Getting the COVID vaccine in Washington County


An official Washington County web page outlines information about who will be prioritized for receiving the available vaccines to prevent COVID-19. Here are some highlights, check back for updates.

What is Washington County’s role in COVID-19 vaccination?


The county’s primary role is to ensure access to vaccine by all people who want it. This does not mean that we will be doing a lot of vaccinations ourselves. In fact, the county itself expects to vaccinate just 5-10% of the population through vaccine clinics for people not well served through healthcare systems and pharmacies. We will plan these clinics with community partners with an equity lens for those who have been affected by COVID-19 disproportionately (Latinx and BIPOC communities) and those who have limited access due to homelessness or poverty.  

Can I get on a list to get vaccinated?

There is no list. Oregon Health Authority, Washington County, and vaccine providers across the state will utilize media, websites and many other means of getting the message out to the populations being served in the current vaccination phase. Please check back here.

How long will Phase 1A last? (visit website for details on phases)

Oregon Health Authority expects to be done vaccinating all groups in Phase 1A by the end of February. However, this is dependent on how much vaccine Oregon receives. 

Current Prioritized Phases

The prioritization of specific groups is an evolving process. We will work to keep it up to date here. The art of vaccinating all people as quickly as possible is complex, and local public health does not have a role in all phase or priority groups. We rely on the planning and efforts of partners within the county, at the state level, and nationally. Together we will be successful. 

Cedar Mill Landscape Supply

Washington County HHS Director Marni Kuyl will attend the January 12 CPO 1 meeting with updated information and answers to your questions. See more on page 2.

General information on COVID-19 in Washington County, including how and where to get tested, is on the website here.

You can also sign up to get Oregon Health Authority daily updates here.