Development News November 2020

Target proposes store in former Bales building

Target is proposing to locate a small-format retail store in the building that previously housed Bales Marketplace, at 12675 NW Cornell. They attended a pre-application meeting with Washington County Land Use (LUT) on October 13, and were told the proposal would be handled as a Type I development since it is a replacement of an existing permitted use.
Type I applications do not require public hearings or neighborhood meetings, but Target decided to hold a neighborhood meeting to gather community feedback. The meeting was held online on October 26. It was well-attended by community members, who expressed concerns about traffic, parking, and competition with existing businesses in the area.
Target explained that the store would include a CVS-managed pharmacy, even though a full-size CVS is going in across the street. It would have limited grocery, housewares, toys, clothing, and other retail, and a Starbucks. Several attendees asked about the possibility of a contract Post Office to replace the one lost when the old store closed, but Target said they don’t have a relationship with the PO.
During the “pre-app” meeting, LUT told Target and the building owner (Bales-Findley Property Management) that a condition of approval of the application would be closing the left-turn from Cornell, because it is located within the eastbound left-turn lane on Cornell (to Saltzman). They are concerned that traffic stacks up at the left-turn and contributes to congestion on Cornell. The right-in and right-out accesses to Cornell Road could remain as interim access. This would leave the center with very limited access, and it’s unclear whether Target will proceed if a solution can’t be found for auto access to the parking areas.
Bales-Findley is working with LUT to try to find a solution. In the original Town Center plans, Barnes Road was supposed to be extended across Cornell to Dogwood, past the store. When the county approved the Shell station expansion, that became impossible because it would now be offset too far from the south side.
The Cedar (Rumor) Mill
We hear that Stickmen’s Brewing is opening a new location in the Home2Suites hotel that’s going into the Kirkland Center, on 118th & Barnes, across from the existing Timberland Center. Sounds yummy!
Milltowner news
We know what the new coffee shop will be, but they’re not quite ready for a public announcement. Follow the Cedar Mill News Facebook page and I’ll announce it as soon as I can! We also hear that a locally-based pizza restaurant is eying one of the spaces.
The CVS store is nearly complete, and it’s set to open on November 15. We’ll post updates on the CMN Facebook page.

Neighbors have expressed concern about the left-turn exit from the center onto Cornell eastbound. This was permitted by the county, with the caveat that if it presents safety problems “the applicant will be responsible for assuring the safe operation of the access driveway. This may require that the applicant install traffic control devices to limit turning movements and/or physical improvements to the roadway. All changes will be subject to Washington County approval. If the restrictions are unsuccessful the County reserves the right to further limit and/or close the access.”