CPO News October 2023

- October CPO 1 meeting: Domestic Extremism in our county; WCSO and scanners
- Future of the CPO/CCI system: BCC to hear latest OEICE proposal
- Neighborhood Meetings
- 9400 SW Taylor Street
- Development Applications
- Malia Lane two-parcel partition
- Mountain View Ridge
- Proposed Plan Amendment: Commons at Sylvan Highlands expansion
- CPO1 September meeting notes
October CPO 1 meeting: Domestic Extremism in our county; WCSO and scanners
Tuesday, October 10, 7-9 pm, hybrid via zoom and at Cedar Grove East Community Room, 13400 NW Cornell
After the Land Acknowledgement and updates from our service providers, we’ll share any development information we have received and provide time for announcements from CPO members.
At around 7:45 we’ll learn about Domestic Extremism in Washington County. Detective Jeremy Chedester, of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Investigations Division, FBI/Joint Terrorism Task Forces, will share with us the interrelationship and motivations of domestic extremist groups operating in the county, state, and nation.

Following that presentation, Tabitha Alkire, WCSO Public Affairs, will explain why WCSO has temporarily stopped providing information to the public via Broadcastify, an application that allows the public to get information on police activity. She will also give us an overview of WCSO Public Affairs operations.
You now have the choice of meeting online via zoom, or in person in the East Community Room at Cedar Grove Apartments at the corner of Murray and Cornell. If you are driving, please either park on the street or in the southeast corner of the Safeway lot. If you can’t attend the meeting, it is recorded and available on YouTube for viewing later. Visit our YouTube channel and subscribe! Our Facebook Group is a good place to discuss current issues and get timely updates.
Future of the CPO/CCI system: BCC to hear latest OEICE proposal
BCC Work Session October 17, afternoon (TBD), via zoom here
The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) asked the Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement (OEICE) to revise the plan they presented during a BCC Work Session in May. The presentation was originally scheduled for early October but is now on the agenda for the October 17 Work Session.
The original plan called for CCI system oversight to be transferred to either Land Use & Transportation, the Planning Commission, or a BCC-appointed group. Each of those options would seem to threaten the independence of the organization whose purpose is, according to the 1974 law (OAR 660 -015 -0000(1)) that established Oregon’s Land Use Laws: “To develop a citizen involvement program that ensures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process.”
BCC Work Session meetings are open for the public to watch but no comments are allowed. However, if you want to let them know your thoughts, you can send a message to Commissioners using this form.

Neighborhood Meetings
9400 SW Taylor Street
Saturday, October 14, 11:30 am, Cedar Mill Library Community Room
A three-lot partition is proposed to create three single-family homes. The existing home will be demolished. Neighborhood meetings give the developer (Welkin Engineering PC) the opportunity to share plans with the neighbors and for them to share any information about the property. Notices are sent to nearby neighbors but all interested parties may attend.
Development Applications

Malia Lane two-parcel partition
NW Engineers LLC is representing property owner Jo Gold to request a Preliminary Plat Approval to partition their lot at 10862 NW Malia Lane to add an additional lot on the property for another home that would share the existing driveway. The Neighborhood Meeting was held on April 27, 2023. CPO 1 comments are due by October 11—if you wish CPO 1 to comment, send information to cpo1leaders@gmail.com. The Public Comment period is open now, use this page to comment on L2300213.

Mountain View Ridge
A 38-home subdivision has been proposed for land on the boundary between Multnomah and Washington County, adjacent to the northern end of 130th Avenue. It’s in CPO 7 but will undoubtedly affect all of us, because the extension of 130th is part of the rationale for the realignment of the upper end of Saltzman. The proposal doesn’t include any improvements to 130th at this time. We will bring you more information next month. The Public Comment period is open now, use this page to comment on L2300200.

Proposed Plan Amendment: Commons at Sylvan Highlands expansion
November 1, 1:30 pm, virtually on Zoom
The Planning Commission will hear a request to change the land use designation for a 3.33-acre site north of SW 66th Avenue and SW Canyon Ct. from R-5 (five lots per acre) to R-25 (25 lots per acre). Westlake Consultants represents owner Commons at Sylvan Highlands LLC that proposes to build more multi-family residences adjacent to the existing complex to the south.
This is the second recent proposed Plan Amendment in CPO 1. An Amendment was approved to change zoning from Neighborhood Commercial to R-9 for the property opposite Bonny Slope Elementary on McDaniel. Some people think it would be good to have a new look at all the Community Plans. The Cedar Hills Cedar Mill Community Plan was first adopted in 1983 and has been amended over the years.
CPO1 September meeting notes
The Beaverton School District’s (BSD) Clothes For Kids service is experiencing huge demands as the service provided over 100,000 articles of clothing in 2022 and is on track to exceed that this year if enough people volunteer. Please consider this rewarding opportunity. Register to volunteer with the BSD here.
People living in CPO 1 get our water from the Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD). TVWD shared their considerable progress installing the new Willamette Water Supply System and that we can anticipate our water rates to increase in the future to cover this critical service.
The Onsite Septic Financial Aid program offered by Clean Water Services to help homeowners replace septic systems with connections to the regional sewage treatment system is available through Oct 25, 2023.
The meeting was recorded and available on our YouTube channel here.