Park News November 2020

THPRD Vision Action Plan adopted
In fall 2018, THPRD set out to connect with those who value our services, parks, recreation areas, natural spaces, and more. To better plan for a proactive park district that meets all needs equitably, we recognized the need to conduct an inclusive, intentional, and multicultural community visioning process.
THPRD committed to prioritizing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access in all aspects of this work. We sought to examine our assumptions and better understand what communities today need and how best to serve the expanding interests of our long-term, new, and future residents.
The district is now proud to present the outcome of this nearly two-year co-produced effort: the THPRD Vision Action Plan. The information in the plan is intended to be useful to many audiences. To that end, the content is community-driven, validated by the responses to a public survey, and confirmed through the work of cross-disciplinary inclusive committees.

Thank you to the thousands of THPRD community members whose ideas and creativity helped inform this Vision Action Plan!
Leaders of the Washington County CPO system voted in October to present this year’s Harold M. Haynes Citizen Involvement Award to the Visioning Committee. The Award will be presented during the Board of Commissioners meeting on November 17.
Community members invited to apply for THPRD Budget Committee
The Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District is encouraging community members to apply for openings on the district’s Budget Committee. There are two positions available. The deadline to submit applications is Monday, November 9, 2020.
People of all backgrounds and experience levels are encouraged to apply. These positions are critical to represent the broad perspectives of district patrons.
Background on the Budget Committee:
The Budget Committee is responsible for providing public oversight of budget preparations, recommending changes to the proposed budget, and supplying information to the public about district business and operations.
The Budget Committee meets at least three times per year to review the current year budget and operating results; discuss the proposed budget for the upcoming year; and approve the budget to be considered for adoption by the Board of Directors. Other meetings may be scheduled as the committee deems necessary.
The 10-member committee includes all five THPRD board members and five public members. Applications for the public positions will be reviewed and appointments made by the THPRD Board of Directors. New Budget Committee members will likely have their first meeting in February 2021, although the schedule is still being finalized.
Applications are available online at
Metro Parks and Nature oversight committee
Applications for Metro’s Parks and Nature oversight committee are being accepted through November 16. Between 13-17 people are needed to provide oversight of the $475 million 2019 parks and nature bond and $16 million from the annual parks and natural areas levy.
The independent committee will be appointed by the Metro Council to help keep Metro accountable and transparent in its use of both the bond and the capital funds. The Council is looking for people who love parks and natural spaces and who have a deep commitment to advancing racial equity, as well as finance, conservation, environmental law, tribal sovereignty and other knowledge.
The committee will review progress of the bond measure’s goals and projects; ensure the refinement and implementation of the bond measure protects water quality and habitat and connecting people to nature; ensure projects fulfill the criteria of racial equity, community engagement and climate resilience; provide oversight on investments from the parks and natural areas local-option levy; and work with staff to develop outcomes to evaluate bond performance.
Learn more and apply here.