CPO News September 2020

September CPO 1 meeting
Tuesday, September 8, 7-9 pm, via zoom
We have three topics to cover during the September meeting, which will be live on zoom and also on our CPO 1 Facebook page.
Road News: Updates by CPO 1 Leadership. There are several important road projects in the works in the area. Topics include an update on the upper Saltzman Road Project Advisory Committee that just began meeting to address the safety concerns on Saltzman Road; survey results for the proposed right turn lane at Cornell and “Old” Barnes Road; an appeal that has been filed regarding Beaverton’s approval of the Walker-Murray intersection improvements; and the transfer of Cornelius Pass Road ownership from Multnomah and Washington counties to Oregon Department of Transportation.

Preserving Natural Areas: update by CPO Member Fran Warren. Fran has been working on natural resources in Washington County for years. She will provide an update on the County’s Significant Natural Resources Assessment and Ordinance 869. Fran recently moved to the CPO 1 area from the CPO 6 area where she was an active CPO member.
District Attorney’s Office Presentation by Allison Brown, Washington County Senior Deputy District Attorney. This presentation focuses on crimes targeting seniors and vulnerable adults. Allison will detail what the most common scams and crimes are that elders face, how to protect loved ones and what to do if you suspect someone is taking advantage of seniors. There will be time for general questions about the DA office after the main presentation.
If you can’t attend the meeting but have questions for any of our guests, send them to cpo1leaders@gmail.com before the meeting and we’ll include them.
August meeting recap

We met Beaverton’s new Public Communications Officer, Shellie Bailey-Shah, who gave us an update on Beaverton School District’s plans for fall. She answered many questions from the zoom audience and also those submitted previous to the meeting and through the “simulcast” on the CPO 1 Facebook page.

Tricia Mortell, Washington County Public Health Manager, shared a presentation on the county response to COVID-19 and also responded to many questions. Her presentation will be linked to the August 11 Meeting Info on the CPO 1 page.
We also heard from Chris Kondrat, a local artist working as a Contact Tracer. For more information on the county’s program, visit this page. The meeting is available to view on our Facebook page here.
Fairly quiet on the development front
No neighborhood meetings notices were received this month! See Development News for updates on previous applications.

An application for a 41-lot subdivision in two phases has been submitted by Noyes Development. Creekview Ridge Phases 4 and 5 are adjacent to the recently completed Creekview Ridge subdivision. The two phases are proposed to straddle Laidlaw Road.
Phase 5, north of Laidlaw, includes a Natural Resource area including a tributary of Ward Creek, so it’s unclear whether the county can approve the application given the LCDC injunction currently in effect (see SNR article).