School News December 2022

- BEF funding benefits all Cedar Mill schools
- Fourth Annual Beaverton School District Walk + Roll Art Contest
- BSD public outreach
- Oak Hills Scholastic Online Book Fair
- ACMA Restaurant Night Fundraiser
- Sunset HS Marching Band Bottle & Can Drive
- Deadline extended to apply for Language Arts and English Language Proficiency Project Team
- PCC bond will benefit Rock Creek campus

BEF funding benefits all Cedar Mill schools
Beaverton Education Foundation (BEF) supported 112 academic programs and projects that reached 32,857 students in every one of Beaverton’s 54 public schools last year. During the 2021-2022 academic year, BEF invested $358,060 throughout the District, including the seven Cedar Mill-area schools.
Through three of our cornerstone funding initiatives, Beaverton Choice, Kids Count Grants and Safe and Sound 4 Student Success we supported student learning at each of the schools in the Cedar Mill area: Bonny Slope Elementary; Cedar Mill Elementary; Findley Elementary; Oak Hills; Terra Linda Elementary; Tumwater Middle School; and Sunset High School.
The Beaverton Education Foundation is celebrating its 35th anniversary. Since 1988, BEF has invested $5.25 million in programs and projects at Beaverton’s schools, fulfilling our mission to mobilize community resources and help ensure our District’s 39,000 students have equitable opportunities to reach their brightest future.
BEF is the only organization with the sole purpose to support Beaverton’s public schools. Your continued support will ensure even more programs and projects will be made possible in Cedar Mill schools. Learn more about how you can make an impact today at Follow them on Facebook here:
Fourth Annual Beaverton School District Walk + Roll Art Contest

Safe Routes to School invites all Beaverton Elementary and Middle School students to participate in our January Art Contest! Enter to win fun prizes, including a new scooter and helmet! Visit for contest details.
This year’s theme is “Rethink Your Ride.” There will be nine grade-level prize winners and two grand prize winners selected. All entries must be received by January 31, 2023.
BSD public outreach
Beaverton School District is launching Engage BSD, a new online platform where you can weigh in on current projects that matter to you, your children, and our community. It uses various tools like open discussion forums, surveys, polls, and idea generators to get your feedback. Depending on the tool, you’ll also be able to see what others in our community are thinking. The idea is for you to have one place to come and share your input on a variety of district projects.
On Engage BSD right now, you’ll see an Attendance project, where we’re asking students and parents who are struggling with regular and consistent attendance (missing 2 or more days per month) to fill out a short survey to help us better understand the barriers they’re facing and what their schools can do to help. There’s also a section called Stories where students can share their struggles in a different way.
On Engage BSD, you’ll also find information about our Strategic Plan project plus the Beaverton High School and Raleigh Hills Rebuild projects. Finally, you can see an ongoing project called Superintendent Connect, which highlights in-person listening sessions and coffee chats with Superintendent Dr. Gustavo Balderas.
To access Engage BSD, you can either go to the website directly or from the district website’s homepage, you can click on “Engage” in the top navigation bar. To participate, we ask that you complete a one-time registration. Please know that the district will NOT be tracking your input by name but instead by category. For example, we’ll pull data regarding how students, parents or community members respond, not how individuals respond. You also can comment anonymously on discussion boards by choosing your own username.
Please take a moment to register and begin to engage.

Oak Hills Scholastic Online Book Fair
Wednesday, December 7-14, online at
Over 6,000 books to choose from via this online shopping platform. Books make great gifts for family and friends! Proceeds help purchase books for the Oak Hills Elementary School Library! For questions contact Leilani Larsen via the website.
ACMA Restaurant Night Fundraiser
Wednesday, December 7, 11 am-9 pm, in person at Pizza Schmizza, 3180 SW Cedar Hills Boulevard, or order from Pizza Schmizza online* here. Use code: ACMA
Support Arts and Communication Magnet Academy students, art and academic programs, and faculty while you enjoy a night dining out or with take out. Delivery services (Doordash, Grubhub, Postmates and Uber Eats) are ineligible for the fundraiser.
Sunset HS Marching Band Bottle & Can Drive
Saturday, December 10, 10 am-1 pm. (Next three events: Saturdays: 1/14, 2/11, 3/11), Sunset Church, 14986 NW Cornell Rd
Drop off your redeemable bottles and cans to help us raise funds for marching band and music programs at Sunset HS. Bring them in any container (or use bags we provided), and we’ll give you a new bag for next time. You can reach us at with any questions.
Brought to you by the Sunset Apollos Marching Band & Auxiliary (SAMBA), this fundraiser helps pay for travel expenses, entry fees, uniforms, specialized performance instruction, show design, instrument purchase and repair, purchase of new music and arrangements, and scholarships for students who otherwise would be unable to afford to participate. SAMBA is a 501(c)(3) public charity and supports all the comprehensive Band and Color Guard programs available at Sunset High School.
Deadline extended to apply for Language Arts and English Language Proficiency Project Team
Students, parents/guardians, staff, and community members are encouraged to apply to serve on the Language Arts and English Language Proficiency (LA/ELP) Project Team. Participants do not need to be familiar with both components. The Project Team will review existing LA/ELP curriculum and practices to make curriculum adoption recommendations to the School Board. The Project Team is an important part of the BSD Quality Curriculum Cycle (QCC), which provides a systematic means for making decisions about the curriculum review, revision, development and adoption of practices and instructional resources.
The application deadline has been extended to December 31 at 4 pm. If you would like to learn more about this opportunity to serve students visit the web page here.
PCC bond will benefit Rock Creek campus
A $450 million PCC bond passed overwhelmingly in the midterm elections, with about 60% voter support. That money will go toward expanding career technical education spaces at the PCC Rock Creek campus in Washington County as well as basic facility updates at other campuses for things like accessibility, lighting, ventilation, and plumbing. Read more in this report on the OPB website.