CPO News June 2022

- June meeting: Civics for high school; District 2 update; Biggi appeal update
- Appeal against Leahy Estates development
- Cedar Hills multi-family housing development
- West Union gas station hearing cancelled, new design submitted
- May CPO 1 Meeting Notes
June meeting: Civics for high school; District 2 update; Biggi appeal update
Tuesday, June 14, 7-9 pm, via zoom

After updates from our service providers, our Washington County Commissioner, Pam Treece, will discuss issues the Board is working on, share some of her priorities, and take questions about District 2 issues.
We’ll provide the latest news in the Thompson Crossing appeal and lawsuit. A hearing is scheduled in Circuit Court for July 11 on the county’s Motion to Dismiss. It’s unclear if our appeal of the approval will be able to go forward after that.
Brian Sica, Administrator for Curriculum at Beaverton School District, will join us to explain SB 744 that calls for Civics education and new Social Sciences curriculum. How does the district plan to implement the new requirements; who will teach; where do materials come from; can CPOs help by giving students practical local opportunities for civic involvement?
Click the zoom link above to join the meeting live or watch it later on our YouTube Channel. We have been live-streaming our meetings since before COVID. And please “subscribe” to our YouTube Channel! We can’t get a “real name” until we have 100 subscribers!
Appeal against Leahy Estates development

Treekeepers of Washington County filed an appeal against the county’s approval of the Leahy Estates development application to divide an eight-acre wooded site with a wetlands and creek and build 15 homes on NW Leahy Road here in Cedar Mill. The hearing was held on May 31st. Their appeal is based on the remand of Ordinance 869A and compliance with Statewide Goal 5 (Protection of Natural Resources) in an area containing Significant Natural Resources (SNR). Land use attorney Ken Dobson is representing Treekeepers of Washington County in this case.
The hearing went as expected. The hearings officer is keeping the public opinion comment period open until 4 pm, Tuesday, June 13. He made it clear that, per policy, he will only be considering new information and new issues related to any ordinance.
If you are interested in learning more or commenting on this proposed development, please contact treekeeperswc@gmail.com. The development application is available at the Cedar Mill Library. Ask at the reference desk to see it.

Cedar Hills multi-family housing development
An online neighborhood meeting was held on May 27 to discuss the housing development proposed for the eastern section of the Cedar Hills commercial center on Park Way.
The development application was submitted to Beaverton in early May and is under review. See below for the information presented at the May CPO 1 meeting.
West Union gas station hearing cancelled, new design submitted
A hearing that was scheduled for June 16 to consider the Chevron station proposed for the corner of West Union and 185th, next to the wetland, has been cancelled because the developer has withdrawn the application.

Brandon Phillips, who is leading the opposition to the development (Neighbors Against Bethany Lake Gas Station, nabgas.com), says, “Bob Barman and his team have withdrawn their gas station design application that required a variance request from the County. However, they submitted an application with the County for a third design. The County sums up the situation: A new application for a proposed Chevron fuel station at the intersection of West Union Road and 185th Avenue has been submitted by applicant Robert Barman, CJRW LLC. It is being reviewed for completeness by our Current Planning staff. Information will be posted when it is available.”
Phillips continues to gather support for Washington County to revise its regulations around the siting of gas stations. Sign up for newsletters on the NABGAS site.
May CPO 1 Meeting Notes
by Vicky Siah
Virginia Bruce started the May CPO 1 meeting with a land acknowledgement, reminding us that we are on stolen land and we should honor the first people by protecting and caring for the land, water, and people.
Our service providers gave updates: Brian Yourstone, THPRD, noted that the outdoor splash pads will return as the temperatures increase. Ridgewood Park Dog Run construction will begin in Fall 2022, and the Stuhr Center is hosting Meals-on-Wheels with in-person dining. THPRD is continuing to offer free Fitness in the Park classes.
Andrea Watson from TVWD asked attendees to check their website for water conservation tips. Watson also announced an upcoming water rate increase. The TVWD Board has decided to reopen the November rate-setting process.
Corrine Haning promoted the Sheriff’s K-9 event on June 1, including a K-9 competition, safety fair, and vendor fair. Additionally, Deputy Wood shared the regional crime map, available for viewing on our Facebook page.

Damin Tarlow and Julio Rocha presented their Cedar Mill Apartments development project. They noted that the DMV and Harbor Freight section of the center is not included in their proposal. Four five-level buildings will provide 401 residential units, including a parking level. Before opening the floor for questions, Tarlow and Rocha displayed a slideshow of their visual models, giving attendees insight to the functionality and aesthetics of the new development. Neighbors’ concerns included increased traffic, parking, and the lack of retail.
Lt. Ed Rawlinson and Corrine Haning went over the proposed Sheriff’s Office levy in Measure 34-310. This covered frequently-asked questions (who receives service from the ESPD, what funding provides, and what a yes vote means) as well as the levy’s tax impacts.
David Williams provided information on BSD’s capital bond levy. This levy is proposed to run throughout 2028, featuring two significant projects: the complete rebuild of Beaverton High, and Raleigh Hills Elementary. He played a video (found on the BSD’s bond measure website) before taking questions from the audience. Bus route length, COVID-19 impacts, and overcrowding north of Highway 26 formed the bulk of community feedback.
Bruce Bartlett ended the meeting by discussing voting and postal services. CPO 1 leaders strongly encouraged everyone to submit their ballots before the dropbox due date—votes and civic input have an impact on our community functions.