Library News May 2023

Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries

Kaitlin Mandell, an eighth grader from Stoller Middle School, won First Place in the 2023 Washington County Cooperative Library Services Summer Reading Teen Art Contest. Her piece depicting singing birds captured the essence of this year’s ‘Find Your Voice’ theme. Kaitlin won a $200 Amazon card for her entry and her art will be featured in program promotion all around the county. The contest’s Third Place winner was Jasper Gillispie, a Sunset High student who made a very stylish picture of a wolf singing into the night. His prize was a $50 Amazon gift card. Congratulations to both Kaitlin and Jasper.
Grab & Go crafts
Friday, May 5, Cedar Mill & Bethany Library
Drop by to pick up craft bags to take home while supplies last
Free Comic Book Day!
Saturday, May 6, 10-12, Cedar Mill Library, ages 6+
Celebrate Free Comic Book Day by making a button with comics and our button makers.
Mother’s Day craft
Wednesday, May 10-Saturday, May 13, All Day, Bethany Library
Make your own Mother’s Day cards while supplies last.
LEGO Free Play
Saturday, May 13, 10:30-12, Cedar Mill Library, ages 5+
Drop in to build and play with LEGOs.
Find more fun for kids at our website’s kids events page.
Parent Information Series
CMBCL’s annual Parent Information Series for adults. Hear from experts presenting on topics important to parents and educators. All sessions are free; no registration for in-person events is required, but space is limited. Adults only, please, as content is appropriate for parents and adults caring for kids and teens. Learn more at our library website.
Turning Your Teen’s Stress into Growth: Five Effective Ways to Help Your Teen Manage their Negative Experiences and Build More Resilience
Wednesday, May 3, 6:30-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Today’s teens and tweens are experiencing unprecedented rates of anxiety, depression, and stress. While it’s hard to see our kids struggle, it’s also important to remember that their difficulties are also the seeds of resilience and maturity. In this dynamic and empowering presentation, Yshai Boussi will share five ways to help your teen develop more confidence in managing difficult feelings and experiences. Learn practical and relevant strategies in a safe and judgment-free environment. Presented by Yshai Boussi, LPC.
Supporting Your Child’s Literacy from Kindergarten to Third Grade
Thursday, May 11, 6:30-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Find out more about your child’s literacy development. Learn how the Science of Reading can help you support your child’s literacy development in Kindergarten through third grade. Free resources available through the National Center on Improving Literacy will be provided. Presented by Rachell Keys.
Virtual Toddler Talk
Tuesday, May 16, 6:30-7:30 pm, online
Join this fun workshop to understand your toddler’s world and transform tantrums, hitting, biting, and screaming. Let’s laugh together, support one another to make raising a toddler more enjoyable, and support children who thrive! Registration required. Presented by Megan Barella.
Family Storytime
Tuesdays & Wednesdays, May 2-24, 10:30-11 am, Cedar Mill Library, ages 2+
Saturday, May 13, 11:15-11:45 am, Bethany Library Annex, ages 2+
Join us for stories, rhymes, songs, and movement! Space is very limited, so we appreciate families choosing only one storytime per week.
Twos Together
Tuesdays, May 2-23, 10:30-11 am, Bethany Library Annex, ages 24-36 months
Join us for songs, rhymes, and stories perfect for active toddlers! Learn and move with your child.
Fun for Ones
Thursdays, 10:30-11 am, Cedar Mill Library, ages 12-24 months
Mondays, 10:30-11 am, Bethany Library Annex, ages 12-24 months
Join us for songs, rhymes, stories, and movement while making new friends!
Preschool Storytime
Thursdays, 10:30-11 am, Bethany Library Annex, ages 3-6
An interactive storytime filled with books, music, and rhymes that focus on developing skills needed to get ready to read. Grownups are encouraged to participate alongside the kids.
Fridays, 11:30 am-12 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 0-12 months
Share songs, rhymes, stories, and playtime while learning about early literacy skills and socializing in a supportive environment.
Teens & Tweens
Marvel vs. DC vs. Manga
Saturday, May 6, 2-3:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 11-18
