July 2022 Community News

- Beaverton Night Market
- Bethany Village Summer Concert Series
- Ask WCSO: What is the Sheriff’s Office’s response to drug abuse and overdose in our community?
- SAMBA can and bottle collection continues year-round
- Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) Seeks Volunteers for Rate Advisory Committee
- Celebrate the Fourth of July Safely
- Water District updates billing system
- Metro’s Rid Patrol cleans up illegal dumping
- Live Art, Entertainment, and Family Fun at La Strada dei Pastelli Chalk Art Festival
- Viva Village news

Bethany Village Summer Concert Series
July 7, July 28, and August 18, 6-9 pm, 4720 NW Bethany Blvd,
A local tradition spanning nearly 20 years, the Bethany Village Summer Concert Series brings three summer concerts during July and August that feature a variety of vendors, live music, intermission acts featuring local young talent, carnival rides, kids activities, and more!
Visit the Bethany Village website for details.
SAMBA can and bottle collection continues year-round
Saturday, July 8, 10-1 pm, Sunset Church, 14986 NW Cornell Rd
The next three Bottle & Can Drive events will be held on second Saturdays: August 13, September 10, and October 8.
Drop off your redeemable bottles and cans to help us raise funds for marching band & music programs at Sunset HS. Bring them in any container (or use bags we provided), and we’ll give you a new bag for next time. You can reach us at samba@sambanote.org with any questions.
Brought to you by the Sunset Apollos Marching Band & Auxiliary (SAMBA), this fundraiser helps pay for travel expenses, entry fees, uniforms, specialized performance instruction, show design, instrument purchase and repair, purchase of new music and arrangements, and scholarships for students who otherwise would be unable to afford to participate. SAMBA is a 501(c)(3) public charity and supports all the comprehensive Band and Color Guard programs available at Sunset High School.
Target commissions mural for new store

Ask WCSO: What is the Sheriff’s Office’s response to drug abuse and overdose in our community?
The Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO), together with community partners, utilizes a comprehensive approach to combating the dire effects of opioid abuse in our community. Specially trained investigators from the Westside Interagency Narcotics (WIN) Team conduct fast-moving investigations seeking to stop the flow of harmful drugs into our community, holding those accountable for the lives destroyed and lost by drug addiction and overdose.

In response to the drastic rise in drug-related deaths since the onset of COVID-19, WCSO created avenues to promote public awareness through an educational-based campaign called One Pill Can Kill. Because of the widespread impact of lethal synthetic opioids, this campaign seeks to inform the public about the increased availability and distribution of drugs such as fentanyl in our community.
To learn more about WCSO’s One Pill Can Kill campaign and available resources, visit the Sheriff’s Office campaign website.
Also, to decrease unused medications available for misuse or accidental ingestion, Washington County Ordinance 848 requires drug manufacturers who sell their products in Washington County to provide a safe and convenient way for the public to dispose of unused medications. Contact your local pharmacy or visit the website to find a disposal location near you.
Ask WCSO is produced by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office.

