District.
Intro to Stormwater
Wednesday, March 20, 6 pm, online, register here
We’ll explore a variety of actions you can take to help slow the flow of rainwater and make every drop count for you, and for the environment!
Friends of Trees Community Tree Planting

Saturday, March 23, 8:45 am-1 pm,12405 SW Butner Rd, register here, free
Let’s come together to plant trees in the Cedar Mill and Cedar Hills neighborhoods, enhancing the urban canopy for shade, stormwater benefits, air quality, habitat, and beauty! Arrive by 8:45 am for sign-in and crew assignments; planting kicks off at 9 am. We’ve got gloves, tools, guidance, and even light breakfast snacks with coffee/tea/hot chocolate. Dress for the weather, wear sturdy shoes, and get ready for a good time!
Everyone is welcome—individuals and groups alike. No experience needed! For groups over five people, you may be placed in different planting crews. Got a pickup truck? We’d love your help transporting young trees a few blocks from the central site to their planting spots. Sign up for this crucial role.Volunteers 15 and under should join with a parent/guardian. Youth 16 and older can volunteer solo with a signed youth waiver from their parent/guardian. For transportation, you’ll move from the meeting spot to nearby planting sites (within a few miles). While private transportation is recommended, carpooling might be an option if your small crew is up for it.
This event is proudly in partnership with Clean Water Services. See you there!

Weed Wranglin’ Webinar
Tuesday, March 19, 6-7 pm, Zoom, register here, free
Weeds! We all deal with them. There are literally thousands of different weeds in our gardens and landscapes. With so many types of weeds and so many ways to control them, it can be difficult to get started.
Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District invites you to this one hour webinar to help you ‘get to weed wranglin’. Includes key plant terminology, an overview of our weed management strategy, and a walk through of how to manage several common weeds. Participants who live in Washington County can receive a copy of our handy Weed Watchers Guide. Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District has a variety of workshops this spring! Information can be found on our organization’s online events calendar.
Tree & Native Plant Sale at Skyline Grange

Friday & Saturday, April 5 & 6, 9-5, 11275 NW Skyline Blvd., free
March 23 optional pre-order deadline
For the 19th year, we offer two sections of plants. The Native Plant Section includes over 95 native species. You may buy on sale days or download a Pre-Order Form on the Skyline Grange website, and order by March 23, to make sure you get what you want.
The Bareroot Section includes fruit-bearing, shade, and flowering trees, and ornamental shrubs. These are available only on sale days, not as pre-orders.
“Pollinators” Skyline Grange Living Series Topic
Wednesday, March 20, 7 pm, 11275 NW Skyline Blvd., free
Kammy Kern-Korot, Senior Conservationist of West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District will discuss pollinators, their importance, how to create pollinator-friendly areas, and how to provide a constant food supply throughout the growing season for our native pollinators. Please visit our series webpage for more details.
Treekeepers of Washington County programs
We work to protect and advocate for trees in urban unincorporated Washington County. Don’t miss our upcoming events! All of them are free. Visit the Treekeepers website to learn more.
Tree Walk: Jenkins Estate
Friday, March 8, 10 am, 8005 SW Grabhorn Rd., Beaverton, register here, free
Tucked into a wooded niche on Cooper Mountain, Jenkins Estate is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Main House was a summer home modeled after a hunting lodge built for the English royal family. Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation staff will give us an introduction to Jenkins Estate before Laurette Nacamulli leads us on some of the trails of the 68-acre grounds that include native woodland and acres of gardens. From the bottom of the parking lot, we will strike out on paved and soft surface trails that lead into woods of Douglas fir, madrone, hazel, alder, hemlock, and Oregon ash. Those who are interested can join us for lunch at the Vintage Room Restaurant at the Reserve Golf Course.

