CPO News May 2022

- May Meeting: Ballot Measures, Cedar Hills development
- CPO 1 appeals the Thompson Crossing development approval, Biggi sues the county
- CPO 1 April Meeting Summary
May Meeting: Ballot Measures, Cedar Hills development

Tuesday, May 10, 7 pm via zoom
We will hear from representatives of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the Beaverton School District about their proposed tax measures on the May 17 ballot.
We will also have a presentation from LRS Architects about the proposed 400-unit multi-family development now being planned to replace the Cedar Hills Shopping Center. TrammellCrow is the developer and in addition to their May 2 presentation at the Beaverton Central NAC, they have asked to bring the information to us since that area is also in CPO 1.
Click the zoom link above to join the meeting live or watch it later on our YouTube Channel. We have been live-streaming our meetings since before COVID. And please “subscribe” to our YouTube Channel! We can’t get a “real name” until we have 100 subscribers!
CPO 1 appeals the Thompson Crossing development approval, Biggi sues the county
CPO 1 members voted at the April meeting to proceed with an appeal of the county’s approval of the Thompson Crossing 10-lot development on the curve of Thompson Road east of Saltzman.

We filed our appeal by the April 19 deadline published in the “Notice of Decision and Staff Report” on the application, which was issued on April 7. Thompson Highlands neighbors also filed an appeal. Both appeals question whether the development meets county road standards, among other problems.
On April 22 we received notice that Biggi Investments LLC had filed a “Petition for Alternative Writ of Mandamus” with the Washington County Circuit Court, naming Washington County as the respondent. It says the county should have issued its final decision “within 120 days” of the application being deemed complete by the county. The county says that date was December 8, 2021.
We have never seen this response to a development decision. It has implications for future community involvement in land use. As far as we can tell, this negates the possibility of having the issue considered by a county hearings officer. The Land Use and Transportation Department, according to head planner Andy Back, is working with County Counsel to understand and respond to the move.
If we learn more, we’ll publish an update to the online article and follow up next month.
UPDATE: Court hearing “Show Cause” scheduled for Monday, May 23, 9 am before Judge Theodore E Sims. Washington County Circuit Court, Washington County Courthouse, 145 NE 2nd Avenue, Hillsboro, Courtroom 426J
CPO 1 April Meeting Summary
by Vicky Siah
Virginia Bruce started the April CPO 1 meeting with a statement acknowledging the people on whose land CPO 1 resides on—the Atfalati-Kalapuyans.
Before the election spotlight, service providers gave updates on their respective divisions. Corrine Haning is temporarily replacing Brenda Schaffer as the CPO representative from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. Lt. Ed Rawlinson, who has command oversight of the CPO 1 area, delivered a short presentation on the upcoming levy measure.
Brian Yourstone from THPRD announced that summer registration has opened for THPRD summer activities, and activity guides are available in print at the THPRD offices. The second sewer construction season at the Tualatin Hills Nature Park will pick up in April, leading to some closures—Yourstone advises residents to check the website for additional information. Lastly, Tualatin Hills is giving free aquatics training, and to meet community needs, the staff has been training lifeguards and junior guards for free. There has been a large need for aquatics instructors, lifeguards, and gymnastics teachers.
Andrea Watson from TVWD reminded participants to be mindful of where they dig on their properties. There are often important devices and lines underground, and TVWD is asking residents to check the TVWD website for safety pointers at least two business days before digging.
CPO has the chance to appeal a land use decision for no fee if they had previously commented, and Virginia Bruce outlined the previous discussion on the Thompson Crossing proposed development. The county had initially committed to realigning Thompson Road using the Biggi property, but due to the asking price, the county decided not to pursue that course of realignment. Now, the county has approved the Thompson Crossing construction with many exceptions, and CPO 1 proposed an appeal. Stacey Wainwright, a neighbor residing in that area, listed out additional concerns, and following Wainwright’s comments, CPO 1 voted on the appeal. 19 members voted in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstained.
This CPO 1 meeting focused on the next election, featuring a wide variety of candidates who will appear on the May ballot. Each individual was given a five-minute time slot to present their viewpoints and background, addressing a common question: What is a significant challenge faced by your CPO1 constituents that you will address if elected? Washington County Board of Commissioners: Harrington/Pace, Treece/Frazier; Auditor: Hutzler/Adams-Wannberg: District Attorney: Barton/Decker; Metro Council: Pyszka/Horner, Rep. Gonzalez; Oregon State Legislature: Helm/Carpenter/Nelson, Reynolds, Kinzey; State Senate: Sen. Steiner-Hayward; and Labor Commissioner (Kulla/Baca) were present.
Unfortunately we lost the middle segment of the meeting in our YouTube simulcast, but the beginning and end are up on our channel.