Library News

Parent Information Series
This series runs through May. Visit the website to learn more.
Positive Parenting to Create a Happy Home
1st Thursdays, 7-8 pm, parents of kids ages 18 mo-12 yrs, via Zoom
Transform misbehavior into connection and cooperation. Bring your parenting questions and challenges to this monthly workshop presented by Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, Megan Barella.
Supporting Dual Language Learners
Tuesday, March 16, 6:30-8:30 pm, parents of kids any age, via Zoom
Learn how to support your child’s bilingual development. Find answers to common questions and learn hands-on strategies to help promote your children learning and loving two or more languages! Presented by Dr. Dawn Hendricks, co-author of Helping Your Child Learn Two Languages.
For Kids:
Storytimes through March 19
Find details and registration information online, including Facebook and YouTube links.
Rockstar Readers Book Club
Tuesday, March 16, 4-4:45 pm, via Zoom
Visit our website to learn about the libraries’ new monthly book club for third-fifth graders–with a grown up.
March: The List of Things That Will Not Change by Rebecca Stead
Read to the Dogs
Wednesdays. 2 pm, online via DoveLewis
Read to the Dogs is back! Now we’re teaming up with DoveLewis’ Portland Area Canine Therapy Team (PACTT) to offer virtual interactive reading sessions.
Read to the Dogs allows school age children who are beginning or struggling readers to develop their reading skills in a relaxed, non-judgmental environment. During a virtual 15-minute session, your child has an opportunity to practice reading aloud to a trained therapy dog. Registration required through DoveLewis PACTT. Find a link on our Kids’ page.
Teens & Tweens
Teen/Tween Take and Make Crafts
April 5-7, May 3-5, library hours, both libraries, ages 11-18
Stop by one of the libraries during open hours to pick up craft supplies for fun crafts like stress balls and Star Wars puppets. Then, join us for Wednesday Crafternoon to create with other teens. Supplies limited.
Drop in the first Wednesday of each month this spring to make and share art and listen to music. Registration required.

Teen Art Contest
February 15-March 19
Calling all artists in grades 6-12! Enter for a chance to have your artwork featured during the 2021 Summer Reading Challenge at select Washington County libraries. Find rules and entry information on the teen page of our website.
Visit the website to find more resources for teens and tweens.
Master Gardener Program Series
Register online for these gardening events taught by an OSU Extension Service Master Gardener.
Improving Your Soil
Wednesday, March 31, 6:30-7:30 pm, , adultsvia Zoom
Get the “dirt” on good soil. Practical tips and techniques on how to improve your soil’s texture and structure, the use of compost and mulches, cover cropping, and more will be discussed.
Growing Tomatoes in the Pacific Northwest
Tuesday, April 20, 6:30-7:30 pm, adults, via Zoom
Learn to ‘grow like a pro!’ Topics will include choosing the right tomato, planting times and techniques, fertility, pest and disease management, pruning and more.
Writers’ Mill
Sundays, March 21, April 18, May 16, 1-3 pm, adults & older teens, via Zoom
Contact to register.
Learn more at
Whether you’re writing just for fun, hoping for publication, or planning to self-publish, join us for a hands-on inspiring gathering of people who love to write. Newcomers welcome! If you already receive email from the Writer’s Mill, you’ll receive a link for this meeting a few days before the event. If you’re new, welcome! Please email to receive a link for the event a few days before it happens. See the group’s anthologies in the library catalog. For more information, contact group facilitator Sheila Deeth at
Owl Book Group
Fridays, March 26, April 30, May 28, 10:30 am-12 pm, adults & older teens, via Zoom
Contact to register.
Join us virtually this month to discuss In the Shadow of Statues by Mitch Landrieu. If you already receive email from the Owl Book Group, you’ll receive a link for this meeting a few days before the event. If you’re new, welcome! Please email to receive a link for the event a few days before it happens. The group typically meets on the last Friday of each month. Newcomers are always welcome!
Voices in Verse
Saturdays, March 27, April 24, May 22, 10:30 am-12 pm, adults & older teens, via Zoom
Share your own poetry or listen to others read their favorites.