Community News January 2021

- Christmas Tree recycling
- THPRD January news
- Housing Providers Needed for Beaverton Metro HomeShare Program
- Westview Red Cross Blood Drive
- Washington County Forum
- Viva Village January activities
- Clean Water Services Rate and Utility Bill Support
- Library Events
- Board of Commissioners seeking volunteers to serve on new Salary Commission
- The Big One? How to Become Earthquake Safe in Your Home
- SAMBA Can/Bottle Drive
- Tualatin Valley Creates
- Helping Farmers, Ranchers, and Foresters Plan for Business Transition
- Tips to Carry You Safely into 2021
- The value of reporting
- ACMA Dining Fundraisers
- Book Review: “Swedes in Oregon”
Christmas Tree recycling
Scout Troops 618 & 5618
Saturday & Sunday, Jan 2 & 3, 9 & 10, 12 pm-4 pm, St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 12405 SW Butner Rd.
are taking trees for recycling. Suggested donation $10.00 or more per tree $5.00 per swag/wreath/garland. We gratefully accept cans and bottles for our fundraising effort as well. For more information: 503-567-9194 Special thanks to Bartlett Tree Experts for donating chipping services.
Troop 207
Sunday, January 3, 9 am-3 pm, Old Bales Thriftway parking lot, 12675 NW Cornell Rd.
Troop 207 will have a drop off location accepting greenery for recycling, however we are unable to accept flocked trees. For more information please visit the website or email the troop:
Sunset Racquetball Tree Collection
Although our sports season was cancelled this year due to COVID19, Sunset High School’s Racquetball Team is still doing its annual Christmas Tree Recycling Fundraiser now through the end of January. It is a Tree Pick Up Service for donations and we serve the greater Portland area. All proceeds go to offset costs for Sunset High School’s Racquetball Program and the High School Racquetball Nationals Championship Tournament next season.
All trees are recycled into woodchips. Donations can be cash, check payable to ‘Sunset Racquetball’, or sent by Paypal or Venmo ( We are COVID conscience and will work with you for a contactless tree pick up. We can schedule a pick up date and time. We are available from now until the end of January weekday afternoons/evenings and anytime on weekends.
If you would like us pick up your tree, email or call/text Team Manager Curtis Lipski (503-308-3763).
If none of these options work for you, check the Metro Recycling site. Type in your address in the “Location” box, Christmas Trees in the “How to get rid of” box and other service providers will be listed.
[Ed. Note: If you have a large yard, you can stick your tree in an out-of-the-way spot and leave it. By mid-summer, the needles will fall and create mulch, and you can cut the stem and branches for trellis or to put in your yard waste bin.]

THPRD January news
Thank you to our community!
THPRD extends a huge thank you to the community—the Annual Holiday Giving Drive gave many Beaverton families a happier holiday season. In total, THPRD was able to distribute $5,170 in gift cards to Beaverton School District families and others served by the Beaverton Family Promise.
Register now for Winter 2021 virtual classes
Registration for THPRD’s Winter 2021 classes is now open! These classes will be held online via Microsoft Teams in light of the ongoing pandemic. THPRD’s goal is to offer an abundance of fun virtual classes for people of all ages, encouraging the community to stay active year-round. Four main options will be provided this winter: arts and crafts, dance, sports and fitness, and enrichment. With a widening program, there is surely something for everyone!
The catalog of class offerings is separated into age groups of preschool, youth, and teen/adult. To register, please visit the THPRD online portal.
THPRD Out-of-School Time Program
Mondays-Fridays, 7:30 am-6:00 pm, Cedar Hills and Conestoga Recreation Centers, cost varies
THPRD is supporting families with children by offering their Out-of-School Time Program at their Cedar Hills and Conestoga locations. After registering, parents can drop off their kids at THPRD, where children can safely learn and interact with each other in pods of ten. This program is reserved for students in kindergarten to fifth grade. Pricing (by month) is listed at the THPRD website alongside a COVID-19 FAQ.
If you are interested in enrolling or looking for more information, please email Jennifer Chapin at or Stefanie Pace at
Housing Providers Needed for Beaverton Metro HomeShare Program
Do you have an extra room in your home? Could you benefit from sharing expenses? Would you like help with tasks such as grocery shopping, transportation or cleaning?
Metro HomeShare is actively seeking home providers throughout Washington County. Metro HomeShare helps community members stabilize their housing by turning the extra rooms of their home into rentals for those seeking an affordable room to rent. Metro HomeShare provides background checks, home visits, match screenings, rental agreements, and mediation services.
If you or someone you know would like to be a Metro HomeShare Provider, call 971-271-5195, email or visit
Westview Red Cross Blood Drive
Wednesday, January 20, 11 am-5 pm, Cedar Mill Rock Creek Center, 19180 NW West Union Road.
Blood drives have been cancelled due to COVID-19, and we need your help—please sign up to give blood!
The American Red Cross ensures a safe donation environment. Donated blood will be tested for COVID-19 antibodies, temperature checks are conducted at the door, and only donors are allowed in the donation/waiting areas. Masks are required (if donors do not have a mask, the Red Cross will provide one) and blood donation is by appointment only.
Every donation is appreciated immensely, and your blood can save up to three lives! For more information on the January blood drive, email Westview Red Cross President Vicky Siah at
Washington County Forum

