Community News December 2022

COVID-19 resources undergo transition

Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is transitioning COVID-19 services and data tracking to align with the current phase of the pandemic. Temporary pandemic response resources are closing or being integrated into existing health care systems.

The COVID-19 Feedback team will take calls and respond to email questions through Sunday, Dec. 5. After that, anyone submitting comments or concerns to the feedback email will receive an autoreply directing them to resources. 

The Get Vaccinated Oregon vaccine and test locator site will end Friday, Dec. 9. After Dec. 9, people searching for COVID-19 testing and vaccine locations can go to The COVID-19 Support Hotline and Text Line will close Dec. 9. The COVID-19 Case Investigation Survey will close Friday, Dec. 9. 

OHA will continue to monitor and report cases, deaths, hospitalizations, variants, vaccination and booster rates and other developments. Individuals who test positive and have questions or need assistance should contact their medical provider for guidance. If you don’t have a medical provider, contact 211 for help finding one or your local public health authority.

Local Organization helps our neighbors in need

The Beaverton Resource Center (BRC) knows firsthand there are many amazing organizations serving our community, but navigating these resources when you need them can be difficult.  The BRC is a local organization that focuses on serving local Beaverton residents during times of need with a drop-in center and online resources. By connecting those struggling with hunger, housing insecurity, and poverty with an array of social service partners and resources, they hope to create more stability and ease for their clients.

Marie Conser Real Estate

This year, the BRC is on track to serve over 4,000 Beaverton-area residents…and that’s only half of those currently living in poverty.*

Here’s a quick look at how much they give out each month in assistance:

  • $10K/Month in Rental, Utility, & Gasoline Assistance 
  • 500 units of Shampoo/Conditioner/Toothbrushes 
  • 250 units of Soap/Toothpaste/Deodorant/Toilet Paper/Feminine Hygiene Products/Laundry Detergent

With the news of inflation and job cuts, the needs of the Beaverton community keep growing and that means the needs of the BRC organization does too. The BRC would love any help to ensure they can keep our neighbors working and in their homes by providing rental, utility, gas assistance, and the basics, like personal care goods and food.

Please think of the BRC this holiday season. You can donate online, purchase items from their Amazon Wishlist, or mail them your donation. They will do the rest!

Light Up a Life: Care Partners’ Service of Remembrance 

Thursday, December 8, 6 pm, online. To register call (503) 648-9565, or visit 

Light up a Life, part of our palliative and hospice services, is offered to help families and friends come together to remember and celebrate the lives of loved ones. It’s one of our most loved and meaningful events, attracting people year after year. This celebration of life service provides a time to be comforted and to share hope with others. Anyone and everyone is welcome. All are invited to attend the service and send in names of loved ones they would like us to read. Names do not need to be of people who recently passed, or who experienced hospice service. 

Care Partners is a non-profit organization that provides a variety of services to individuals and families dealing with all types of serious illness diagnoses. Learn more here.

Learn and enjoy dances from around the world!

Thursday, December 15, 11 am-noon, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Rd, free. Space is limited, please send attendance reply to Sue at

In this introductory session, long-time folk dancer, session leader, and instructor Sue Wendel will share the joy of folk dances from around the world. We’ll learn a couple of Eastern European and Israeli dances, and even an easy line dance from South Africa, all at the charming Leedy Grange dance hall. No experience or partner is necessary. Everyone is welcome. Masks optional, and please, no street shoes on the dance floor. For questions and to register, email Sue at

December Viva Village events

Viva Village is a Beaverton-area grassroots organization of members and volunteers who focus on enhancing and expanding the ways we can age well. We provide connections, programs, volunteer services, and referrals so members can lead engaged, healthy lives. For more information visit our website. Please RSVP for events as indicated by contacting or call 503-746-5082. Links for zoom meetings will be sent to those who RSVP. Members-only events are listed on our website and in the web version of Cedar Mill News.

Events open to the public:

Age Café

Friday, December 2, 11-12 pm, Beaverton City Library, 12375 SW 5th St

Small group conversations exploring new topics each month of interest to older adults. This month Age Café features a speed-friending format, a good opportunity to connect with new people. Registration optional.

Online Viva Village 101

Saturday, December 10, 10-11:30 am, via Zoom

A fun and informational session about Village life for prospective members and/or volunteers. RSVP for Zoom link.

