October 2020 Road News

- Temporary paving at Murray/Cornell
- Walker/Murray intersection appeal denied
- Cornelius Pass Road reopens
- Comment on Metro projects
Temporary paving at Murray/Cornell

Neighbors noticed some asphalt patches on the sidewalk in front of Auto Zone. LUT says, “PGE is doing some prep work for installing a new transformer. The asphalt is temporary; the sidewalk will be reinstalled according to County standards when the work is complete.”
Walker/Murray intersection appeal denied

The Beaverton Planning Commission considered an appeal of the decision to approve the county’s proposed work to improve the intersection of Murray and Walker. The commission, after hearing from Beaverton planners and the appellants, Beaverton Councilors Mark Fagin and Marc SanSoucie, voted unanimously to uphold the decision. The appellants concern was with the slip lanes at the southeast and northwest corners of the large intersection, because of pedestrian and bicycle safety issues.
Cornelius Pass Road reopens
NW Cornelius Pass Road reopened to traffic on September 29, after an 11-week closure to complete safety improvements between Highway 30 and NW Skyline Blvd. For information on the safety improvements, visit: www.multco.us/cornpass.
No additional road closures or lane closures are planned. For the next two weeks the contractor will be removing construction signs and completing landscaping work outside of the roadway. A temporary traffic signal at Highway 30 and NW Newberry Road will be removed.
Multnomah County thanks road users for their patience during the closure. The Oregon Department of Transportation will be taking jurisdiction for the road between Highway 26 and Highway 30 by early 2021. For information on the transfer, visit ODOT’s website.
Comment on Metro projects
Pending amendment to the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Plan
Metro is required to document funded projects scheduled to use federal funds over the next four years. The current cycle is documented in the 2021-24 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP).
The purpose of this bundled amendment is to make necessary funding corrections, increases, fund reprogramming, and add new projects to the 2021-24 MTIP. Projects and programs submitted for amendment in this bundle include:
Region-wide ITS improvements and upgrades including OR-217 southbound: OR-10 to OR-99W; I-5: Boone Bridge (Willamette River); I-5: I-205 interchange to Boone Bridge; Preventive maintenance.
Learn more here, and to share your views, comment by 5 p.m. Oct. 27 by sending an email to summer.blackhorse@oregonmetro.gov
Draft Regional Framework for Highway Jurisdictional Transfer Study
This study identifies which state-owned routes in greater Portland should be considered and evaluated for jurisdictional transfer. The Regional Framework for Highway Jurisdictional Transfer Study report provides an assessment and decision framework that will serve as a tool for state, regional, and local jurisdictional leaders to identify roadways that could be good candidates for transfer and facilitate that process. This project will not result in specific transfers.
The Study is available for public comment at: oregonmetro.gov/jurisdictionaltransfer. The public comment period is open until October 22.