Beaverton Night Market
Saturday, July 23 and Saturday, August 13, 5-10 pm, 12725 SW Millikan Way 97005
The Beaverton Night Market exists to create a vibrant, intercultural, family-friendly space that is reminiscent of night markets internationally. The Market offers a culturally-relevant evening activity and gathering space with ethnic food and crafts for families of all backgrounds in Beaverton. Visit this website for more details.
Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) Seeks Volunteers for Rate Advisory Committee
Applications due by Thursday, July 8
Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) is seeking interested people, who live or work in the service area or work for agencies which serve customers within the service area to participate on a limited-duration Rate Advisory Committee (RAC) later this year. The primary purpose of the RAC is to consider approaches to address water service affordability for financially vulnerable TVWD customers. At the conclusion of the process, the RAC will provide policy recommendations to the Board of Commissioners.
The TVWD Board will appoint the RAC members in July. Members will attend four or five two-hour meetings between August and December. At the conclusion of the process, the RAC will provide policy recommendations to the Board.
Up to 21 volunteers representing a diverse range of District stakeholders, including representation from residential, business, industry, social services, nonprofit agencies, governmental, and institutional customers will be selected. Additional criteria including gender, age, and cultural diversity may be considered. The ability of RAC members to represent and understand a variety of perspectives is needed.
Interested people are invited to apply online. If you have questions, you can email andrea.watson@tvwd.org or call 503-848-3012.
TVWD and its partners, the City of Hillsboro, and the City of Beaverton, are constructing an additional water supply for the region known as the Willamette Water Supply System. The cost of this project has increased by over $300 million since December 2021 due to inflation, supply chain issues, and workforce conditions. The Willamette Water Supply System cannot be deferred or delayed, and water rate increases will be required to complete the project by 2026.
Celebrate the Fourth of July Safely
As we prepare to commemorate our country’s independence on July 4, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue offers firework safety tips to ensure you have a safe holiday.
If you intend to use fireworks, keep them legal and safe. Oregon law bans fireworks that fly, explode, or travel on the ground more than six feet—this includes bottle rockets, roman candles, firecrackers, and M80s.
To be legal, purchase all fireworks at a licensed Oregon firework stand. Fireworks purchased by mail order or in the state of Washington or at a Native American reservation may be illegal in our state.
Just because some fireworks are legal, doesn’t mean they’re 100 percent safe. This includes sparklers. They can reach temperatures of 1,200 degrees — wood burns at 575 degrees, while glass melts at 900 degrees, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Even legal fireworks are dangerous and can cause injuries and burns. Only adults should light or handle fireworks. Supervise children at all times.
Use fireworks outdoors on a paved surface, away from buildings, vehicles, and vegetation. Never try to re-light a “dud.” Never point or throw fireworks at people, pets, or buildings. Never alter fireworks or make your own. Have a hose nearby in case of fire and place “spent” fireworks in a metal bucket with water. Store fireworks, matches, and lighters out of the reach of children.
Reporting firework incidents in TVF&R’s service area
Individuals needing to report a fire or medical emergency should call 911; individuals wishing to report a nuisance or concern about illegal fireworks should do so via the non-emergency number, 503-629-0111. These situations will be logged, passed on to local law enforcement, and responded to as resources allow.
Penalties for misusing fireworks
Law enforcement agencies enforce criminal laws related to the use of illegal fireworks in Oregon. Under Oregon law, officers can seize illegal fireworks and issue criminal citations, including reckless burning, criminal mischief, reckless endangerment, and more with fines up to $500 per violation. People can also be held civilly liable for damages resulting from improper use of any fireworks—legal or illegal.
For more safety tips, visit the TVF&R website.
Water District updates billing system
The Tualatin Valley Water District office will be closed Friday, July 1, through Monday, July 4, to allow our team to focus on the transition to a new online water utility customer service portal and billing system. Customers will not be able to make payments after Thursday, June 30, 4 pm, through Tuesday, July 5, 8 am. Emergency after hours service will be available for water emergencies only. Water service shutoffs will be suspended until the new billing system conversion is completed. Customers can email CustomerService@tvwd.org or call 503-848-3000 and leave a voice message for a call back once the office reopens.

The transition to the new portal will benefit customers by adding online account management features including Ability to view your usage; Easy payment options; Payment arrangements or extensions requests; Management of multiple accounts under one login; Availability in English and Spanish. Additional features will be added over time. Billing for water and sewer will continue to be every-other-month, but the new system will allow for that to change in the future if the districts change their frequency.
Customers will need to create a new login to take advantage of most of the features. Learn more and watch a video demonstration of the new system at www.tvwd.org/CIS.
Customers will continue to request financial assistance through Community Action, a local nonprofit agency which manages several utility assistance programs, assuring customers receive all eligible assistance available to them. See www.tvwd.org/help for details.

Metro’s Rid Patrol cleans up illegal dumping
Since 1993, Metro has worked with other local government and law enforcement agencies to clean up and investigate illegal dumps across the Metro region. RID Patrol cleans up dumped or abandoned garbage sites. It also investigates evidence found in dumped garbage and eye-witness accounts of dumping incidents on either public or private property.

One of our neighbors recently found that a thief had dumped the contents of a stolen contractor’s trailer on her property. She said, “I was so impressed with their website, and how clear it made everything. Updates were made to my claim, and within two days they had come to take it all away.”
Visit the website or call 503-234-3000 or send email to ridpatrol@oregonmetro.gov. More information about Metro garbage options can be found here.
Live Art, Entertainment, and Family Fun at La Strada dei Pastelli Chalk Art Festival
Saturday-Sunday, July 16-17, 10-6, Cultural Arts District in Downtown Hillsboro along E Main Street (1st Ave to 4th Ave), free

Nationally-recognized and regional chalk artists will gather in the heart of Downtown Hillsboro for La Strada dei Pastelli Chalk Art Festival. Artists will have 48 hours to complete large-scale images, most averaging 10×10 feet, centered around the theme “Joyful Play.” Their drawings are made with chalk pastels drawn directly on asphalt. Not meant to be purchased or carried away, chalk art is a temporary and ephemeral form of public art. In honor of the 500-year old tradition of Italian street painting where artists draw publicly for the masses, Tualatin Valley Create’s La Strada dei Pastelli is an immersive experience into the creative process.
The process starts just as one would imagine- with a line drawing. As each hour passes the array of red, yellow, blue, and green hues begin to blend into semi-recognizable features. The drawings really start to take shape by mid-day Saturday. Returning Sunday morning, the artists refine their pieces with colors, shading, and realism. By 6 pm Sunday each one-of-a-kind image is complete.
The Festival will also feature live entertainment by local performers, local art vendors showcasing multimedia works, food, drinks and ample family activities to provide fun and entertainment all weekend long.
Viva Village news
Viva Village is a Beaverton-area grassroots organization of members and volunteers who focus on enhancing and expanding the ways we can age well.We provide connections, programs, volunteer services, and referrals so members can lead engaged, healthy lives. For more information visit the Viva Village website. Please RSVP for all events by contactingvivavillageeveents@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. Links for zoom meetings will be sent to those who RSVP. Members-only events are listed on the website and in the web version of the news.
Open to the Public
Men’s Coffee Break
Monday, July 25, 10–11 am. Ki Coffee, 4655 SW Griffith Dr. #160.
Conversation and coffee.
Online Viva Village Book Club
Tuesday, July 26, 1–2:30 pm, via Zoom.
Selected book:The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich
Beaverton Development Updates with Viva Village
Monday, July 18, 2–3:30 pm, Beaverton First United Methodist Church, Wesley Room
Mike Williams, Economic Development Manager | Community Development Department, will discuss recent changes in and around Beaverton, including new businesses, traffic pattern changes, performance spaces, parks developments, and housing changes. Q and A will follow (open to the public). RSVP recommended. Visit the Viva Village website or contact the Viva Village office at 503-746-5082 or vivavillageevents@gmail.com.
Online Viva Village 101
Saturday, July 9, 10–11:30 am, via Zoom.
A fun and informational session about Village life for prospective members and/or volunteers.
Events for Members and Volunteers
Viva Village Nature Walk
Saturday, July 4, 9:30 am, Tualatin Valley Nature Park, 15655 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton 97006, RSVP recommended.
Online Women’s Coffee
Tuesdays, July 5, 12, 19, 26, 10 am, via Zoom.
Coffee and conversation.
Women’s Coffee In-Person
Wednesdays, July 6, 13, 20, 27, 10 am, Jim & Patty’s Coffee, 4130 SW 117th.
Members and volunteers. RSVP recommended.
Online Tai Chi Classes
Thursdays, July 7, 28, 10–11:30 am, via Zoom.
Learn Tai Chi technique with certified instructor, Richard Chew.
Hybrid Writers Group
Thursdays, July 7, 14, 28, 1:30–3 pm.
Join other Village writers at a member’s home in South Beaverton or join by Zoom.
Online Working Mindfully with Stress
Mondays, July 11, 18, 25, 2 pm, via Zoom.
Participants use meditation techniques to reduce stress
Life Stories
Tuesday, July 12, 2 pm, Southminster Presbyterian Church, 12250 SW Denney Road.
Villager Carol Gross will talk about breaking the glass ceiling three times and her journey to a fulfilling volunteer-filled retirement.
Dine Around Beaverton and Beyond
Wednesday, July 13, 1 pm, The Old Spaghetti Factory, 10425 NE Tanasbourne Dr.
Lunch and conversation. Participants must be vaccinated. RSVP required. Space limited to 12 people.
Garden Enthusiasts: Helvetia Lavender Farm
Thursday, July 14, 10:30 am. To carpool, meet at 10:30 am in the Viva Village parking lot (4905 SW Griffith Drive 97005).
Wear a hat and comfortable shoes. Bring lunch and a drink. There will be lavender products for sale. We expect to return between 1:30 and 2 pm.
Patio Picnics
Friday, July 15, 12 pm. Viva Village member’s home.
Enjoy small group conversation and lunch on outdoor decks and patio. Bring your own lunch. RSVP required by Wednesday, July 13.
The Big Six Anniversary Celebration
Thursday, July 21, 12:30–3 pm, Stockpot Restaurant (outdoor tented area), 8200 SW Scholls Ferry Road.
Enjoy lunch and celebrate the upcoming 6th Anniversary of Viva Village. RSVP required.
Online Movie Discussion Group
Wednesday, July 27, 5 pm.
July movies will be available in late June on the Viva Village calendar. Movies are available for free on Kanopy streaming service offered by the Washington County Library.
WashCo Bikes summer events
Learn more about WashCo Bikes events here.
Repair Clinics
Various dates and times, WashCo Bikes Community Bicycle Center, 137 NE 3rd, Hillsboro
WashCo Bikes offers bike repair clinics to the public. You must pre-register and be over 8 years old. Learn to clean, adjust, and repair your bike in a friendly, knowledgeable atmosphere. Limited to 12 per clinic.
Women-only clinics July 6 (waiting list only), August 8, and September 7. General clinics July 10, August 14, and September 11.
Because of too many no-shows, they require a refundable deposit, or you can use that as a donation. Learn more and register here.
Drivers’ Ed for cyclists
August 6 and September 24, online and at Willow Creek Park and Ride, 241 Edgeway Drive, Hillsboro, $50
This clinic is meant to teach the concepts and skills of cooperative cycling—how to “drive” your bike in traffic the safest way possible. Learn the Five Levels of Crash Prevention, hazard avoidance skills, and get some good information about riding in general, basic bike maintenance, etc. You will also receive a Smart Cycling manual to keep.
The clinic has two parts: Online instruction and testing which you can complete at your convenience. You must complete this portion with an 80% or higher overall score. On the bike instruction: Each session will last 3-4 hours, depending on how many students, general skill levels, etc. You will need to bring your bike in working order, a helmet (required), and any water/snacks you might need. Most of the session will take place in a parking lot, where we will learn and practice skills and techniques. We will then take a group ride on local streets where you can practice the skills and apply the knowledge you have just learned in real life situations. We will end with you filling out a feedback form and the instructor will fill out a road test score sheet (yes, a report card).
Email classes@washcobike.org for more information. Sign up and pay online here. Once you have filled out the registration page, you will be taken to the payment page.