Community News November 2020

- CWS Annual Leaf Disposal and Food Drive
- Fall native plant sale canceled but resources are available
- Dig Into Fall – Attend a FREE Online Workshop!
- Prepare your water system for cold weather
- Cantata Pacifica: The Choir That Won’t Quit
- Viva Village’s November Events
- A Message From the Washington County Sheriff’s Office
- Tree Recycling
- PCC Rock Creek’s Experience Music Series
- Put a Lid on Cooking Fires
- Skyline Artisans Holiday Sale goes online
- Tualatin Valley Creates
- Sunset Marching Band Bottle Drop
- Inside WashCo Radio
- Allen Van Vleen
- Writer’s Mill
- Cedar Mill Library November 2020 Featured Events and Programs
- Washington County Forum
- Salmonberry Trail Meeting
- Immigrant Story Podcast
- Family Caregiver Workshop
- Beaverton School District News
- Board of Commissioners to host Community Investment Conversations
CWS Annual Leaf Disposal and Food Drive
Saturdays, November 7, 14, and 21, December 5 and 12, 9 am-3 pm
Prevent localized flooding around your home and in your neighborhood: Grab a rake, boots, gloves and a bin to collect leaves. Remove leaves, debris and garbage from streets and off storm drains. Clear your gutters and downspouts. Put leaves in your yard debris bin, compost pile, or “Leave Your Leaves,” they make good mulch around your plants!
And remember, never stand on a storm drain or try to move it. If water is more than a few inches deep, give Clean Water Services a call at 503.547.8100.
You can also bring your leaves to the 28th Annual Leaf Disposal & Food Drive. We’ve quadrupled the number of events this year to help meet the community’s needs.
Materials that can be disposed of include leaves, pine needles, and grass clippings—these compostable materials can be brought loose or in paper bags with a maximum weight of 50 pounds per bag. Clean Water Services asks that these leaves be from non-commercial residential areas.
Monetary and food donations for the Oregon Food Bank will also be collected at these drop-off sites. For a list of dates and locations, please visit
Leap Into Learning
Clean Water Services provides a list of nature-based activities for young students to participate in! These are meant to supplement class work. Visit the website to discover this great resource.
Scoop It Up
Another way to ensure clean water is to pick up after pets. Bacteria from pet waste can contaminate our water if it washes into storm drains! Clean Water Services has a checklist for pet clean-up here.

Fall native plant sale canceled but resources are available
East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District has made the extremely difficult decision to suspend the Annual Native Plant Sale for 2021.While we are sad to share this news with you, we feel that prioritizing safety is the right thing to do, and we hope that you will understand our choice. Under normal circumstances, this event consists of plant sorting (in an enclosed tent), additional event preparations, and pick-up day activities that bring together more than 100 volunteers, over 20 staff, and over 1000 plant sale customers within a one-week period. Given the pandemic-related restrictions, it has become clear that holding an event of this scale is not feasible or safe.
Since we will not be holding our annual sale this year, we want to provide you with these native plant resources that we hope you find useful:
Our Local Sources of Native Plants page provides a comprehensive list of local sales, retailers and wholesalers.
The Backyard Habitat Certification Program has this handy interactive map of Local Native Plant Nurseries.
Metro’s Native Plants for Willamette Valley Yards Booklet offers detailed information on sun and moisture requirements, wildlife benefits and more.
Dig Into Fall – Attend a FREE Online Workshop!
Our fall workshops are up and running! Online, that is. Looking to invite pollinators and beneficial insects to the yard? Curious about invasive weeds and what native plants could replace them? Want to capture and soak up rainwater where it falls with a rain garden? Learn how to landscape for clean water and healthy habitat from the safety and comfort of home with our FREE online webinars!
Prepare your water system for cold weather
Wednesday, November 4, noon-1 pm, online, free
There are many things you can do to help keep your water pipes from freezing this winter, but preparation is the key. Learn from TVWD experts simple steps you can take to keep your pipes from freezing, and what you should do if a pipe breaks.