Tree Walk: Lowami Hart Woods
Sunday, March 17, 10 am, 14895 SW Hart Rd., register here, free
Let’s see many, many shades of green on St. Patrick’s Day with a walk in Lowami Hart Woods. This rolling walk is approximately two miles on paved and unpaved trails, and includes about 20 stair-steps, and a short walk on streets. This park has an interesting history—it’s the site of a former Camp Fire (formerly Camp Fire Girls) location. We’ll see that along the walk—along with firs, madrones, boardwalks, Johnson Creek, wetlands, and likely some dogs being walked (you can bring yours if they’re well-behaved). Sign up to see the location.
Tree Talk: Insect Pests That Bug Our Trees
Wednesday, March 20, 6-7:15 pm, live via zoom and at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 12405 SW Butner Rd., register here, free

Most insects are native and beneficial, but some types of insects become problems if trees become stressed. Christine Buhl, PhD., is a Forest Entomologist with the Oregon Department of Forestry. She will review some of the major native and exotic insect pests of urban and forest trees that affect our Washington County trees, such as the recently discovered Mediterranean Oak Borer and Emerald Ash Borers. Find out what they are, ways to identify them, and how to prevent them from spreading. Christine comments: “The healthier you can make your trees, the better they are going to be able to resist and tolerate invasive insects.” Contact us for zoom info!

Be part of our on-call ivy crew!
Now through March 30, times and locations will vary, register here, free
The trees may have let go of their leaves—but not the English ivy! In winter, deciduous trees are particularly vulnerable to ivy because the vines keep growing while the trees are dormant, and the excess weight of the ivy can increase risk for trees during winter storms. Winter weather also makes it harder to schedule outdoor events far in advance. Instead, sign up to join our on-call ivy crew. We’ll notify you when there is a good weather window so we can schedule an ivy pulling event. You can get some exercise in the fresh air, meet nice people, work out your frustrations, and do some good for trees, all in the same activity.
Washington County Master Gardener programs
Raising Mason Bees
Saturday, March 16, 10-12 pm, PCC Rock Creek Campus, 17705 NW Springville Rd., free
This class will cover the needs of mason bees and how to attract them to your area. Various nesting devices will be presented and discussed. No registration required. Please visit the event webpage for more details.

The Vegetable Underground: A Guide to Growing Root Crops
Tuesday, April 2, 7-8 pm, Zoom, register here, free
Join the Washington County Master Gardener Association and nursery manager Darren Morgan for the dirt on root crops! Root crops should be staples in every pantry—and every garden. These vegetables combine very high yields, exceptional flavor and nutrition, and excellent tolerance for storage to eat later. Many root crops are easy to grow, however they are a diverse group of plants, representing several different vegetable families, and each has specific needs and nuances. This session will cover how to handle most of the major root crops for maximum success.
Darren Morgan grew up on a small farm in the Willamette Valley. He is the nursery manager at Shonnards Nursery in Corvallis, where he has worked for 33 years. He also teaches workshops and community education classes at the nursery, for organizations throughout western Oregon, and through Linn-Benton Community College.
Lawn Be Gone
Saturday, April 6, 10 am-12 pm, PCC Rock Creek Campus Bldg. 7 (Room 105), and WCMGA Education Garden, 17705 NW Springville Rd., free
This class is in-person and open to the public. OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers Susan Albright, Lisa Barnhart, and Tamara Newton Baker will lead this class explaining turf removal methods and options for what to plant in its place (e.g., ecolawn, drought tolerant plants, native plants). They will also discuss planning, soil prep, planting tips, and touch on irrigation options. Approved for one hour of MG education credit. Please visit the event webpage for more information.
Save the Date for Gardenfest 2024!
Saturday, May 4, PCC Rock Creek Campus, 17705 NW Springville Rd.
For more information, please go to the WCMGA website. The Washington County Master Gardener™ Association (WCMGA) sponsors a wide variety of gardening—related demonstrations, lectures, seminars and workshops in various Washington County Oregon locations. Most of our events are free and open to the public. The WCMGA is a 501c3 non-profit.

Bird Alliance Nature Night: For the Love of Hummingbirds
Tuesday, March 12, 7-8:30 pm, $5-10, virtual, register for link

Hummingbirds amaze and intrigue us. They are like tiny ambassadors with the power to usher people into a deeper interest in and appreciation for the natural world. Join us to hear from John Shewey, author of The Hummingbird Handbook, and learn more about hummingbirds, including how to attract them to your yard, and how to be a great hummingbird host.

A year ago, we announced our decision to drop the name Audubon and find a new name that better reflects our mission and values, one that would make this organization a more welcoming place for all people. Last month, we announced our new name: Bird Alliance of Oregon! We’re also excited to share that, in celebration of the new name, one generous donor will match every dollar you give up to $100,000! Donate today to double your gift!