Category Archives: Roads & Transportation
Roads News June 2024

• Thompson Realignment Update
• Work scheduled to begin on Cornell Road Sidewalk Repair
• Weeds in the medians
• Cornell congestion
• 130th and the New Subdivision
• Hall Boulevard overpass across 217 closed for nine months
• DMV and the county line
• Walker Road Phase 2: Schendel Avenue to Butner Road
• MSTIP 3f projects
Safe crossing to French International School?

Neighbors were asking CPO 1 to weigh in on a petition they submitted to Washington County asking for a crosswalk at the intersection of Cornell Road and 87th Avenue. They were concerned for the safety of students crossing there to get to the French International School south of Cornell. We got this response from Washington County.
Road News May 2024
Roads & Transit News April 2024
Roads & Transit March 2024
January storm hits hard in Cedar Mill

Forecasts were calling for colder temperatures and the possibility of snow from January 10, 2024. The month had started off with mild temperatures and rain. As the weekend approached, some were skeptical. We’ve been fooled before with the promise of snow. But by Saturday, January 13, temperatures had fallen into the 20s and winds had picked up. Moist air from the coast met freezing arctic air right over Portland. It often seemed to be snowing sideways, and it piled up in drifts against fences and buildings.
Roads and Transit News February 2024
Road News January 2024
Road News November 2023
Road News October 2023
August 2023 Road News
July 2023 Road News
Pedaling My Way Through Bethany

Most days I get on my electric cargo bike, often with my two kids in the back, and set off on various routine expeditions around Bethany—preschool, grocery stores, libraries, cafes, doctor visits, you name it. And potentially to help others, I have been recording my journeys and making the videos available on YouTube, with overlaid GPS map and elevation information. My goal is to augment trail/road maps with a first-person perspective of how I use a mix of different infrastructures to run my daily errands.
Road News June 2023
Road news May 2023
CPO News April 2023
Handling ‘Snowmageddon!’
CPO News March 2023
Road News February 2023
WashCo News January 2023
Road News November 2022
Neighborhood Streets Program: A county program needing reform

Urban unincorporated Washington County—for example Aloha, Bethany and Cedar Mill—are expanding rapidly. And for many neighborhoods that can mean streets suddenly change from being local roads to major traffic collectors. The result is often an increase in speeding and traffic accidents. It makes other road users, like cyclists and pedestrians, feel unsafe. In my neighborhood in North Bethany, Joss/Brugger Avenue was intended to be a neighborhood street but, due to delayed development of new larger streets around us, Joss has become a permanent traffic collector.
September 2022 Road News
CPO 1 News August 2022
Thompson Crossing decision raises questions about county planning

We asked Stephen Roberts, Director of Washington County’s Land Use and Transportation Department (LUT) to clarify the department’s reasoning in allowing the exceptions to county standards and plans for the Thompson Crossing development. While he didn’t explicitly answer every question, we’re including his responses below.
CPO News May 2022
Where the sidewalk starts: Washington County pedestrian facilities

Because there has been confusion and frustration among neighbors recently over what the county requires in the way of “road amenities,” we asked Melissa De Lyser, Public Affairs and Communications Manager for the county’s Land Use and Transportation Department, to give us a rundown on what the county requires in various situations.
CPO News April 2022
TriMet redistricting proposal lumps us in with downtown! Comment now…

All three scenarios lump our area together with the northwest and southwest Portland (downtown), with the Willamette River as a dividing line. The transit needs and deficiencies of people in the Tualatin Valley are quite different to those areas, so people interested in transit may want to attend an Open House and/or provide feedback by April 15 by emailing or calling 503-238-7433 (RIDE).
Cedar Mill Pathway System

One day a Cedar Mill resident discovered a heavy cedar plaque in her shed. It was beautifully carved and included the words “Cedar Mill.” Its origin was a mystery until Virginia Bruce published a request for information in the October 2020 issue and the community came forward with a wealth of memories.
Cornell tunnel update
Cleaner Air: Coming soon to a highway near you

Sunset Highway is a well-used corridor for traffic, including heavy diesel trucks. In 2018, ODOT counted as many as 285 commercial trucks in a 24-hour period on that route. That translates to a hefty amount of air pollution spewing out of tailpipes, creating health problems for anyone along their path.
Road News January 2022
Road News December 2021
CPO 1 News December 2021
A Short History of the Thompson-Saltzman Road Intersection

The corner of NW Thompson Road and NW Saltzman Road historically had a curious offset configuration, probably due to quarter section allotments when the property was homesteaded by the family of Laurence Lehman and other early settlers. In the course of time, it became necessary to upgrade the disjointed four-way stop to be safely aligned and controlled by traffic lights.
CPO 1 News November 2021
Why the white bike?
Transit News October 2021
Road News September 2021
Road News July 2021
Life Time Fitness at Barnes & CHB

With construction finally underway on the Life Time Fitness complex west of Cedar Hills Blvd. (CHB) south of Barnes Road, we have been receiving questions about this development and future plans for the remaining Peterkort properties in the vicinity. Here’s a brief review and a timeline of the Peterkort Master Plan.
Road News
• Intelligent Transportation Systems Open House
• Which bike/ped projects are important to you?
County leaves ped-bike safety on the table
Development News April 2021

Target application is approved, turn lane can stay for now
Washington County has approved the application to allow Target to move into the former Bales grocery location. There was considerable anxiety over a possible Land Use and Transportation (LUT) requirement to close the left turn lane from Cornell into the lot, but in a decision sent out on March 25, LUT has decided it can remain “on a temporary basis until such time as alternative access meeting the access spacing standards becomes available—providing that [they] continue to operate safely.”
Road News March 2021
Oregon updates traffic speed rules
Ride Connection expands
Road News February 2021
CPO 1 News January 2021
Do we have a speed limit problem?

If you’ve been on local social media, you’re used to seeing complaints of speeding in neighborhoods in the Cedar Mill area. With more people going out to walk around the neighborhood to escape the confines of their home this quarantine, it’s more important than ever that we keep these residential areas safe.
CPO 1 News December 2020
December 2020 Development News
Road News December 2020
November 2020 Saltzman improvement update
October 2020 Road News
Saltzman project update
Road News September 2020
TriMet schedule changes
Starting on April 2, no more than 10-15 riders can be on a bus at one time—10 individuals, or up to 15 if people are riding together (such as couples or parents with children). TriMet is also closing off some seats—there will be a sign that says you can’t sit there…