Please bring your cold weather preparedness questions!
The virtual event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams via the web or MS Teams app on a tablet or smartphone. Pre-register here for link.
Cantata Pacifica: The Choir That Won’t Quit
Community members were disappointed when PCC informed them they could no longer participate in choir at the Rock Creek campus due to budget cuts. That was the summer of 2018. Undeterred, eight of them decided to start their own independent choir and Cantata Pacifica was born. The choir grew to 30 singers over the next two years and performed at the United Church of Christ on Cedar Hills Blvd and Bethel Congregational in Beaverton.

Then in March 2020, the news that singing in choirs could spread coronavirus infections caused Cantata Pacifica to immediately suspend their rehearsals and performances. But there is a silver lining to the story. While participation in the choir was initially limited to those in the Portland Metro area, web-based rehearsals and performances have allowed more than 40 members to join their voices, from as far away as New York, Canada, Australia… and Seaside, Oregon.
Cantata Pacifica is now conducted virtually, but choir leadership is still local with its head office in Cedar Mill. Many members have professional music and singing background. Participation does not require an audition. The choir’s Artistic Director, Pollyanna Moody, a soprano, has been a soloist with numerous groups including Light Opera of Portland, Oregon Symphony and the Oregon Repertory Singers. She gives individual piano and voice lessons and has led choirs since she was 18. David Rivas, the accompanist, teaches piano and is increasingly involved in online lessons and music video creation. Both have Master Degrees from Portland State University and as a team bring talent, performing experience and support to the Cantata Pacifica singers.
Citizens raising their voices in song can heal and unite communities. One member was reminded of the so-called Singing Revolution in eastern Europe that started in 1987. One million singers in Estonia achieved nonviolent change after raising their voices in song peacefully but persistently for five years. In the end, Estonians gained their freedom. There is hope that choirs around the world –such as Cantata Pacifica — will continue to persevere.
Cantata Pacifica’s website is
Viva Village’s November Events
Please come participate in Viva Village’s November events! For Zoom links, please RVSP by calling 503-746-5082 or emailing More information regarding these events can be found at!
Online Women’s Coffee
Tuesday, November 3, 10, 17, and 24, 10 am
Open to the public.
Zoom Art Experience
Wednesday, November 4, 11, 18, and 25, 1 pm
Open to members and volunteers.
Online Age Café
Friday, November 6 and 20, 11 am-12 pm
Open to the public. Each session consists of small, thought-provoking group conversations that explore topics of interest to older adults. This event is sponsored by Viva Village, Beaverton City Library, and Wash. Co. DAVS.
Viva Village Nature Walk
Saturday, November 7, 9 am, Commonwealth Lake
Open to members and volunteers. Meet at the intersection of SW Dellwood Avenue and SW Foothill Drive, in Cedar Hills. Walkers wear a mask and keep an appropriate distance. RSVP is recommended.
Aging with Grace in Your Age-Friendly Home—Special Programs with Income-Qualified Funding
Saturday, November 7, 11 am-12:30 pm
Open to the public. Practical modifications for home safety and better livability presentation, with a participatory question and answer follow-up. This event is held in collaboration with Washington County DAVS, Beaverton Committee on Aging, Beaverton City Library, and the Elsie Stuhr Center.
Online Travel Talk: Sailing the Indian Ocean
Monday, November 9, 7 pm
Open to members and volunteers. Volunteer Cathy Alisch will speak about the cruises she and her husband made to the remote, uninhabited islands of the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean.
Online Tai Chi Classes
Thursday, November 12, 10-11:30 am
Open to members and volunteers. Learn Tai Chi technique and practice skills with our certified instructor, Richard Chew.
Online Men’s Coffee Break
Monday, November 23, 10-11 am
Open to the public. Conversation and coffee.
Online Viva Village Book Club
Tuesday, November 24, 1-2:30 pm
Open to the public. Selected book is The Yellow House by Sarah M. Broom.
