2021 County boards and committees openings

by Vicky Siah, CMN intern
- Aging and Veteran Services Advisory Council
- Behavioral Health Council
- Civil Service Commission
- Developmental Disabilities Council
- Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District (ESPD) Advisory Committee
- Housing Advisory Committee (HAC)
- North Bethany County Service District for Roads Budget Committee
- Park and Recreation Advisory Board
- Public Health Advisory Council
- Solid Waste Advisory Committee
- Washington County and SDL No.1 Budget Committee
- Washington County Salary Commission

For some citizen involvement committees, 2021 marks the start of new terms, and Washington County is looking for applicants who can fill spots on Washington County advisory boards and committees. If appointed, these residents will play a volunteer role in their communities and make recommendations to the Washington County Board of Commissioners. These positions are designed to provide a spotlight on resident voices.
This is an opportunity to become involved in our local government, and by serving, applicants can learn more about, and advocate for the issues they believe in. If you have some extra time and an interest in participating, scroll through the list and see if something matches your interest and experience.
Please visit the Washington County Boards and Commissions website for more details and to apply.
Aging and Veteran Services Advisory Council—Seven positions available now
19 members (13 regular and 6 alternate) serve on this council. To best advocate for Washington County’s elderly and veterans, the County requires applicants to have professional, personal, and community familiarity with related issues. Areas of discussion will include policy, programs, and actions that relate to government-provided service. This council works with the Aging and Veterans’ Services and the Washington County Board of Commissioners.
Term: Three years; Contact: Janet Long, 503-846-3081
Behavioral Health Council—Five positions available after March 31, 2021
19 Washington County residents serve on this council. The County is looking for a diverse group of individuals to represent “recipients of service, advocates, professionals in the field, key referral sources, provider representatives, and lay citizens.” This position allows the government to have input from community members on needs, funding priorities, and service partnerships.
Term: Three years; Contact: Aika Fallstrom, 503-846-4576
Civil Service Commission—Two positions available now
Five members that are registered to vote serve on this council. These individuals will represent the five Commissioner districts in Washington County, and their objective is to evaluate the County’s employment practices. Washington County employee appeals will be directed to this council. Thus, the council can expect to oversee “appointments, disciplinary actions and classification allocations.”
Term: Two years; Contact: Eva LaBonte, 503-846-4476
Developmental Disabilities Council—Four positions available after February 28, 2021
Fifteen members who currently reside or work in Washington County serve on this council. This council will consist of “recipients of service, advocates, professionals in the field, key referral sources, provider representatives, and lay citizens” to address developmental disability issues. During their sessions, this council covers needs, funding priorities, and service partnerships.
Term: Three years; Contact: Colin Fitzgerald, 503-846-3138
Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District (ESPD) Advisory Committee—Two positions available now
Sheriff-appointed members who reside or own business in the ESPD serve on this council. They are responsible for reviewing and recommending the directions of police service. This council may decide on long-term Sheriff/enhanced law enforcement and community partnership programs.
Term: Three years; Contact: Lori Larson, 503-846-2694
Housing Advisory Committee (HAC)—Three positions available now and five positions available after March 31, 2021
Fifteen members that reflect a diversity of skills serve on this council. These skills may include representation of the elderly, minorities, individuals who specialize in engineering, and so forth. The HAC’s purpose is to ensure that Washington County’s housing needs are being met. Members may be called upon to review and recommend actions, advise the Housing Authority Board of Directors, and recommend resources that can fit the needs of low-income housing.
Term: Four years; Contact: Melisa Dailey, 503-846-4773
North Bethany County Service District for Roads Budget Committee—Two positions available now
Five North Bethany CSDR residents (and the Board of Commissioners) serve on this council. This committee considers roads in the unincorporated North Bethany area; council members are responsible for the overview of Washington County’s proposed road budget. Meetings involve both staff presentations and public hearings. The time-intensity may differ from year to year.
Term: Three years; Contact: Jack Liang, 503-846-8756
Park and Recreation Advisory Board—Eight positions available now
Nine Washington County residents serve on this board. These members typically represent all Commissioner districts in Washington County. The purpose of this board is to advise the County on “the maintenance, operations, and capital development needs of County parks, including Scoggins Valley Park / Henry Hagg Lake.”
Term: Three years; Contact: Carl Switzer, 503-846-7001
Public Health Advisory Council (PHAC)—One position available now and one position available after January 31, 2021
15-17 diverse community representatives and one non-voting member from the Washington County Board of Commissioners serve on this council. Appointing preference will be given to applicants who experience health and social inequalities. PHAC members work with the Board of Commissioners and the Public Health Division Manager to make health-related recommendations. They have an advisory relationship to the Board of Commissioners, addressing federal and state-mandated responsibilities.
Term: Four years; Contact: Vivianna Lindley, 503-846-8246
Solid Waste Advisory Committee—Two positions available after March 31, 2021
Six public representatives, three solid waste industry members, and a non-voting Department Health and Human Services member serve on this council. Responsibilities include recommending garbage and recycling decisions/programs. This addresses “the safe, economical and efficient collection, storage, transportation and disposal of garbage and recycling.”
Term: Five years; Contact: Tom Egleston, 503-846-3665
Washington County and SDL No.1 Budget Committee—One position available now
Five Washington County residents serve in this council alongside the Board of Commissioners. Each Commissioner will appoint a member from the overall applicant pool, regardless of which district the applicant resides in. The purpose and responsibility of this council is to review each fiscal year’s proposed County budget.
Term: Three years; Contact: Jack Liang, 503-846-8756
Washington County Salary Commission—Five positions available now through January 12, 2021, or until filled
Five human resource professionals will serve in this council. Applicants require experience in management level compensation. This independent salary commission was recently created as the result of an amendment to the County Charter (on the November 2020 ballot); appointees will be tasked with determining Washington County Board of Commissioners’ salaries. Cultural, geographic, and sector diversity factor into the selection process for council members.
In November, Washington County voters approved a ballot measure to amend the County Charter and establish an independent salary commission to set salaries for each member of the Board of Commissioners. The establishment of a new salary commission will replace the existing method for setting commissioners’ salaries as a percentage of the circuit court judge salaries, as described in the County Charter.
On December 22, 2020, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the formation of a five-person Salary Commission. This action opens a three week recruitment period for volunteers to apply. Qualified applicants must be human resource professionals with management level compensation experience. Individuals will be selected through an independent process that values cultural, geographic and sector diversity. Although members will serve on a voluntary basis, there may be an opportunity for continuing education credits through the Society for Human Resource Management.
Term: Two years; Contact: Steve March, 503-846-8685
For more information on these positions, and how to apply, visit the Washington County Boards & Commissions web page.