Road News August 2020

Upper Saltzman Road project

Saltzman Road, between Laidlaw Road and Bayonne Lane, has been the site of many accidents and close calls because of narrow lanes on relatively blind curves, without adequate bike and pedestrian facilities. Calls for improvement have spanned nearly two decades.

We recently learned that Washington County has hired a consultant to manage the study, and that an advisory committee will be formed to include community representatives and others. We’ll follow this closely as more information is available.

Saltzman alignment options map

Saltzman Road is a two-lane urban collector serving a rapidly-growing community. Plans call for the  road to be widened to three lanes (one travel lane in each direction with a center turn lane) with bike lanes and sidewalks. Two proposed alignment alternatives for Saltzman Road are being studied (see map).

The estimated $6.5 million project includes $5.3 million from the Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program (MSTIP) 3e and $1.2 million from the Bonny Slope West Transportation Development Charge that was levied on developers of the new neighborhoods in that area.

Springville project location map

Springville: Kaiser to Joss

County Commissioners approved putting this project out for bid during the July 21, 2020 meeting. This will be the final stretch of improvements to Springville Road, between Joss Avenue and the Portland Community College (PCC) Rock Creek Campus. The road will be widened to three lanes (one lane in each direction and a center turn lane) with bike and pedestrian facilities, street lighting and improved storm drainage. Two culverts (one east of Concordia Court and one west of Graf Street) will be evaluated for improvements or replacement.

Marie Conser Real Estate

This section of Springville Road varies in width and lacks bike and pedestrian facilities. This project will include safety improvements and consistency with adjacent Springville Road projects. Construction is anticipated to begin in Aug. 2020 with completion by summer 2021.The project is being funded through the North Bethany County Service District for Roads.

143rd & Science Park curb cuts

New curb cuts will be installed in these locations

Many roadway improvements, including pavement overlays, necessitate upgrading adjacent curb ramps to current accessibility standards pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This curb ramp project will upgrade 52 ramps and modify pedestrian pushbuttons and signals at signalized intersections. Upon completion of the ramp project, Road Fund pavement overlays are planned for construction in 2020 and 2021 along these roadways. During construction of the ramp improvements, pedestrian access will be maintained through the affected intersections.

112th culvert

NW 112th Avenue, between NW Montreux Lane and NW Leahy Road, will be closed August 17-September 14 to replace an undersized culvert in poor condition. The 48-inch culvert will be replaced by a 102-inch round culvert. This new culvert is sized for the local hydrology and to provide passage for native migratory fish.

West Union shoulder widening

The shoulders on both sides of West Union Road, between NW Helvetia and NW Cornelius Pass roads, will be widened by about 4 feet on each side of the road. In addition to the shoulder widening, the road will undergo pavement repairs and an asphalt overlay. The project will begin late summer 2020, pause during the rainy season, and restart in spring 2021. While no road closures are anticipated, there will be lane closures; expect delays.

West Union Road is a highly used route, with a 66.17% increase in traffic volume since 2010. The additional width on each side of the road will improve safety for vehicles, farm equipment, bicycles and pedestrians. In addition, the overlay will extend the life of the road.

This $1.8 million project is funded by the Road Fund.

West Union sidewalks

The project will fill sidewalk gaps on one side of West Union/Thompson roads from Bronson Creek Drive to 153rd Terrace. The project is slated for completion in Spring 2021 but we have no further information on a start date. The estimated $1.2 million of cost, including design and construction, is funded through the Urban Road Maintenance District.

Visit the Washington County Transportation Projects web page for information on many upcoming projects. Click on the magnifying glass to see the Project pages.

Oregon Transportation Survey

Every three years, the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) puts together the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). This plan determines how to spend federal and state money for roads, bridges, public transportation, bike paths, and sidewalks. The OTC is starting now to look at funding projects from 2024 through 2027.

The OTC will:

  • Use data on conditions, safety, and congestion to identify projects. 
  • Work with ODOT, local elected officials, and citizens to determine which projects are most important to our communities. 
  • Consider highway projects, non-highway projects, and greenhouse gas emissions when choosing the projects.
  • Decide how to divide the money by the end of 2020.
  • Send a draft out for public review in early 2023. 

The OTC encourages citizens and stakeholders to provide input on how we should divide funds among programs so that we’re meeting needs across the state. There are a number of ways you can stay informed and provide input:

Visit the Oregon STIP web page and watch the video about the STIP.

Take the STIP survey to provide your input.

Sign up for the ODOT email list.

Submit a comment to the OTC.

Multnomah County’s Cornelius Pass project

Cornelius Pass map

NW Cornelius Pass Road will remain closed to through traffic between Highway 30 and NW Skyline Blvd. through the end of September while contractor Wildish Standard Paving completes safety improvements on the road. Work this summer will realign the two-lane road to reduce sharp curves at two locations. Last year the contractor completed other safety improvements in the corridor, including all work south of NW Skyline Blvd. 

When the road is closed to through traffic, access will be maintained for local residents and emergency services. The contractor will set up a hard road closure just north of NW 8th Ave. where a culvert that carries a creek under the road will be replaced. No vehicles will be able to pass that point for several months.  The second work location is at the sharp S curves north of NW Skyline Blvd., where the road will be realigned. Flaggers will direct traffic through the S curves when one lane is closed.

The Oregon Legislature provided $5.65 million for the project. The Legislature also directed that the section of NW Cornelius Pass Road between Highway 30 and Highway 26 be transferred to the Oregon Department of Transportation after the project is completed.

For information about this summer’s construction and to sign up for project updates visit the MultCo Roads project page.