Celebrate Free Comic Book Day at your library and join a Marvel vs. DC vs. Manga debate game. Make buttons out of old comics while the debate rages. Registration recommended. Learn more at our teens’ website.
Chaotic Crusaders Club: Dungeons & Dragons
Saturday, May 13, 1-3 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 11-18
Calling all adventurers! Do you want to save the day from terrifying monsters, cast powerful, reality-bending spells, and solve puzzles and traps using your wits, all while making new friends? Then grab your dice and join us for a Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition game. New and experienced players are welcome! Registration required. Learn more at our teens’ website.
Teen Game Night: Super Smash Tourney
Friday, May 19, 6-8 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 11-18
Compete in our Smash Bros Tournament. Meet your friends and play console games together. Switch, Wii, and Gamecube games are available. The tournament will be played with library consoles and controllers, but participants can bring well labeled controllers to use with non-tournament devices. Registration required. Learn more at our teens’ website.
Medicare 101
Wednesday, May 3, 11 am-12 pm, Bethany Library Annex
Join Michelle Hernandez from Health Plans in Oregon as she goes over the basics of Medicare, what parts are right for you, and how to enroll. There will be plenty of time for questions at the end. Learn more at our adults’ website.
Gardening for Bees
Thursday, May 4, 6:30-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Megan, an OSU Extension Service Master Gardener, will share how you can help our most important pollinators.
Technology Open Lab
Tuesdays, May 9-23, 1-3 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Get started with basic computer skills and practice with devices like laptops, tablets, and cell phones.
Spanish Conversation Hour
Wednesday, May 10, 6:30-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 11+
Want to practice your Spanish with other language learners? Join us for a Spanish language conversation hour every second Wednesday in-person at the Cedar Mill Library. The conversation hour is not an instructional course but rather a great opportunity to chat and improve your Spanish language skills through facilitated conversation. Learn more at our adults’ website.
Avid Adventurers Alliance: Dungeons & Dragons for Adults
Saturday, May 13, 1-3 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 19+
Grab your dice and join us for a game of Dungeons & Dragons Fifth edition. New and experienced players are welcome! Registration required. Learn more at our adults’ website.
Taste of Oregon: Wine Tasting
Thursday, May 25, 6:30-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 21+
Learn how Eagles Nest Reserve uses ethical stewardship to grow their grapes and taste two of their wines. ID will be checked at the door. Learn more at our adults’ website.
Monthly Adult Groups
Voices in Verse
Saturday, May 27, 10:30 am-12 pm, Zoom
Share your own poetry or listen to others read their favorites. Registration required.
Owl Book Group
Friday, May 26, 10:30 am-12 pm, Zoom, ages 16+

Join us to discuss “A Long Petal of the Sea,” by Isabel Allende. Registration required.
Writers’ Mill
Sunday, May 21, 1-3 pm, hybrid (in person & online)
Portland comic author Joshua Williamson is visiting Cedar Mill Library to spend some time with members of the Writers’ Mill. He will take questions and talk to us about writing for comics, word and image in storytelling, and much more. Join us—new members are always welcome! You can find out more on our website, or ask the librarian for more information.
Questions? Write and visit our library events website.
Save year-round through Second Edition Resale!
Visit Second Edition Resale for year-round savings! Look for colored dots to save 50%-75% off already low prices. All proceeds from your Second Edition Resale purchases and item donations support Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries. Store and donation hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 10 am-4 pm.
Upcoming Themes: May 2-13: Mother’s Day/Garden; May 16-27: Camping; May 30-June 3: Storewide Sale! Everything is 50% off Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; 75% off Friday & Saturday.
Learn more at our website, and see the store’s latest treasures on Instagram and Facebook (@SecondEditionResale).