Join us virtually at the Washington County Public Affairs Forum! As we all continue to do what we can to stop the spread of COVID-19, the Forum will continue with its 2020-21 season in the new year by kicking off with a series of panels you don’t want to miss. You can obtain the Zoom link to join these free events by visiting the Forum website at
Here are the engaging Forum topics for January:
Monday, January 11, 12-1pm
Local emerging female leaders
State Representative-elect Winsvey Campos, Beaverton City Councilor-elect Nadia Hasan, and THPRD board member Felicita Monteblanco will discuss their visions and priorities for Washington County.
Monday, January 18, 12-1pm
Beaverton and Tigard-Tualatin School District Superintendents
Don Grotting and Sue Rieke-Smith will discuss the state of our public schools in the face of COVID, state support, and equality and justice issues.
Monday, January 25, 13-1pm
The Secretary of State’s Office
A representative from the Secretary of State’s office will highlight the process, politics, and future of redistricting.
The Big One? How to Become Earthquake Safe in Your Home
Wednesday, January 20, 7 pm, see below for registration

The BIG ONE? Will your piano rock? Your refrigerator roll? Many items we consider stable become a threat with undulation and earth tremors. Your cozy winter in-house attention can generate great results for early preparation. Join Cedar Hills Ready (all neighborhoods welcome) for this informative session.
Our goal for this meeting is to help you and your family think through what might happen in the event of a large earthquake, and how you can prepare and practice ahead of time to protect yourself and your loved ones. You will learn—in a fun, interactive format—the steps for becoming earthquake safe within your home. Join our zoom meeting for a fun demonstration and useful tips to make your home safe. Spread the word. Invite your family and friends. We welcome everyone! It’s free and open to the public.
Register in advance for this meeting here.
Clean Water Services Rate and Utility Bill Support
In order to reduce the financial stress many families and businesses are continuing to feel from the COVID-19 pandemic, Clean Water Services is extending the sanitary sewer and stormwater rate freeze until July 1, 2021.
Customers who need support paying utility bills (March – December 2020) can apply for assistance by December 15. Call 503.615.0771 or visit this Community Action webpage to learn more.

Library Events
Rockstar Readers Book Club
January 19, 4-4:45 pm, online via Zoom
Visit our website to learn about the libraries’ new monthly book club for 3rd through 5th graders—with a grown up.
Winter 2020/2021 Schedule: January 7-March 19
Pre-Recorded Storytimes , 10:30 am , Facebook and YouTube

