Business News July 2021

- Village Gallery of Arts
- Impressions By Veronica Art Workshops
- CMBA July meeting
- Discover Sunset Credit Union this summer
Village Gallery of Arts
Gallery Hours: Thursdays-Saturdays, 10 am-4 pm and Sunday, 12-3 pm, 1060 NW Saltzman
Please check our website when making your plans—hours will continue to expand as COVID-19 restrictions ease. Additionally, we have a new Summer Show video! The video is now on the home page of our website and Facebook.
Our mission is “to ignite the joy of learning, creating, and appreciating art in our community. We support professional and emerging artists by providing high quality affordable art education to children and adults as well as providing venues for sharing their work.” Village Gallery of Arts is a non-profit (501c3) organization, receives no taxpayer money, and is staffed entirely by member volunteers.
Featured Artist for July: Kathy Deal:

Most of my work is intuitive and drawn from whatever inspires me: perhaps a memory, musical piece, song, poem, color, or the dynamic spirit of nature. I hope you enjoy my explorations as much as I do. Mixed media.
Featured Big, Bold Painting for July: Sally Boyd:
Puck, a character in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, is the influence behind the artist’s interpretation of the geo-political and catastrophic chaos of the last four years. Emotional and evocative of change, this painting represents the challenge to find harmony and balance in a world of conflicting values. Mixed media acrylic on watercolor paper, 30″x 36”.
Project Art Share 2021 Outcome:
We had wonderful results with our second call to artists for donations of artwork to Project Art Share! 14 artists contributed 66 paintings in all sizes and media. This time, half of these pieces went to the Aloha Food Pantry, and the other half was donated to the Linnton Community Center Food Bank in Northwest Portland. Both were very excited to accept the art donations. Many thanks to the volunteers who picked up (and delivered the art) and to the artists who donated their work. Please see our website for more details about this community outreach project.
Adult Classes and Workshops
Masks and social distancing are required as COVID-19 precautions for in-person classes. Please see our website for up to date COVID-19 requirements, details, and online registration.
Jean Anderson: Painting Watercolor with Jean
Wednesdays, July 14 and 28, 6-8 pm, 1060 NW Saltzman. Maximum of six students per class. Two-session class. All levels.
Students of my beginning and other watercolor classes have been asking me to have a class where we can tackle other subjects and learn other skill sets! Currently, this class is not set to cover a specific subject—I will poll students a week before class to determine a subject preference. I will make sure we have several techniques that will build your skills as an artist, regardless of your skill level.
De Camille: Mixed Media Techniques in Painting
Tuesday, July 20, 11:30 am-1 pm, via Zoom. Maximum of ten students per class. One-session class.
Teaching techniques for collaging and mixed media painting. Supplies include magazine images or print outs, bucket of water, liquid gel medium, putty or molding paste, acrylic/oil paint and brushes, masking tape, large brush, paper towels. Optional: encaustic medium, sand.
Jean Anderson: Doodles and Watercolor Mixing
Thursday, July 22, 10 am-noon, 1060 NW Saltzman. Maximum of seven students per class. One-session class.
Find interesting motifs to copy and unleash your inner Frank Lloyd Wright artist. I will show you how to make a simple template with pen—if you can write your name, you can master this doodling! After creating the template, you will use either watercolor or acrylic to fill in the boxes. It is a fun and interesting way to learn a new skill and practice mixing. These cards are wonderful reference, and they make lovely cards or small paintings. They can be as different as your creativity will allow. Supply list will be given after registration.
Jean Anderson: Fun, Not Fear with Plein Air
Friday, July 23, 9:30 am-noon, 1060 NW Saltzman. Maximum of seven students per class. One-session class. No experience needed.
Plein air is not about painting the world’s greatest painting—rather, it is about the experience. This class is to get over the fear everyone feels when they first think about painting plein air. I’ll guide everyone through what to bring, how to pick a site, subjects, and what to do when you get there. We will meet at the Gallery before going to a site close by. A supply list will be provided after registration; I am flexible about supplies.
Kim Black: Pine Needle Basketry
Saturday, July 24, 8:45 am-2:45 pm, 1060 NW Saltzman. Maximum of ten students per class.
This one-day class will cover instruction in beginning pine needle basketry skills. Students will start from a wood base and complete a four-inch dish using two stitches. Material preparation will also be covered. It is a fun way to spend a day learning something new. All supplies are provided by instructor. Bring your lunch.
Kim Black: Beginning Gourd Class
Sunday, July 25, 8:45 am-2:45 pm, 1060 NW Saltzman. Maximum of eight students per class.