Don’t be a victim!
Our neighborhoods are experiencing an increased number of property crimes including doorstep package thefts; prowlers searching for unlocked cars, sheds, garages and houses to enter and steal; breaking into community mail boxes, and thefts of catalytic converters from under cars parked curbside.

Your Washington County Sheriff’s Office is dedicated to serving you. As a community member, there are steps that you can take to make your neighborhood unattractive to crime and decrease your chances of being a victim:
- Make a habit of removing valuables from your vehicle and locking your vehicle.
- Park your vehicles in your garage if and when possible.
- Have important mail, new credit cards, and important documents delivered to a secured location (such as the Post Office box) instead of your front mailbox or street corner community postal boxes. Thieves can pry these boxes open.
- If you are expecting a package delivery, schedule these packages to arrive when you are at home (if able), or have a pre-designated person pick up those packages promptly after delivery. Another option is for your neighborhood community to begin offering a central location for delivery, open for residents to pick up packages when they’re available.
Report all suspicious activity. You can report these to Non-Emergency Dispatch at 503-629-0111 or file a report through our new online reporting system at All eReport emergencies, including crimes in progress, should be reported to 911 immediately.
Please join us in following these steps to promote safety. If you would like to learn more about crime prevention or your neighborhood is interested in establishing a Neighborhood Watch Program, contact your Sheriff’s Office Community Outreach liaison, Brenda Schaffer, at 503-846-5578.
Let’s keep working together to create safe neighborhoods!
Tree Recycling
Mondays and Tuesdays, December 28 and 29, January 4 and 5, 9 am-3 pm, Old Bales Thriftway parking lot, 12675 NW Cornell Rd.
Plan ahead to recycle your holiday greenery. Troop 207 will have one drop off location accepting greenery for recycling, however we are unable to accept flocked trees. For more information please visit the website: or email the troop:
PCC Rock Creek’s Experience Music Series
Tuesday, November 10, 1:30pm, online
Lee Alan Nolan: The Experience Music Series, presented by the Portland Community College Rock Creek campus Department of Music, will continue its series of live concerts for the Portland community with a performance by classical pianist Lee Alan Nolan in a live-streamed concert. Enjoy the concert by going to The event will also feature a question and answer session with the artist post-performance. Nolan’s concert will be available online until November 17
Nolan will perform a French inspired program titled Sacré Bleu, featuring works by Debussy, Satie, Ravel and Chopin. For more information, go to There is no charge to view the concert, but donations to the series are gratefully accepted.
Thursday, December 1, 7:30 pm , online

Seffarine is a duo with soulful Moroccan singer Lamiae Naki and oud player and flamenco guitarist Nat Hulscamp, supported by master musicians of diverse cultures. They embrace and extend the rich legacy of Spanish flamenco, classical Persian music and American Jazz. Their exciting performances masterfully combine explosive flamenco footwork, exotic instrumentation, and grooving basslines. These diverse backgrounds meld, creating what SoundRoots describes as “an ear-caressing blend of sounds from Spain and North Africa, spiced with a bit of fiery instrumentation and percussion.”
Their CD, “De Fez a Jerez,” is listed in the top 20 best world music releases by the Transglobal World Music Charts, a panel of 43 world music experts. For more information, please visit the band’s website:
Please visit the website for the Experience Music Series for more information or contact Anthony Catalan at
Put a Lid on Cooking Fires
Cooking is one of the leading causes of home fires and fire injuries. Last year, approximately one-third of the residential fires that Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue responded to, began in a kitchen.
TVF&R crews encourage you to minimize your risk of a fire by organizing a safe kitchen and practicing these safe cooking tips:
- Keep a watchful eye on what you are cooking.
- Keep your cooking area clean, including the stovetop, oven, and exhaust fan.
- Keep dish towels and pot holders away from the burners on your stove.