Tuesday: Baby Time with Teresa or Songs and Rhymes for Young Children with
Marta; Wednesday: Stories and Rhymes with Julie or Nicole or Songs and Rhymes with
Steve; Friday: Friday Fun featuring booktalks, escape rooms, read-alouds, draw and tell stories and more!
Estate Planning Workshop
Wednesday , January 20 , 6-7:30 pm , Adults , Online via Zoom
Everyone has an estate, no matter what you’ve acquired in life. Yet 75% of the public is unprepared. Join attorney Richard Schneider, co-author of Fundamentals of Oregon Estate Planning, to learn about the legal documents that everyone needs.
Viva Village January activities
Please come participate in Viva Village’s January events! For Zoom links, please RSVP by calling 503-746-5082 or emailing More information regarding these events can be found at!
Activities open to Viva Village members and volunteers:
Viva Village Nature Walk
Saturday, January 2, 9:30 am, Commonwealth Lake (walkers wear a mask and keep appropriately distanced.) RSVP recommended.
Online Women’s Coffee
Every Tuesday, 10 am, RSVP for the Zoom Link
Online Total Body Workout
First and third Wednesday,10 am, RSVP for the Zoom Link
Instructor Richard Chew leads participants in an aerobic workout.
Online Art Experience
Every Wednesday, 1 pm, RSVP for the Zoom Link
Participate in a virtual art experience with Village member and artist, Jeanne Cory.
Online Writers Workshop
Every Thursday, 1 pm, RSVP for the Zoom Link
Join other Village writers for a time of sharing and inspiration.
Online Travel Talk
Monday, January 11, 7-8:30 pm, RSVP for the Zoom Link
Viva Village member-volunteer Janet Cruz will talk about Road Scholar Intergenerational Travel and share slides and stories from her family’s trip to Africa.
Online Tai Chi Classes
Thursday, Jan 14 and 28, 10 am, RSVP for the Zoom Link
Learn Tai Chi technique and practice skills with certified instructor, Richard Chew.
MLK Village Service and Recycling Day
Saturday, January 16, 11 am-2 pm
Volunteers will be in the parking lot of the Village office (4905 SW Griffith Drive) to receive downsizing and recycling items. Items may be picked up from members’ homes upon request. Call office for service request: 503-746-5082
Online Volunteer Happy Hour
Friday, January 22, 1 pm, RSVP for the Zoom Link
Join other Village volunteers for conversation and sharing.
Viva Village Events Open to the General Public:
Online Village 101
Saturday, January 9, 10am, RSVP for the Zoom Link
Are you aging in place? Learn more about how you can join Viva Village from experienced members and volunteers.
Online Age Café
Friday, January 8 and 22, 11am-12pm, RSVP for Zoom Link
Small group conversations exploring topics of interest to older adults. Sponsored by Viva Village in partnership with City Library and Washington County DAVS.
Online Men’s Coffee Break
Monday, January 25, 10-11am, RSVP for the Zoom Link
Join a wide-ranging conversation with Viva Village members and volunteers.
Online Village Book Club
Tuesday, January 26, 1-2:30 pm, RSVP for the Zoom Link
Book Selection: A Long Petal of the Sea, by Isabel Allende.
Board of Commissioners seeking volunteers to serve on new Salary Commission
In November, Washington County voters approved a ballot measure to amend the County Charter and establish an independent salary commission to set salaries for each member of the Board of Commissioners. The establishment of a new salary commission will replace the existing method for setting commissioners’ salaries as a percentage of the circuit court judge salaries, as described in the County Charter.
On December 22, 2020, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the formation of a five-person Salary Commission. This action opens a three week recruitment period for volunteers to apply. Qualified applicants must be human resource professionals with management level compensation experience. Individuals will be selected through an independent process that values cultural, geographic and sector diversity. Although members will serve on a voluntary basis, there may be an opportunity for continuing education credits through the Society for Human Resource Management.
The Board’s action also directs the County Administrator to hire an independent consultant to recruit potential Salary Commission members for Board consideration and to take any additional actions needed to facilitate the creation and operation of the Salary Commission.
To apply or obtain more information about this opportunity, please visit the Boards and Commissions web page and scroll down to “Washington County Salary Commission.”
SAMBA Can/Bottle Drive
The Sunset Apollo Marching Band and Auxiliary (SAMBA) is having a Can & Bottle Drive to raise funds for their band programs. Though cans and bottles may be nothing at first glance, these drives really help the band continue going strong. Because of safety precautions for Covid-19, there will not be a drop off place. Rather, if you would like a porch pickup please email to get onto the schedule, details will follow in a reply email confirming we received the request.
Tualatin Valley Creates
Creative Impact Series Workshops continue to provide free, virtual professional development for Washington County residents in 2021. As part of the ongoing Creative Impact Workshop series, local partners Tualatin Valley Creates, the City of Hillsboro Cultural Arts Division,x and the City of Beaverton Arts Program will offer free, virtual professional development programs in January, February and March 2021. The Creative Impact Series workshops are being offered via Zoom for Washington County artists and cultural organizations.
This year, for the first time, all six workshops in the series are available online and for free. Three workshops have already taken place in Fall 2020, covering topics such as how to engage your audience virtually, bookkeeping for creatives, and a grants panel for individual artists. Planning for this year’s series focused on skillsets that best position the sector to adapt, rebuild, and ultimately thrive even as pandemic-related economic hardships continue.
Go to Brown Paper Tickets for more information.
Helping Farmers, Ranchers, and Foresters Plan for Business Transition

