Garden News May 2022

- Volunteer to learn vegetable gardening
- Gardening for Healthier Watersheds
- Propagation by Stem Cuttings
- Meet the Mason Bees!
- TSWCD Spring Workshops

Volunteer to learn vegetable gardening
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 10 am-2 pm, PCC Rock Creek Learning Garden, 17705 NW Springville Rd.
Last month we wrote about the Master Gardeners’ Education Garden at the PCC Rock Creek campus. Right next to that is the PCC Learning Garden, where they explore sustainable gardening techniques, give tours for school kids, and provide volunteer experience for gardeners of all abilities.
Volunteer hours at Rock Creek campus will be available every week through spring and summer terms. Miriam Latzer, PCC RC Learning Garden Coordinator, says, “No need to RSVP—start when you like and stay as long as you like within the window!”
WashCo Master Gardener programs
Gardening for Healthier Watersheds
Tuesday, May 3, 7 pm, via zoom, registration required.
You don’t have to be a Master Gardener to learn from the presentations of this organization. But if you think you might aspire to join them, learn more here.
Join the Washington County Master Gardener Association for a Zoom Webinar with Robert Emanuel focusing on gardening from the perspective of improving local water quality. Gardeners have a special role in improving our local stream, lake, or wetland’s health even if we don’t directly connect to that body of water. At the simplest level, this comes down to knowing that what runs off our gardens ends up in that local waterbody, but there is so much more we can do in our gardening to positively impact our watershed. In his presentation, Dr. Emanuel will cover topics related to plant choice, responsibilities around backyard waterbodies, careful fertilizer and chemical use, stormwater-focused gardening, and ecological restoration.
Since 2011, Emanuel has been a water resources project manager for Clean Water Services—the regional water utility focused on safeguarding the Tualatin River’s health and vitality, ensuring the economic success of our region, and protecting public health for over 600,000 residents and businesses in urban Washington County. His main emphasis is on the ecological restoration of streams, wetlands, and floodplains. He holds a BS from Humboldt State University, as well as a Masters and Ph.D. from the University of Arizona. Robert is also a dedicated gardener with a special love for native plants, edible landscapes, all kinds of ferns, and occasionally pushing zonal boundaries with xeric plants from his native Arizona.
This presentation is approved for one hour of Master Gardener education credit.
Propagation by Stem Cuttings
Saturday May 21, 10-11:30 am, WCMGA Education Garden at PCC Rock Creek, 17705 NW Springville Rd., registration required, free parking.
This introductory plant propagation class will focus on cloning through stem cuttings. Cutting and preparation techniques will be demonstrated; Potting mix and after-care will be discussed. Helen Dorbolo, OSU Extension MG Volunteer, facilitator.

Please visit our website for more information and to register.This class is approved for one hour of Master Gardener Education Credit.
Meet the Mason Bees!
Saturday, May 14, 1-4 pm, WCMGA Education Garden at PCC Rock Creek, 17705 NW Springville Rd., free parking.
Fun for the whole family with hands-on activities and LIVE displays! Meet Mason Bees and some of their closest friends.
TSWCD Spring Workshops

Tualatin Soil & Water Conservation District (Tualatin SWCD) will hold a wide variety of virtual workshops this spring. All workshops are free—more details and registration can be found on the Tualatin SWCD website.
Naturescaping: Site Design
Wednesday, May 4, 6 pm
This webinar introduces the practice of applying naturescaping principles in creating a site design. We’ll discuss the tools and techniques you’ll need to design your landscape.
Beneficial Insects/Insectos Benéficos
Monday, May 16, 6 pm, in English
Lunes, 23 de mayo, 6 pm, en español
In this webinar, you will learn about the different kinds of beneficial insects that might live in your garden. You’ll also discover how to provide food, water, and shelter to attract and sustain these helpful creatures year-round.
En esta clase en línea, usted va a aprender sobre los diferentes tipos de bichos beneficiosos que vivan en su jardín. También, va a descubrir cómo proveer la comida, la agua, y el albergue para atraer y sustentar los animales ayudados todo el año.
Rainwater Harvesting
Wednesday, May 25, 6 pm
Harvesting rainwater allows us to utilize the water falling on our homes and landscapes, even during the dry season. Learn about rainwater harvesting options for spaces big and small in this webinar!
Introduction to Greywater
Wednesday, June 1, 6 pm
Instead of sending water from sinks, showers, and washing machines down the drain, learn how you can safely and efficiently reuse it in your own home and landscape.