Garden News

Growing Herbs in Your NW Garden
Thursday, June 16,, 10 am-noon, in person at the Washington County Master Gardener Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate, 8005 SW Grabhorn Rd, Beaverton, Pre-registration not required.
You can grow herbs in your northwest landscape. Enjoy our garden’s unique spiral design, learn how and where to plant herbs, what herbs to choose and how to use them. Judy Fenker WCMGA Master Gardener, has 24 years of experience as an OSU Extension MG Volunteer. She was part of the original group that established the Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate and was instrumental in designing its spiral herb garden that features culinary herbs that grow well in the Pacific NW.
Bees In Your Garden
Saturday, June 25, 10 am-noon, PCC Rock Creek, Bldg 4& WCMGA Education Garden, 17705 NW Springville Rd, free, registration required
Adults and children are invited to join the Washington County Master Gardener Association for this hands-on session about Oregon native bees. Learn how to distinguish between a bee, a wasp, and a fly. Explore habitat needs for our native bees and discover what you can do in your garden to help our native bees. As part of the session, we will look for bees and other pollinators in the Education Garden.

Susan Albright, OSU Extension MG Volunteer and WCMGA member, will be your class facilitator. Susan has been a Master Gardener since 2011. Her passion for native bees began in 2013 following a lecture on Bumble Bee Conservation by Rich Hatfield of the Xerces Society. In 2019 and 2020 she participated in Xerces’ PNW Bumble Bee Atlas. That work eventually led her to the Oregon Bee Project and the Oregon Bee Atlas (OBA). In 2020 she joined the OBA and began her training in the OSU Extension Service Master Melittologist program, receiving her Apprentice Level Master Melittogist certification in Fall 2021.
The Washington County Master Gardener™ Association (WCMGA) sponsors a wide variety of gardening–related demonstrations, lectures, seminars and workshops in various Washington County Oregon locations. Most of our events are free and open to the public. The WCMGA is a 501c3 nonprofit supported by hundreds of volunteers, who work to educate the public about sustainable, affordable gardening.
Conifers in the Pacific Northwest

Tuesday, June 7, 7 pm. Online, registration required.
The PNW is one of a limited number of regions in the world with a high diversity of native conifers. The Washington County Master Gardener Association invites you to attend author and educator Elizabeth Price’s free webinar. Elizabeth will discuss why our unique climate enables conifers to achieve such majesty. She will then take the audience on a tour of some of the most beautiful and interesting (as well as problematic) native and ornamental conifers for the PNW home garden.
Elizabeth A. Price is a certified Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener who has been leading workshops on conifers for over a decade. She is the author of the soon to be published Native and Ornamental Conifers in the Pacific Northwest.
This webinar is free to the public. For more information and to register, visit the website.
*Qualifies for 1-hour MG continuing garden education credit”)