CPO News October 2022

October CPO 1 meeting agenda: Election Forum!
Tuesday, October 11, 7-9 pm, via zoom
Are you ready to vote on November 8? We can help with your local ballot since that’s the election that will affect your life the most! We have invited all candidates and representatives of ballot measures that will appear on our CPO 1 area ballots, including Beaverton City Council, Oregon and US house and senate representatives, Governor, and Commissioner of Labor & Industries. We have begun to get responses and will update the agenda closer to the meeting date. At this point, the county website update doesn’t have individual CPO pages, but information is here.
For candidates, we ask that they answer this question as part of their allotted time, “What is a significant challenge faced by your CPO1 constituents that you will address if elected?” Each candidate will also be given time to provide a brief statement and answer questions at the end if time allows.
Click the zoom link above to join the meeting live or watch it later on our YouTube Channel. We have been live-streaming our meetings since before COVID. And please “subscribe” to our YouTube Channel! Like us on Facebook for timely updates.
Neighborhood Meetings
Your CPO receives Neighborhood Meeting notices, Development Applications, and Notices of Decision for all land use activities within our boundaries. We try to stay on top of what’s happening so we can be the community resource for neighbors with questions or concerns.
The second step in any development application is the Neighborhood Meeting, where the developer is required to send invitations to all neighbors within a certain radius (usually 500 feet) so they can share concerns and knowledge about conditions “on the ground.”
We didn’t receive any Neighborhood Meeting Notices this month. Updates about ongoing development projects are in Development News.
September 2022 Meeting Summary
by Bruce Bartlett
After the Land Acknowledgment, we heard from some of our Service Providers. Brian Yourstone, THPRD, shared that September 9-18 is Welcoming Week, intended to welcome immigrants and refugees with many activities around the area. He also mentioned that people 55+ years old can obtain a free fitness pass from their health care provider or insurance company. Pickle Ball is quite popular. Volunteers are sought for the THPRD Advisory and Budget committees. THPRD is a sponsor of the Cedar Mill Cider Festival.
Patti Schilasky of Washington County Sheriff’s Office discussed the need to be careful of students walking to/from school. Be alert for cyber bullying. Cedar Mill has had a rash of scams where people were offered jewelry in a bait/switch to steal their personal jewelry.
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue says October is Fire Safety Month. Cooking fires cause the most damage. He advised checking our smoke alarms when we change our clocks for Daylight Savings Time.
Stations 60, 61 and 68 serve CPO 1. Make certain your house address is clearly marked. TVF&R provides free reflective address markers. Home safety advice can be found on the TVF&R website here.
CPO announcements / It’s Your CPO: The Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement (OEICE) has been working on a “Re-envisioning” of the CPO system. Details on this webpage.
Housing and Homeless Services: Ty Schwoeffermann, Community Engagement Program Coordinator, Washington County Supportive Housing Services, provided an overview of the county’s programs and answered questions about services for the short and long-term homeless. The Metro Homeless Services measure that passed in 2020 provides funding for transitional and/or housing which is one of the largest programs in the country. Recipients pay about 25% of the rent and utilities. Washington County has 22 partners working to address homelessness with integrated case management and supportive housing. A houseless tracking system is being used to understand the situation on the ground. Community Connect is the coordinated entry point for all public services in the county (e.g. domestic violence).
For the second segment of “It’s Your CPO,” we heard from neighbor Jess O’Donnell who participates in the Beaverton School District Safe Routes to School program. Students who live on the west side of 119th walk to Tumwater Middle School; on the east side students have a school bus provided. CPO 1 approved (13 Yes, 0 No) writing a letter to Washington County Land Use & Transportation advocating sidewalk and pedestrian facilities on the east side of NW 119th. The Urban Road Maintenance District considers pedestrian facilities countywide. It’s likely the project can be added to the “wishlist,” but there are deficiencies all over the Urban Unincorporated Area so it may take a while to accomplish.
Recycle+ How-To: Kari Walker McCullough from Walker Garbage and Tom Egleston from Washington County Solid Waste provided information on how to get the most from the new Recycle+ service available in the Urban Unincorporated Area of the county. Beaverton is just beginning to provide their own recycling program.
Recycle+ is an optional, on-call program which can be stopped and started when needed. The state’s Recycling Modernization Act is influencing services offered as it will standardize materials in the mixed recycling bins as markets for recycled materials are constantly in flux.
Recycle+ is provided to residents through our haulers. The county has contracts with nine solid waste haulers in the county. Currently curbside recycling is mixed; Recycle+ requires customers to separate types of material. Clean and DRY! plastic film/bags (including Amazon Prime mailers), #1 clear clamshells, textiles, and compact fluorescent light bulbs are accepted. (Bulbs must be in a one-gallon sealing plastic bag so haulers can see what’s inside.) The bin lid must close.
To start the service, contact your hauler to get your purple bin. You are charged a base charge of $2.50 per month plus $9.25 per pickup. You can sign up to get reminders of the pickup date on the county site. Information on the services is available on Walker’s website and the county site.
Leah and Emily, representatives from the Sunset High Climate Club, described their organization’s free bi-monthly recycling drives, including Styrofoam and #6 plastic that they take to Agilyx.
CPO 1 officer election is next month. At this point, nominees are Chair: Virginia Bruce; Vice Chair: Bruce Bartlett; and we still need a volunteer Secretary to take meeting minutes and help with correspondence. You? Contact us at cpo1leaders@gmail.com to learn more!
A recording of this meeting is available on the CPO 1 Facebook page.