Library News

Libraries will be closed on July 4. Find event calendars, storytime schedules, and more at the library website.
All Ages
Campout in the Stacks Trivia
Friday, July 15, 6-7:30 pm, Cedar Mill Library, ages 10+
Join us in the library or online for camp trivia! This hybrid event will focus on books and movies about camp life or camping and even stories about animals that talk! Use a phone or tablet to play trivia through Kahoot. Join us on Zoom if playing from home. Play with or against family and friends.
Cedar Mill and Bethany Community Libraries’ Summer Reading Program
Join your community libraries beyond the beaten path for summer reading fun! Sign up on the Beanstack app, at the summer reading website, or pick up a paper reading log at a library. Track your reading, enjoy fun activities and enter to win prizes.
Find more fun for kids at the library’s kids’ webpage.

Stuffed Animal Campout
Friday, July 8, 10 am-5 pm, Cedar Mill Library
Bring a stuffed animal from home and drop it off with our staff. Your stuffy will experience an overnight campout in the library and learn what happens in the library after hours! Receive a link to photos of their adventures the next day.
Family Storytime
Tuesdays and Thursdays, July 5-August 11, 10:30am, ages 2+
Join us for stories, rhymes, songs, and movement! Registration required and space is very limited. Registration will open two weeks before each storytime. Separate registration is required for each week that you plan to attend. Find details and registration information at the storytime webpage.
Teens & Tweens
Visit the library’s teens and tweens’ webpage to find events and resources for teens and tweens.
Teen Movie Night
Friday, July 29, 6-8 pm, ages 11-18
Enjoy movie night with your friends in the library after closing. Watch the origin story of one of the most dastardly villains ever to appear in Disney animation. Don’t bring your puppies though! Registration required.
Learn more about library groups and events for adults at the library’s adults’ webpage.
Monthly Groups for Adults
Questions? Write and visit our events website.
Online Antiracist Book Group
Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 pm, via Zoom
The Online Antiracism Book Group is intended to communally clarify our thinking on race, racism, and antiracism through discussion. This group is co-facilitated by Cedar Mill & Bethany Libraries and Hillsboro Library and meets on the fourth Thursdays of the month, June-October.