Road News August 2021

Kaiser Road closure
August 10-23, between Ridgeline and Germantown
As part of new construction in the North Bethany area, BDZE Construction will rebuild a segment of the road with new utilities, paving, safety improvements, and stormwater facilities. During the closure travelers are advised to use 185th.
The development is a 246-lot single family residential subdivision, Hosford Farms, to be developed in 6 phases as a Planned Development.
Upper Saltzman

During a Work Session on May 11, the Board of County Commissioners learned about the alternatives proposed for the improvement of upper Saltzman from Bayonne to Laidlaw. Board members requested more information from Land Use and Transportation before making a decision. LUT staff is preparing another presentation on this project for an upcoming meeting.
CPO 1 is planning to send a letter to the BCC recommending our preferred alternative—the western alignment—which is safer and better for the long-term transportation needs of the community. Learn more here, and send comments to by August 15.