Events for members and volunteers:

Online Tai Chi Classes

Thursdays, December 1, 8, and 15, 10-11 am

Practice Tai Chi technique with certified instructor, Richard Chew. RSVP for Zoom link.

Online Writers Group

Thursdays, December 1, 8, 15, 1:30-3 pm

Join other Village writers for sharing and inspiration. RSVP recommended.

Viva Village Nature Walk

Saturday, December 3, 9:30 am. Meet in the north parking lot of the Hillsboro Brookwood Library, 2850 Brookwood Pkwy, RSVP recommended

We’ll walk and explore the rails at Dawson Creek Lakes.

Viva Village Holiday Social

Saturday, December 3, 1-3 pm. Southminster Presbyterian Church, 12250 SW Denney Rd

Conversation, music, and holiday treats with Viva Village friends. You are invited to bring a holiday treat to share. RSVP recommended.

Online Women’s Coffee

Tuesdays, December 6, 13, 20, and 27, 10 am, via Zoom

Join members and volunteers for a morning of coffee and conversation. RSVP for Zoom link.

Women’s Coffee (in-person)

Wednesdays, December 7, 14, 21, and 28, 10 am. Jim and Patty’s Coffee, 4130 SW 117th. RSVP recommended.

Living Solo Webinar

Thursday, December 8, 9 am, via Zoom

The Viva Village Living Solo group presents a webinar for the Positive Aging Community. RSVP for the Zoom link.

Online Living Solo

Thursday, December 15, 4 pm

Share ideas and insights about solo living.

Thursday Evening Dine Around: Special Combined Event for the Holidays

December 8, 4 pm, Benihana Japanese Restaurant, 9205 SW Cascade Ave

Celebrate the holiday season with Viva Village friends. RSVP required. Limited to 20 people.

Life Stories

Tuesday, December 13, 2 pm, Southminster Presbyterian Church, 12250 SW Denney Rd

From Then to Now: Viva Villager Sara Sheets will talk about growing up in Kansas and living her adult years in Oregon. RSVP recommended.

Afterschool Is Cool! Poster Contest

Submission Deadline is Thursday, January 26

Washington County Kids will host our second annual Afterschool is Cool! Poster contest. The poster contest is open to all students in kindergarten through 12th grade who are participating in an afterschool program in Washington County. The purpose of the contest is to invite youth participating in these afterschool programs to creatively share what they like best about their afterschool program. Judging will be based on the expression of the theme, “what I like best about my afterschool program.”

Registration forms and posters must be turned in to the participants’ afterschool program by the submission deadline to be considered for judging. Judges for the contest Include Washington County Commissioner Jerry Willey and local well-known artists, Linda Holland and Ed Labadie.

Check out the Poster Contest Rules and Registration/Permission form. And for more information visit or email

PlanetCon returns!

Saturday, January 14, 11 am-2 pm, PCC Rock Creek campus, 17705 NW Springville Rd, parking lot E and building 9

Plan now and start collecting items for this great event! January is a good time to sort through your household items. Let us help you find a place to take certain things you no longer need. 

Learn more on the website, but here’s a preview!

Shop the really, really, free table! Drop-off and/or pickup items with a winter holiday decor theme. 

Get something fixed with Repair Fair—small household items. 

Donate usable items—bicycles, eyeglasses, hearing aids, warm winter clothing, and hygiene items will be collected for those in need. 

Drop-off items for recycling and proper disposal. Batteries, medications, sharps, and CFL’s (collected by Metro); computers, electronics​ and other small corded items; some #1 (PET/PETE) and #5 (PP) plastics. Read collection event details carefully.

Information tableswill be available on sustainable living topics to help you learn how to reduce your load on our earth.

Volunteer! We need your help to run the PlanetCon show! We’re ready for you to sign up for the role of your choice. New to working at PlanetCon? No worries, we provide training on the day of the event. Reach out with questions to, or just sign up here.

This FREE event is brought to you by the Westside Planet Alliance with the support of PCC Rock Creek, Washington County Solid Waste & Recycling, and Metro.

WashCo Bikes clinics

Women only bike repair clinic

Wednesday, January 4, 6-7 pm

Repair clinic open to all

Sunday, January 8, 10:30-noon

Instructors will guide you on making minor repairs, changing a flat, etc. Light refreshments are available. 

Please pre-register (a refundable $20.00 registration fee) Use this link to register: