Washington County CAN!

Annual Meeting Monday May 23, 6 pm, via zoom
Washington County Citizen Action Network (WC CAN) is a coalition of grassroots advocates (individuals and groups) dedicated to improving quality of life in Washington County by promoting healthy and sustainable communities, social and economic justice, and open and responsive government.
WC-CAN Board Chair Dale Feik says, “Our participants take on many different issues, but we share a commitment to sustainability, social and economic justice, and citizen empowerment for open, responsive government. By sharing information with each other, with the public, and with elected officials we hope to make all our efforts more successful.
“We invite the members of those Participant Groups, the members who are listed on our Google Group email list, and other interested community members to participate in our Annual Meeting, to give everyone a moment to interact, to catch up on the year’s actions, build and strengthen bonds, and to elect members of the board.
Keynote speaker is State Representative Susan McLain who will address us on Oregon Land Use Policy as it broadly and specifically relates to our community activism.
“The WC-CAN organization was formed with By-Laws in January 2013. We generally meet on the fifth Monday of each month, so about four or five times a year.”
“The website includes a list of organizations that are affiliated with WC-CAN or share goals and values. Participants are not “members” in a formal sense, but are linked by common goals and interests, sharing information, and seeking opportunities for collaboration and mutual support.
Learn more on the website and attend the zoom meeting.