Managing risk is a must in agriculture and forestry – from vaccinating cattle to selecting the right varieties. But how do you manage the risks that can’t be seen? How does a family operation handle the early loss or disability of a key family member? What happens to the farm when the owners can no longer manage it? Putting off these questions can drastically impact the ability of your business to outlive you.
Estate laws aren’t the same as they were even just 15 years ago. And landowners’ hopes for the next generation can be dashed if they rely on assumptions that may not be true, take advice that doesn’t apply to their situation, or put off tying up loose ends for too long.
To prepare farmers, ranchers, and foresters for their next steps, Portland-Metro area Soil and Water Conservation Districts and Clackamas Community College’s Small Business Development Center are teaming up to offer a four-part virtual workshop series on how to create a transition plan. Workshops will be held from 1pm to 4pm every other Wednesday from January 27, 2021 until March 10, 2021. Workshops are online and IT support is available.
Already, 300 farmers and ranchers have attended short courses, with 100 businesses completing their succession plans in a year-long Small Business Management course. Best of all, the workshops are free!
To sign up, please contact Nicole Ruggiero at (971) 371-0097, or visit the Tualatin Soil & Water District website.
Tips to Carry You Safely into 2021
With the New Year and resolutions on everyone’s mind, now is the time to think about some personal and home safety steps that can help carry you and your family safely into and through 2021, as well as save you time and money by avoiding winter-related damage to your home or business.
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue firefighters always see an increase in outdoor-related injuries around the first of the year. Keep these things in mind to minimize your risk of personal injury:
- Increased slip and fall injuries are of particular concern.
- Be extra careful on icy surfaces around your home ─ use kitty litter or sand to increase traction.
- Make sure to dress appropriately for outdoor activity; dress in layers with hats, gloves, and waterproof boots.
- Be aware of the windchill factor, which can often lower the temperature by several degrees.
- Avoid traveling when the weather service issues storm advisories.
- If you must travel, make sure someone knows where you are going, what time you expect to arrive, and the route you plan to take.
- Pack extra water, food, blankets, and clothing in case of an unexpected emergency or delay.
There are also steps you can take to improve the safety of your home this winter.
- Have your home heating system serviced professionally to make sure it is clean, working properly, and ventilated to the outside.
- If you are heating with wood, inspect and clean fireplaces and chimneys.
- Always discard ashes in a metal container away from combustible materials.
- Check your smoke alarms to ensure they are working properly.
- Prevent carbon monoxide (CO) emergencies by installing a CO alarm in your home.
For the past several winters, TVF&R firefighters responded to hundreds of calls for frozen water pipes that burst and began flowing water. Businesses and homeowners suffered thousands of dollars in damage because they didn’t know how to stop the water from flowing. We recommend you take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the water shut off for your home/business if you haven’t done so already. Also, insulate exposed water pipes in the garage and cover outdoor water spigots.
Visit for more winter safety tips.

