THPRD proposes pedestrian bridge to cross Highway 26, link segments of Westside Trail

Tuesday, October 20, 6-8 pm, online meeting
A meeting was held on September 30 to present the upcoming Westside Trail Bridge over Highway 26 study and hear from landowners and other stakeholders. When it is completed, it will connect the Westside Trail from SW Greenbrier Parkway to NW Cornell Road through the BPA powerline right-of-way behind the industrial area on Science Park Drive. The meeting was recorded and can be viewed on YouTube here.
Tualatin Park & Recreation District will offer a community-wide survey to collect public input, and will host a Virtual Community Meeting specifically for community input and questions. For a link to the meeting when it’s available, updates on the project, and the public input opportunities, please visit the project webpage and sign up for project updates.

One of the goals of the current project is to identify potential funding sources for he design and construction of the bridge.