Park News May 2023

- May is National Water Safety Month!
- Splash Pads Open on Memorial Day Weekend
- Community Events
- Youth Volunteers Needed for Summer
- Tualatin Hills Nature Park trail repairs
- Apply for a Paid Internship with Diversify!

May is National Water Safety Month!
Discover youth and family activities, swimming lessons, Safe Swimmer Pledge, Water Watcher, Jump-In, Water Safety 101 for toddlers and parents, and the Lifejacket Loaner Program. Details can be found here:
Splash Pads Open on Memorial Day Weekend
May 27-29, Cedar Hills Park Splash Pad and others
Community Events

Glow in the Park at Hansen Ridge Park
Wednesday, May 10, 7:30-8:30 pm, Hansen Ridge Park, NW 147th Ave
Join us for a unique and exciting experience as we explore one of our parks in the dark! Bring your friends and family and enjoy a free staff-led walk while wearing glow necklaces and bracelets. Participants are encouraged to bring their own reflective gear for added safety. Glow gear provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Crafts and activities provided by Rec Mobile.
Nature Family Fun Night
Thursday, May 11, 5:30-7:30 pm, Willow Creek Greenway, NW Mission Oaks Drive, west of Silverado

Glimpses of Willow Creek await right next
to mid-density housing!
Nature education activities for all ages, a guided nature walk along the greenway, giveaways, and an opportunity to learn about the improvements coming to the Willow Creek Greenway. Walk, bike, or roll to this event any time between 5:30-7:30 pm along the Willow Creek Greenway at the Waterhouse Trail soccer field on Mission Oaks Dr. Parking in the area is limited. Spanish interpreter service will be provided. To request additional language interpreter services, please contact by Monday, May 8.
Willow Creek Greenway, a 17-acre natural area in Beaverton’s Five Oaks/Triple Creek neighborhood, surrounds Willow Creek as it meanders (to the south and west) toward Beaverton Creek. The greenway is accessible via Waterhouse Park, along the Waterhouse Trail powerline corridor, from adjacent Moshofsky Woods and from neighborhood entrances at NW Silverado Dr., NW 161st Pl., and NW Waterhouse Ave. Some of the two-thirds mile trail passing through the greenway is paved, but a great length of it is a boardwalk that runs along the creek. Willow Creek Greenway is a habitat restoration site, where Natural Resources staff removes invasive species to plant native species, making the site a great place to spot native birds and wildlife.
Restore the Natural Areas of The Bluffs Park
Saturday, May 6, 9-11:30 am, 11945 NW South Drive
Help us remove English ivy from the natural areas of The Bluffs Park! Please bring a reusable water bottle to drink from throughout the day. Tools and gloves will be provided.
Youth Volunteers Needed for Summer
Youth volunteers are needed for the RISE program. Youth ages 13+ can help with classes and camps and learn great skills.
Tualatin Hills Nature Park trail repairs
Contractors are working to repair the Chickadee Trail boardwalk at the Tualatin Hills Nature Park which was damaged in a winter storm. It is expected to reopen in mid-May.
Apply for a Paid Internship with Diversify!
If you are taking college courses or recently graduated from college and identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or a Person of Color (BIPOC), THPRD might have an internship opportunity for you! As part of our commitment to the community and based on the historic underrepresentation of communities of color in parks and recreation, we are proud to offer opportunities that explore various career possibilities within the field of parks and recreation, through the Diversify Internship Program.
To be eligible, you must identify or have lived experience as a member of the BIPOC community. You must also be currently or recently enrolled in a college-level course. Specific positions may have additional requirements. Check out and apply for any of these paid internships on our jobs board!