- Watch your sleeves to prevent them from catching fire or getting caught on pan handles.
- Heat oil slowly and watch it closely.
Keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen. Store it in an easy-to-reach location and know how to use it. The discharge of a portable fire extinguisher only lasts between eight and 10 seconds.
The easiest way to extinguish a small pan fire is with a pan lid. Turn off the burner and carefully slide a pan lid over the pan from the side. The lid will “smother” the fire, while turning off the burner removes the heat. Do not move the pan until the fire is completely extinguished and the pan is cool. If you do not have a pan lid, you may also use a baking sheet or pizza pan.
Never transfer a burning pan from the stovetop to the sink or out an exterior door. The fire may grow in size and burn you or spread to a countertop, cabinets, or curtains.
Never pour water on a grease fire. Water causes these fires to explode as the burning material stays on top of the water, causing it to spread and putting you at severe risk of getting burned.
If the fire is large and/or continues to grow, do not attempt to extinguish it. Quickly get everyone outside and immediately call 911 from a cellphone or neighbor’s house.
For additional safety tips, visit
Skyline Artisans Holiday Sale goes online

Due to the pandemic, our annual Skyline Grange Artisan Holiday Sale will be online only. There will not be an in-person sale at Skyline Grange this year. The Online Sale will continue for six weeks, giving you time to find perfect, locally made, handcrafted original works from artists of the Skyline community.
Visit the SGA web page to see a sampling of works by each participating artisan. On the web, you’ll find info on how to contact each artist, place an order, arrange payment, and arrange pickup or delivery.
Artists include Rachael Brake (RCMB Ceramics), Claudia Mederos (Claudia Mederos Design), Libby Merwin, Miles Merwin & Grant Rolette (Oregon Heartwood), Ken Pincus (Pincus Pottery Studio), Nova Platt (Two of a Kind Earrings), Sue Selbie (Greenstitch), and Tim West (wooden bowls & vases).
If you have any general questions for the Skyline Grange Artisans Committee, email
Tualatin Valley Creates
The Arts and Culture Leadership Incubator Program participant application deadline has been extended to December 1. This program provides a unique opportunity for Washington County artists to get one-on-one arts-entrepreneurship mentorship from our incredible faculty members and earn a $500 stipend to advance their creative work. Interested artists can learn more and apply at
Virtual Creative Industry Networking: Literary Artists
Thursday, November 12, 6:30-7:30 pm, via zoom, free
Our free, virtual networking event for November is for the region’s literary artists! We invite writers to join us and our co-host, local independent publisher Airlie Press, for a casual, community-building conversation about the needs of literary artists in Washington County and Portland. Please register at
Sunset Marching Band Bottle Drop
Saturday. November 14, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Old Bales Thriftway parking lot, 12675 NW Cornell Rd.
The Sunset Apollo Marching Band and Auxiliary (SAMBA) has resumed the Can & Bottle Drive to raise funds for their band programs. This drive happens every second Saturday of each month. Though cans and bottles may be nothing at first glance, these drives really help the band continue going strong.
Inside WashCo Radio
Wednesdays, 9 am, RADIO KBOO 90.7FM and Fridays, 1:30 pm, KUIK 1360AM
First week of November– Virginia Bruce, publisher, community activist – Washington County
Second Week– Donna Cohen – Civics for Adults
Third week– Rerun, TBA
Fourth week– Steve Calloway. Mayor – an insider’s look at Hillsboro
Fifth week– Guest host and panel – Battling Discrimination in Washington County
For more information go to the website:
Allen Van Vleen

Cedar Mill Library posted on their blog on October 5: We learned some sad news this weekend. Allen van Veen, longtime volunteer and one of the founders of the Cedar Mill Library, passed away on September 22nd. In 2012, we had the pleasure of listening to Allen and his wife, Muriel, talk about how our library got its start back in the 70s. You can learn more about Allen and the library by listening to that recording here.