The value of reporting
by Brenda Schaffer, Public Outreach & Education Specialist, WCSO Bethany Station
In recent meetings with Bethany area Neighborhood Watch groups, I have heard widely differing opinions regarding reporting suspicious observations and crimes to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. You will regularly hear from WCSO that if you see something, you should say something. Here are some common reasons community members remain hesitant about reporting:
“Yes, my package was stolen from my porch, but the company is replacing the item so there really was no harm.”
These situations should be reported to WCSO non-emergency. Why? Because package thieves do not typically steal from just one house. Your observations of the situation might help us identify a thief who has stolen from other neighbors too. This applies to all kinds of property crimes including attempted car break-ins observed on security camera video.
“Yes, I saw someone trespassing, but I felt if I called I was being uncompassionate toward someone less fortunate.”
Your local Washington County Sheriff’s Deputies have powerful resources to respond when you call. Responding Deputies have been trained to assess every situation, how to communicate effectively, in conflict de-escalation; and, within the Sheriff’s Office we have a long-standing mental health outreach team and a homeless outreach coordination effort with various county agencies and resources. Of course, we have the capacity to assess if an individual is involved in crime as well. Whenever you observe suspicious behavior or crime, we hope you will report so we can do our best to both protect your community and to match individuals with assistance they need.
“I’m not sure if what I saw was suspicious—maybe it was nothing? I don’t want to trouble law enforcement.”
There are a surprising number of reporting conversations that begin with the caller saying, “Maybe it’s nothing but…” In some cases those conversations continue on to reveal small, important pieces of information WCSO needs to solve a crime. Currently, our area is experiencing a number of community mailbox break-ins. This is a situation where someone may have observed a stranger with tools hanging around a community mailbox later found to be broken into. How quickly we can solve this problem could rely on such an observer reporting and not brushing aside what they noticed. When you see something and say something to us about it, it is never a trouble.
Hopefully this encourages you to say something when you see something. Crimes and threatening situations needing immediate response should be reported to 911. Other crimes and situations may be reported to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office non-emergency reporting at 503-629-0111.
ACMA Dining Fundraisers
Thursday, January 14, 5-9 pm, order online (see below), pickup at Red Robin, 4105 NW 177th Avenue
Order To-Go and raise some dough during our Arts & Communication Magnet Academy (ACMA) PTO fundraiser with Red Robin. 20% of to-go fundraising sales is given back to ACMA. Just visit; select (4105 SW 117th Ave); and add our fundraiser to your cart. Curbside pickup is available. Excludes alcohol and tax; and please do not use delivery services such as Doordash, GrubHub or UberEats websites for orders. Find details and a flyer at
AND Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream in Safeway Shopping Center at NW Cornell Road and Murray Blvd. will be ALL DAY Wednesday, February 3rd. Bring a copy of the flyer on your phone or other mobile device or a paper copy. Handel’s is ready to serve up homemade ice cream in a safe socially-distance-ready shop. The flyer can be found at very soon.
Book Review: “Swedes in Oregon”

by Lisa Beaty
Using illustrated brochures, Oregon courted Scandinavians to be investors, settlers, and immigrants to the Pacific Northwest. The success of this campaign is documented by the authors’ claim that, by 1930, 10% of foreign-born persons in Oregon were from Sweden. The Swedes moved in and moved on to accomplishments in art, fashion, education, logging, politics, and more. The authors collected hundreds of photographs as visual prompts to the historical information shared.
“Swedes in Oregon,” by David A. Anderson and Ann Baudin Stuller, is a labor of love, a trove of memories compiled by the descendants of Swedish immigrants who came to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. There isn’t a story line to follow, but the book chronicles the multiple, successful enterprises and endeavors engaged in by these immigrants, as well as some cultural celebrations and holidays. If you are of Swedish ancestry, and your roots are in the Pacific Northwest, you may find this book engaging.
This book is from the series “Images of America,” from Arcadia Publishing.
The review copy is up for grabs, email us at if you want it!