Washington County News November 2021

Commissioner District reapportionment
Washington County will likely adjust the boundaries for Board of County Commissioner (BCC) districts as a result of population information from the 2020 census. Because Cedar Mill, Bethany, and other “north of 26” communities are not in cities, the BCC is our local government. Most of our area is in District 2, currently represented by Commissioner Pam Treece.
The BCC will begin a discussion on redistricting at the November 9 Work Session. They expect to appoint a county official to determine whether redistricting is triggered by new information, create and approve a plan, and finally adopt an ordinance by September 8, 2023, which is the first day for filing for the 2024 election. Each district must not have more than 103% of the population of any other district.
Commissioners are elected to four-year terms, with primaries held in May and elections in November if the candidate did not win a majority in the primary. Commissioner Treece is running in the May primary.

Metro redistricting
The tri-county agency that manages regional issues is also beginning a redistricting process. They are on a shorter time span and have just begun to evaluate five “scenario” maps. They are asking for community input. Deadline is November 14. At first glance, it appears that Scenario A1 gives us the best result by keeping most of our area of urban unincorporated Washington County in one district, District 4.
WashCo Town Hall
Thursday, December 2, 6 pm virtual
This virtual event will focus on the budget process and efforts to center equity in the provision of county services. Visit the Town Hall page for more details.