Writer’s Mill
Sunday, November 15, 1-3 pm, via zoom
Ever wondered how you would go about self-publishing with Amazon? If so, join fellow writers at November’s Writers’ Mill meeting, hosted by Cedar Mill Library. If all goes well, we will use Zoom screen sharing as we upload our latest (annual) anthology, “Journeys Through Chaos: an Anthology” to bring us together. We’d love to have you join us. No commitment or experience required—just an interest in putting words to paper (or computer screen).
Cedar Mill Library Featured Events and Programs
Find event calendars, storytime schedules and more at
Visit for updates on library services.
Link to Facebook: And all recorded videos also on
YouTube: and Instagram:
*Note: Cedar Mill Library: Same location, new address: 1080 NW Saltzman Rd.*
Kids Rockstar Readers Book Club
Tuesday, November 17, 4-4:45 pm, via Zoom
Visit our website to learn about the libraries’ new monthly book club for 3rd through 5th graders with a grown-up.
November’s book: From the Desk of Zoe Washington by Janae Marks
Registration required:
Learn more at
Live Interactive Storytime
Thursdays (alternating), November 12, 10:30 am, via Zoom
Preschool Storytime with Rebecca or Jenny (registration required)
Find details and registration information at:
Storytime at Home
Monday-Friday, 10:30 am, Facebook and Youtube
- Mondays: Baby Time
- Tuesdays: Songs and Rhymes
- Wednesdays: Storytime
- Friday: Stories and Rhymes
Baby Time
Mondays, November 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 10:30 am, Facebook and Youtube
Songs, rhymes, and stories for babies and their adults.
Songs and Rhymes for Young Children with Marta or Steve
Tuesdays, November 10 and 24, 10:30 am, Facebook and Youtube
Join Marta or Steve for songs and rhymes perfect for active toddlers.
Storytime with Julie or Nicole
Wednesdays, November 11 and 25, 10:30 am, Facebook and Youtube
Friday Fun
Fridays, November 6, 13, 20, and 27, 10:30 am, Facebook
Join us for something new every week: booktalks, escape rooms, read-alouds, draw and tell stories, and more! These activities are perfect to enjoy as a family.
Teen-Tween Take & Make Herb Garden
Monday-Friday, November 2-6, 10 am-3 pm, Cedar Mill Library, Ages 11-18
Come by the library and pick up a kit during the first week of November to make your own basil plant buddy. We will have instructions and a link to a video on how to help your plant thrive. Items will be available while supplies last during our curbside pickup times which may change depending on COVID levels and weather. Please check the library website the week of the event for more information.
Day of the Black Sun: Avatar the Last Airbender Escape Room

Friday, November 13, 2-2:45 pm and 3-3:45 pm, via Zoom
Come help save the world with Aang and the gang! Work together in our live virtual escape room to solve puzzles, unlock each of the four avatar temples, and discover the secret to defeating Fire Lord Ozai. For more information visit this link.
Three on a Theme Book Talk
Wednesdays, 5 pm, adults and teens
Join us on Facebook as library assistant Becca brings us three book recommendations that all share a common theme! Past videos are on Facebook and YouTube. To see other books on the same theme, visit our Bibliocommons page and start reading!
Iva: The True Story Of Tokyo Rose
Wednesday, November 4, 6:30-7:30 pm, adults and teens, via Zoom, register here.

Iva Toguri was born in Los Angeles to Japanese immigrant parents. Trapped during a family visit to Japan during World War II, Iva was forced to do broadcasts for Radio Tokyo because of her American accent. Refusing to become a Japanese citizen, she stayed loyal to the U.S. and refused to participate in any propaganda broadcasts. After the war, she was falsely identified as Tokyo Rose, even though there was no woman who broadcast using that moniker. The presidential election of 1948 was a time of racism against Japanese Americans and extreme politics. The Attorney General at that time, Tom Clark, decided to prosecute Iva in a national show trial where perjured testimony sealed her conviction. Sentenced to ten years and losing her citizenship, it was not until much later in her life that this travesty of justice was recognized and that she was pardoned. Local author Mike Weedall presents this little-known story of a courageous and patriotic woman who was betrayed by her government.
