CPO 1 News June 2023

June meeting

Tuesday, June 13, 7-9 pm, hybrid via zoom and at Cedar Grove East Community Room, 13400 NW Cornell You now have the choice of meeting online via zoom, or in person in the East Community Room at Cedar Grove Apartments at the corner of Murray and Cornell. If you are driving, please either park on the street or in the southeast corner of the Safeway lot.
After the Land Acknowledgement and updates from our service providers, we’ll share any development information we have received and provide time for announcements.
Dale Street Development
Mark Dane will present the proposal to create a seven-lot subdivision for semi-detached townhomes on a 0.62-acre parcel at 560 NW Dale (at Sherry). The homes would access Dale from a single private street along the property’s northern edge. The neighborhood meeting was previously scheduled at the same time as the May CPO 1 meeting, so he is presenting it again for us. The property includes a segment of SNR land.
Washington County and the State SNR Abatement Order
On April 23, 2023, Oregon’s Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) issued a stay preventing Washington County from approving new residential development in designated wildlife areas until they produce “clear and objective” standards. Jill Warren, CPO 4M, will give us a brief history of the citizen effort, begun in 2016, that resulted in the stay.
Washington County Land Use & Transportation staff will discuss implementation of the state Enforcement Order and Stay on certain development that may impact significant natural resources, and the project to update County natural resource regulations.
Future of the CPO system
In May, we wrote about the “Re-envisioning” plan that was presented by the Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement (OEICE) to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) at their May 9 Work Session. Following the presentation, Board Chair Kathryn Harrington and other Commissioners said they were not ready to vote for the plan and they requested staff to come back to the Board at a later date to discuss further.
OEICE Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer Latricia Tillman submitted her resignation in late May which will be effective July 7. It’s unclear what, if any, effect this will have on the “Re-envisioning” effort.
Development Proposals
The application to widen, realign, and extend NW Thompson to eliminate the two 90° turns was published. Read more in Road News.
No Neighborhood Meeting notices or other development applications were received at publication time.
CPO 1 May 2023 Meeting Notes
By Bruce Bartlett, CPO 1 Vice Chair
A recording of the full meeting can be viewed here.
CPO 1 meetings start off with updates from our service providers. This month we heard from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue, Tualatin Valley Water District, Clean Water Services, and Beaverton School District. The park district has great opportunities for volunteers to assist with programs which can be found here.
Virginia announced the formation of the Cedar Mill Community Club. Its activities are listed on its Facebook page.
Westside Multimodal Improvements Study
Stephanie L. Millar, ODOT Principal Planner, Urban Mobility Office, described how her team is studying how people travel in and through the westside corridor centered around Hwy 26 in Washington County today, and how they will over the next 20 years. Building off past studies, ODOT and Metro, in partnership with local agencies and other stakeholders are learning about the current problems people have traveling by transit, on foot, or with wheels, also known as multimodal options. The five priority challenges being analyzed are mobility, safety, social equity, climate action and economic vitality. Learn more on the project website.
Volunteering at BSD Schools, and District Update
Christina Mackin, Community Resource Coordinator for Beaverton School District’s 54 schools, shared about volunteer opportunities with BSD. Information on volunteering at a BSD school can be found in the Volunteer Handbook. Among the opportunities are Art Literacy, AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), and Special Education Advisory Council, Serve on the School Board, SMART (Start Making A Reader Today), and help in the cafeterias at lunch time.
Of special need is support for Clothes for Kids, a service organization that provides free clothing for children in need in BSD grades K-12 and is staffed by community volunteers. Support is also needed through financial contributions that are used to purchase new articles of clothing such as socks, underwear, and coats. Donations of clean, school-appropriate, gently used or new clothing and shoes are greatly appreciated. now with extended hours of service to meet the huge demand for clothing.
Shellie Bailey-Shah, BSD Public Communications Officer, introduced the new Superintendent, Dr. Gustavo Balderas, Ed.D.. She summarized the work on the 2022-23 Strategic Plan and the ways over 7900 community members have engaged in the process. The BSD School Board is expected to approve the Strategic Plan in June 2023 and begin implantation in the next school year.
Ms. Bailey-Shah described what the district is doing to confront the opioid epidemic. From a local family’s tragedy, the district has incorporated an educational program for students in grades 6-12 alerting them to the dangers of fentanyl—“One pill can kill”—the support options for recovery, and the use of Narcan in case of overdoes emergencies. School district boundaries were discussed. She shared that BSD is one of the only districts in Oregon which ensures that bussing is provided to all the options schools.
In addition to option schools, there are programs which enhance curriculums. One such program is hosted at Terra Nova which provides two periods every other day of science-based learning for high school students. A rigorous Applied Chemistry/Sustainable Foods and a Field Biology/Sustainable Practices project-based coursework are offered. Learning is enhanced by growing and cooking food grown on their farm. Urban Gleaners provides support for the 8 food pantries in the BSD and Terra Nova grows a large amount of produce which is shared with them.