Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries News November 2021

November 2021 Featured Events and Programs

Find event calendars, storytime schedules and more at the library website. Libraries will be closed on Thursday, November 25. Learn about library hours and services at the services page.
Positive Parenting to Create a Happy Home
Thursday, November 4, 7 pm, via Zoom. Parents of kids ages 18 months-12 years
Transform misbehavior into connection and cooperation. Bring your parenting questions and challenges to this monthly workshop presented by Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, Megan Barella.
Take and Make Crafts
Mondays, November 8 and December 13, library hours, both libraries
Stop by one of the libraries during open hours to pick up craft supplies for fun crafts. Supplies limited.
Engineer It! Take Home Family Activity
Monday, November 15, library hours, both libraries
Try out your engineering skills as you explore traditional Native American technologies. Build a shelter, design a boat, weave a basket and invent a tool. Packet of activities developed by the Museum of Natural and Cultural History at University of Oregon. While supplies last.
Live Interactive Storytime
Tuesdays, November 9-December 14, 10:30 am, via Zoom. All ages
Live interactive storytime on Zoom for kids of all ages and their grown-ups. Learn STEM concepts, kindergarten readiness and pre-reading skills through stories, rhymes, and songs! When you register, we will send you a link via email an hour before it begins. Registering for the event will register you for the entire series through December 14. You can register at any time on the library website. Learn more about CMBCL storytimes at the storytime page.
Teens and Tweens
Minecraft Trivia & Craft
Friday, November 19, 5:30-6:30 pm, via Kahoot and Zoom. Ages 11-18
How well do you know Minecraft? Participate in our trivia challenge for teens and tweens and pick up supplies to create the head of Steve or even a Creeper. Event will be online using Kahoot. If COVID cases decrease, the event may be in person with an online component.
Register online to receive an email on the day of the event with information about joining the Zoom meeting.
Doing More with Less
Monday, November 15, 6:30-7:30 pm, via Zoom
Looking for ways to reduce how much you own or the money you spend on new items? Want to connect with others that share a desire to consume less, repair more and reuse goods? Join Second Edition Resale shop manager Cori Bacher for a conversation about practical tips and real-world strategies to shrink your footprint and reconsider our consumerist world. Register to receive an email on the day of the event with information about joining the Zoom meeting.
Monthly Groups for Adults
If you already receive e-mails from the group you’re interested in, you’ll receive a link for their meeting a few days before the event. Newcomers are always welcome—if you are new to the group, please e-mail angelam@wccls.org to receive a link prior to the event.
Writers’ Mill
Sunday, November 21, 1 pm-3 pm, via Zoom. Adults and older teens
Whether you’re writing just for fun, hoping for publication, or planning to self-publish, join us for a hands-on inspiring gathering of people who love to write. Check out the group’s website, and see the group’s anthologies in the library catalog. For more information, contact group facilitator Sheila Deeth at SheilaD@portlandwritersmill.org.
Owl Book Group
Friday, November 19, 10:30 am–noon, via Zoom. Adults and older teens
Join us this month to discuss My Own Words by Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The group typically meets on the last Friday of each month. For a complete list of titles, past and present, see Book Clubs page.
Voices in Verse
Saturday, November 20, 10:30 am–noon, via Zoom. Adults and older teens
Share your own poetry or listen to others read their favorites.
Second Edition Resale’s Sidewalk Sales and Store Shopping
New store hours! Open Wednesdays through Fridays, 10 am-4 pm
Indoors or out, Second Edition Resale always brings you great merchandise at bargain prices. The shop has a fabulous theme line-up for fall, including Western (get ready for the Round-Up!), Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas/Winter Holidays. Plus, Crafting has moved to mid-October, giving you plenty of time for all your gift-making plans.
All proceeds from your purchases made at Second Edition Resale support Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries. For the most up-to-date information, check out our Instagram @SecondEditionResale and find updates on the library website.
Library Book Sale
Our Book Sale has over 2,000 titles at great prices waiting to be yours! 100% of your Book Sale purchases and donations benefit the libraries. Questions about donating? Call (503) 644-0043 x 116 to make an appointment. Learn more at the library’s website.
Libraries Association Annual Meeting
Tuesday, October 19, 7 pm, via Zoom
Join us at the 46th Annual Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries Association Meeting. The meeting agenda includes:
- Learn what’s happening at the libraries and Second Edition Resale
- Find out how the libraries have provided services during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Election of new board members
- Learn more on how you can get involved in your community libraries
Become a member by making an annual gift. Association members will receive an email announcing the meeting location before the meeting date. An email invitation to the Zoom meeting will be sent to the email address associated with your donor account. To update your email address, request more information or ask questions about membership, email CMLdevelopment@wccls.org or call (503) 644-0043 x121.