CPO News

July meeting agenda: TriMet, upper Saltzman, Biggi lawsuit
Tuesday, July 12, 7-9 pm, via zoom
After updates from our service providers, Clay Thompson, Outreach Coordinator, and Luke Norman, TriMet planner, will attend to address future plans for Line 50 (after the announcement in June that it would be discontinued), the only bus that served Cedar Mill and Bonny Slope; give us an update on the Last Mile effort (how to get people from their homes to the Transit Center); and provide any other details on how the agency can help us take advantage of public transit. Please submit your questions in advance to cpo1leaders@gmail.com

We’ll learn more about upper Saltzman. During the June 21 Work Session, Board members voted 3-2 to request LUT to proceed with the Western Alignment, as recommended by CPO 1 and a majority of the members of the community PAC. We’ll discuss the next steps, a timeline, and the known consequences of this decision.
Then we’ll have an update on the Thompson Crossing subdivision proposal and the lawsuit. Following LUT’s approval of the Thompson Crossing 10-unit subdivision adjacent to a dangerous curve, a neighbor and your CPO voted to appeal. Biggi Family Trust then filed a Writ of Mandamus in Circuit Court against the county. The hearing is July 11. We’ll report on what happened and what the next steps might be. You can read some background in Cedar Mill News.
Click the zoom link to join the meeting live or watch it later on our YouTube Channel. We have been live-streaming our meetings since before COVID. And please “subscribe” to our YouTube Channel! We can’t get a “real name” until we have 100 subscribers!
No Neighborhood Meeting notices received this month.
Development applications

The application for the five-story multi-family housing development proposed to be built in the current location of the Cedar Hills Shopping Center on Park Way near the intersection of 26 and 217 has been deemed incomplete by Beaverton planners. It’s up to the developers to submit materials to complete the application. Check Beaverton’s “Proposed Developments” page for updates.
An application to construct a single-family home on a large lot at 2464 NW Jonathon (north of Burton) was approved, with a “shadow plat” showing that another lot could be created via a flag lot.
Another application for a similar home and lot is in the open comment stage, just up the street from that at 2536 NW Jonathon. Visit this page and scroll down to the comment form and enter “L2200129” to provide a comment.
CPO 1 June meeting notes
by Vicky Siah
Virginia Bruce started the meeting with an acknowledgement that we live on Kalapuya land. CPO 1’s service providers gave their regular updates. Brian Yourstone represented THPRD, giving attendees an overview of THPRD’s ongoing and upcoming community projects. Corrine Haning (from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office) reminded CPO 1 of the “stop at four” rule—keep windows open four inches or less to prevent window falls. Haning also gave reminders for driving and water safety.
Andrea Watson of Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) urged folks to check their irrigation systems to ensure that they are functioning properly and dispensing appropriate amounts of water. TVWD is giving customers rebates for installing a weather-based irrigation controller. Additionally, TVWD will likely increase water rate costs in the near future due to supply and internal costs.
Virginia Bruce reviewed CPO 1 development applications and Fran Warren discussed Treekeepers’ appeal of the Leahy Estates project.
Roger Ellingson proposed a CPO 1 subcommittee for pedestrian safety and connectivity. This subcommittee was moved, seconded, and voted upon. 9 CPO 1 attendees voted in favor of this subcommittee, 1 attendee opposed, and 0 abstained.
Commissioner Pam Treece was reelected to her position; she will serve as the District 2 Commissioner for an additional four years. Equity will continue to be a focus of her service, and Commissioner Treece outlined her values and visions for our District’s future.
Stacey Wainwright presented on the Biggi development. This included a map-based summary of recent crashes near Thompson Road. Virginia Bruce provided a recap of the development’s history. The curve where it is proposed to go was long planned to be straightened but the development approval prevents that. CPO 1 appealed the approval, but the Biggi Family Trust sued the County for delaying approval. The county counsel is defending the citizen involvement process. The Biggi hearing is scheduled for July 11 in Circuit Court.

Brian Sica, Administrator for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment for Beaverton School District (BSD) discussed SB 744 that changes graduation requirements. He says they are making social science more equitable. New social science standards are being introduced to BSD classes along grade levels, which should cover tribal history/shared history, Holocaust and other genocides, ethnic studies, and inclusive education. He also discussed the new half-credit requirement for civics education and how the CPOs may get involved to provide real-world experience to students.
According to Sica, these amendments will be brought into BSD curriculums prior to 2026, which is the legal deadline for implementation—they are part of BSD’s sincere efforts to help students “not simply study the world, but change it.” Sica will leave BSD for Banks School District on July 1. He agreed to put us in touch with his successor so we can follow up.