This class will cover the basics of working with gourds. We will learn how to clean, cut, dye, wood burn, paint, and add pine needles to a gourd. This is a fun class and does not require previous pine needle basketry skills. Please bring your lunch, an apron, a mask, and any designs you may wish to put on your gourd.
Jean Anderson: Little Chickens for Big Impact
Monday, July 26, 10am-noon, 1060 NW Saltzman. Maximum of seven students per class. One-session class.
Chickens can add so much to landscape paintings, doodles, and more! We will learn how to quickly and easily paint little chickens. Normal painting supplies in any medium works fine.
Impressions By Veronica Art Workshops
Prices include the cost of instruction and quality fine art materials. These classes are family-friendly: Thursday and Friday sessions are open to ages 8+ and Saturday is for ages 12+. Learn more and sign up here.
Acrylics on Paper
Thursday, July 15, 9 am-12:30 pm, $40
Create a fabulous acrylic masterpiece on special paper. Learn many tricks and techniques that can be applied to watercolor as well. We will create a beautiful landscape painting together!
Ink and Watercolors
Thursday, July 15, 1-5 pm, $50
Create a fabulous ink and watercolor masterpiece on special paper. Here, you will receive instruction and materials to learn techniques that will make your watercolors “sing!” Be sure to wear art-friendly clothing as the ink is permanent.
Paper Collage
Friday, July 16, 9 am-12:30 pm, $40
Create a fabulous collage painting using various kinds of paper: including handmade paper, newspaper, and magazines. Your finished piece will be beautiful and worthy of hanging—Veronica’s easy step-by-step instructions make designing a beautiful collage possible.
Acrylic on Leather
Friday, July 16, 1-5 pm, $50
Create several fabulous acrylic masterpieces on leather. You will create usable art like bookmarks and wall hangings that are perfect for gift-giving.
Leather Journal
Saturday, July 17, 9 am-12:30 pm, $50
Create your own leather journal using quality materials that would cost much more to buy. Choose from a variety of metal findings and leather to personalize your journal.

CMBA July meeting
Tuesday, July 13, noon, via Zoom
The Cedar Mill Business Association continues our Monthly Speaker/Networking meetings online! Our speaker this month is Lety Juarez-Sisson with Badass Bitch PR. She will share with you how PR is still a vital tool in your promo arsenal and answer any questions you may have about how it (or any other forms of promotion) may benefit you.
CMBA Members will receive the Zoom link through our Monthly E-Blast, so stay tuned. We invite guests to two free meetings at no charge. Please contact our admin Tammy at to receive the link to meeting information. For more information, about the Cedar Mill Business Association, please visit our website.
Discover Sunset Credit Union this summer
Various Saturdays, 1100 NW Murray Blvd.
Maybe you’ve seen them around the area. Maybe your family or friend belongs to it. Or maybe you’ve always wondered why so many Washington County residents think Sunset Credit Union is the best financial institution in the area. Whatever way you’ve seen or heard about Sunset Credit Union, you can meet them, learn more about this not-for-profit financial institution, and win prizes.
On various Saturdays this summer, they’ll be hosting a table in front of their building (across Murray from Safeway and the Farmers Market) where you can learn about their products and services including specially designed kids and teens accounts, money-making Certificate of Deposits and their unique mortgage and home equity loans. In addition to answering questions, visitors will have the opportunity to spin a wheel loaded with prizes.
To find out which Saturdays they’ll be giving away prizes, visit their Facebook page. Everyone is welcome, so bring the kids and neighbors and find out why thousands of Washington County residents have chosen Sunset Credit Union as their financial institution.
Sunset Science Park Federal Credit Union is open to anyone who lives, works, or attends school in Washington County. For more information or to get a pre-approved auto loan, stop by their office or visit their website.