Community Club news

By Jan Dempsey
Next meeting: Wednesday, June 21, 6-7 pm, “hybrid’—in person at the Cedar Mill Library Community Room and online via zoom
Our first meeting was on May 17, in-person at the Cedar Mill library and via zoom. Virginia Bruce began with an introduction to current and proposed events and projects, plus her enthusiastic in-depth vision of what the club’s structure could eventually be. The meeting was a terrific start with people attending providing ideas about what we are interested in organizing.
13 people attended in person, and three via zoom (we had technical difficulties and had to restart the zoom meeting). A zoom recording of the entire meeting can be viewed here.
In addition to the ideas discussed in last month’s article, some new ideas that came up during the meeting that received interest included: a Fun Run; a Drum Circle at the Sentinel Pole; and holiday window decorations in downtown businesses.
A number of folks volunteered for the downtown cleanup “adopt-one-block’ program. Rick Breckler, who initiated the idea on the Facebook group page, may lead the group but wants plenty of support.
We’ll send out a survey before the next meeting on June 21(link/details above) to gauge the popularity of some of the ideas, so be sure to sign up for emails or join the Facebook group (or both!). Please answer the simple questions if you’re signing up on Facebook, they are meant to keep out spammers!
We currently have 63 addresses on our email list, and 360 members in the Facebook group. You’re welcome to be on both. We’ll keep you updated as projects get underway.