CPO News August 2020

- CPO 1 August meeting: COVID-19 updates
- July meeting recap
- Neighborhood Meetings
- Ped and bike improvement proposals
CPO 1 August meeting: COVID-19 updates

Tuesday, August 11, 7-9 pm, via Zoom (click to join)
Everyone is invited to join our meeting to hear up-to-date information from a Beaverton School District (BSD) spokesperson, and from the Manager of Washington County Public Health. Bring your questions or submit them prior to the meeting by email to cpo1leaders@gmail.com.
At 7 pm, we hear updates from public agencies, including the Sheriff, Fire, and Park District as available. Following those reports, we have time for you to bring up concerns or something to share with the group.

At 7:30, Shellie Bailey-Shah, Public Communications Officer for BSD will reveiw the district’s plan for opening school this fall, and answer your questions. Learn more here.

At around 8:15, Tricia Mortell, Washington County Public Health Division Manager, will share the latest information including general COVID data, information about our process moving through the Oregon phases, how Public Health works to reduce the spread of the disease, show where people can seek information on the county website, as well as state and regional sites, and answer questions.
The meeting is also “simulcast” on the CPO 1 Facebook page, and someone will monitor that site if you prefer to watch and submit your questions there. You can also view the meeting there any time afterwards.
July meeting recap
We learned about Washington County’s report assessing the state of Significant Natural Resources, and the next steps the county plans to take to protect habitat threatened by development in the urban unincorporated areas of the county, from planner Theresa Cherniak.
Cherniak also discussed the county’s response to the enforcement order issue by the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) that found the county in violation of state law. The petitioners in that case also joined us.
Then Micah Meskel, Activist Program Manager with Portland Audubon, described the organization’s effort to help other jurisdictions create tree codes to protect significant trees in urban areas. He discussed how Washington County might proceed. He will continue to work with CPO members around the county on this issue. Let us know if you’re interested in joining that effort.
The July 2020 CPO meeting video is on our Facebook page.
Neighborhood Meetings

We did not receive any notices for neighborhood meetings in August for new development proposals. If any come in after press time, they’ll be added to this article online.
We received notes from a meeting held on July 1 for a proposal to partition a lot at the corner of NW Rainmont and 111th. The owner is proposing to keep the existing house and add a two-story house to the east. Curbs and sidewalks will be built along the frontage on both streets. Neighbors who attended the meting were concerned that the five-foot setback would place the new house very close to their home.
NW Engineers conducted the meeting. They will include Neighborhood Meeting notes in the eventual development application when it is submitted to Land Use Planning.
Ped and bike improvement proposals
The Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee (URMDAC) will begin reviewing the list of proposed projects for funding during the fiscal 2020-21 year. The list is already long, but if you know of a needed improvement that isn’t on the list, you can still propose it.
Review the Pedestrian and Biking Improvement Candidates Map to see if an improvement has already been identified at the location you’re interested in.
To propose a new pedestrian or biking improvement, complete and submit this form. The proposed improvement must address a safety or connectivity issue on a county road. Candidates are reviewed when funding becomes available. The URMD Pedestrian and Biking Improvement Projects Program provides the funds to complete these projects.