CPO 1 News November 2021

CPO 1 November 9 meeting
Tuesday, November 9, 7 pm via zoom
We begin with updates from our service districts, followed by public comments and announcements.
At 7:30 we will have a look-ahead at the next round (2023-2028) of Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program (MSTIP) funding.
Following that, we’ll have a discussion of the Thompson Road-Kenny Terrace realignment/connection project. Land Use and Transportation (LUT) has been planning to connect Thompson Road westbound along the Kenny Terrace alignment (west of Saltzman) since 2002, when the original subdivision was planned. Funding is now available, and evolving plans have been presented over several meetings last year and this year.
Co-chair Bruce Bartlett will give us a brief history of the road at this location. We will show some of the slides that were shared during the August 31 Community Meeting, and allow time for neighbors to express their concerns, including sidewalk connections, tree replacement, and design questions.
LUT will not be presenting, but others involved have been invited. A group of neighbors has organized to oppose the plan but has declined to share their contact information. Materials from the August 31 Community Meeting are available here. See Road News for more information.
We will vote on a letter to the Board of County Commissioners to support the “western alignment” for Saltzman.
The meeting is held via zoom and is open to anyone interested in our topics and in the community. It is also simulcast on our Facebook page and available to view any time. If you don’t get the agenda either by postal or e-mail, it’s posted here, along with a link to sign up (on the left panel). Anyone who lives in CPO 1 is eligible to join as a voting member.
Neighborhood Meetings
A meeting was held during the Central Beaverton Neighborhood Association meeting on November 1 to discuss a proposal to remodel a building and create a drive-through in the Peterkort Towne Center for a new Starbucks. Read more in Development News.
Development applications
An application was received to construct five “model homes” for the Creekview Ridge Phase 4 development on Laidlaw. It was approved on October 1. We learned that “model homes” are considered temporary structures until/if they are put up for sale. While they are being shown, they are considered temporary. When they are up for sale, they are required to obtain residential building permits and are subject to all state/county residential building permit requirements per inspections.
“Chevron Market” public hearing scheduled; comments accepted now
Thursday, November 18, 10 am, via zoom
Public comment is being accepted for the “Chevron Market” development proposed for the southeast corner of 185th and West Union. Visit the county “Comment on a Project” page and find L2100244 if you want to weigh in on the project.
Neighbors have created a website to share information and gather opposition to a gas station and convenience store next to a wetland. We have been writing about this since it was proposed.
The public may also attend the hearing via zoom. To provide public testimony during the hearing, you may testify by telephone or by Zoom Webinar. Please email one of the people below, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting to sign up: Paul Schaefer, Senior Planner at (Paul_Schaefer@co.washington.or.us) Louisa Bruce, Adminstrative Assistant II at (Louisa_Bruce@co.washington.or.us) Stephen Shane, Principal Planner at (Stephen_Shane@co.washington.or.us) or call 503‐846‐8761.
CPO 1 October meeting notes
by Vicky Siah, CPO 1 Secretary
The October 12 CPO 1 meeting began with community comments. Darek Villeneuve spoke about the county’s plans to remove 155 trees on Kenny Terrace. Then we heard from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District, and Beaverton School District.
Brenda Schaffer of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office urges residents to report suspicious activities to the WCSO. If residents witness a crime occurring, they should call 911. If residents have tips after the crime has occurred, they can report it to the non-emergency number, 503-629-1111.
Brian Yourstone from THPRD announced awards the district has received, provided an overview of events, and gave logistical updates.
Melissa Larson told us that due to COVID-19, BSD has experienced a decrease in staff. They are now hiring in every department and school. Classified substitutes and some others will receive a $500 hiring bonus.
Cassandra Ulven, representing Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue, began the first large section topic by advising residents to practice fire safety. They are beginning a pilot project for a community paramedicine program. She also discussed the bond measure that, if passed, will fund renovation at stations, rebuild two fire stations, buy land for future fire stations, improve training centers, and purchase apparatus and vehicles, without adding additional taxes over what we already pay with our property taxes.
THPRD’s Cindy Dauer requested a letter of support for a Commonwealth Park grant. Virginia Bruce, co-chair of CPO 1, drafted this letter and presented it to attendees. 8/9 attendees voted in favor; 1 attendee opposed, and the letter was sent.
Virginia Bruce also discussed the value of a CPO. A survey will be sent out to solicit input on why people attend (or don’t attend) CPO meetings. She also mentioned a project that Ian Siah is working on for CPO 1 developments—he is working to update an interactive Google Map for community members to track housing developments in the region.
Kody Harris, Outreach Specialist with WCSO, presented a slide show from the WCSO on online risks for youth. Cyberbullying and predation are always chief concerns. If parents have evidence of inappropriate behavior towards their child, they should save it and share it with WCSO to help the police catch the offender.
The meeting concluded with a presentation from Rachael Mark, Washington County Juvenile Department Senior Program Coordinator for Substance Abuse, on the Juvenile Drug Treatment Court. JDTC’s objective is to prevent young people from graduating into the adult system. By promoting accountability, community safety, and competency development, they aim for overall restorative justice. In future years, JDTC wants to increase their population and access equity, restructure staffing and court, increase engagement from treatment providers, and create a data dashboard.
Some of the presentations from this meeting are available to view on the CPO agenda page. The meeting was simulcast on our Facebook page and can be viewed any time.