(Online) Owl Book Group
Friday, November 20, 10:30 am-12 pm, adults and older teens, via Zoom, contact to register.
Join us virtually this month to discuss “This Tender Land,” by William Kent Krueger. This event will be held online via Zoom. If you already receive email from the Owl Book Group, you’ll receive a link for this meeting a few days before the event. If you’re new, welcome! Please email to receive a link for the event a few days before it happens. The group typically meets on the last Friday of each month.
Voices in Verse
Saturday, November 28, 10:30 am-12 pm, via Zoom
Share your own poetry or listen to others read their favorites. Newcomers can register by emailing
Second Edition Resale
Sidewalk Sale
Second Edition Resale put the new parking lot to good use and took the shop outside this summer. Sidewalk Sales will continue through fall, weather permitting. Find Sidewalk Sale dates and times on our website at Save your donations of new and like-new clothing, shoes, jewelry and home goods and keep an eye on the website for news about donation acceptance.
All proceeds from Second Edition Resale support Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries.
Follow @SecondEditionResale on
Facebook at
Instagram at
Washington County Forum
Join us “Virtually” at the Washington County Public Affairs Forum! As we all do what we can to stop the spread of COVID-19, the Forum will continue its 2020-21 season with discussion on important topics happening in the local community. You can obtain the Zoom link to join these free events by visiting the Forum website at
Monday, November 9, 12-1 pm
Always a popular Forum speaker, Jim Moore, director of political outreach at the Tom McCall Center for Civic Engagement and associated professor at Pacific University, will join us to debrief the November General Election with thoughts on what’s to come.
Monday, November 16, 12-1 pm
Tualatin Valley Park and Recreation District Board Member and long time parks and trails advocate Wendy Kroger will present the District’s vision for the regions’ open spaces.
Monday, November 23, 12-1 pm
Washington County Sheriff Pat Garrett will join us to report on the state of our local neighborhoods and give an update on the Sheriff’s Office. Be sure to come with your questions for our regional law enforcement agency.
Monday, November 30, 12-1 pm
A panel of state legislators representing the Washington County area will share information about the upcoming 2021 legislative session.
Salmonberry Trail Meeting
Friday, November 6, 10 am-12 pm, online
The Salmonberry Trail Intergovernmental Agency (STIA) will meet virtually to discuss the proposed Salmonberry Trail corridor. Updates on the Salmonberry Trail Foundation, the status of the current River and Canyon Segment planning study, the 2021 meeting schedule, and the 2021 budget will be discussed. The public can view the proceedings via
This project would connect eight cities and two counties, passing by the Oregon coastline, fisheries, farmland and the Oregon Coast Range. Cedar Mill News has previously reported on the Salmonberry Trail group in January 2020, and our article can be found here.
Individuals who need accommodations to participate (and anyone who would like to submit public comment for board members to review) should contact Dennis Wiley at 503-986-0723 or at least three days prior to the meeting.
STIA was established to promote and facilitate coordinated direction and guidance in the planning, development and maintenance of the proposed Salmonberry Trail—an 86-mile corridor that follows the Port of Tillamook Bay Railway and ends in Banks.

Immigrant Story Podcast
Sundays, 4pm, 99.1 FM
The stories of immigrants and their journeys to the U.S. will be streaming on a local radio station under a new collaboration. The Immigrant Story, a Portland based nonprofit, and Portland Radio Project have partnered to create “Many Roads to Here,” a podcast in which immigrants describe their passage to America.
Produced by a group of coast-to-coast volunteers, “Many Roads to Here” utilizes the power of storytelling as immigrants share their hopes, resilience, courage and love. Each episode will be available shortly after broadcast at The Immigrant Story, PRP Podcast Co-op, and all your favorite streaming services (including Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Stitcher).
PRP is a low-power radio (LPFM) and streaming station highlighting local musicians, nonprofits and small businesses. For more information, please visit
Family Caregiver Workshop
November is National Family Caregivers Month, and this fall, Washington County’s Family Caregiver Conference will take place virtually for health and safety reasons. Instead of hosting this conference over a single day (as conducted for the past 16 years), the Heart, Humor and Hope Family Caregiver Virtual Learning Series will be offered in separate workshops that span several weeks.
“Of course, we are disappointed we can’t hold our traditional in-person conference this year,” said Shannon Baggerman, program coordinator with the Washington County Disability, Aging and Veteran Services Family Caregiving Program. “However, we hope this year’s format might allow caregivers who normally wouldn’t be able to spare an entire day to benefit from attending some of the workshops.”
The workshops are intended for unpaid family and friend caregivers. Each free session will take place over Zoom, and registration is required. Visit this link to register or call 503-846-3090 for more information.
The Dementia Dance: Taking care of you and your care partner during COVID-19
Tuesday, November 3, 12:30-2 pm (English)
Family Caregivers’ Challenges and Coping Strategies: Keeping silent can hurt the relationship and delay recovery
Thursday, November 5, 10-11:30 am (Vietnamese), 1-2:30 pm (Cantonese), 3-4:30 pm (Korean)
Tips for Tough Conversations: Family communication, needing help at home, driving concerns
Tuesday, November 10, 2-3:30 pm (English)
Developing Emotional Intelligence: The path to effective communication
Thursday, November 12, 10-11:30 am (Spanish)
Honoring Your Loved One
Tuesday, November 17, 2-3:30 pm (English)
What’s So Funny: The importance of humor in caregiving
Thursday, November 19, 10-11:30 am (English)
Creative Engagement at Home
Tuesday, November 24, 2-3:30 pm (English)
Beaverton School District News
BSD Launches a Library Book Bus
Although students can’t visit school libraries due to the COVID-19 pandemic, BSD’s Library Book Bus is bringing books to neighborhoods! All BSD students (regular, option, and FLEX schools) with ID numbers can use these resources to supplement their learning environments.
These books should be returned in two weeks for elementary school students and in three weeks for middle and high school students. Book returns are conducted at the Library Book Bus, at school drop-off sites, or school curbside days.
Library Book Bus stops can be found here.
Become an AVID eTutor
BSD is looking for AVID eTutors to help promote student success! These tutors will facilitate student discussion in AVID classes for one hour per week, working with them on core academic subjects.
BSD states, “Don’t worry, you don’t have to know anything about the subject. AVID tutors only ask questions to move students along their thinking process. Every AVID group is held via Zoom and includes students, two adult tutors, and one BSD AVID teacher. To get started, all potential eTutors have to do is complete a self-paced Canvas tutorial and attend a one-hour Zoom training.
For more information, please visit this link.
Board of Commissioners to host Community Investment Conversations
Thursday, November 12; 6-8 pm; Monday, November 16, 6-8 pm; Wednesday, November 18, 6-8 pm; Saturday, November 21, 10 am-noon.
The Washington County Board of Commissioners invites the public to participate in one of four online conversations focused on providing information about the County’s budgeting process and service priorities.
The Community Investment Conversations are the first in a series of steps intended to inform the Board and other County leaders as they assess the budgeting process, including the role of the community. The purpose of the conversations is to: Share information about the County budget and budgeting process; Provide an opportunity for the community to review the County’s current service priorities and give feedback; Advance the ongoing effort to center community need in the development of short-term and long-range budget planning.
Each two-hour session will be hosted on the County’s Zoom platform with one or more Commissioners participating in each session. To RSVP and obtain meeting access information, please go to For more information about the Washington County budget, please visit this link.
Spanish interpretation will be provided for each event. To request interpretation in a language other than Spanish, please contact the County Administrative Office at 503-846-8685, at least one week in advance of the date selected.