Road News September 2020

- Cornelius Pass news
- Saltzman solution?
- Walker-Murray intersection project is appealed by Beaverton Councilors
- Springville Road construction
Cornelius Pass news

Work continues on Multnomah County’s project to repair and improve the segment of Cornelius Pass Road between Skyline and Highway 30. Visit this page for updates and to subscribe to the newsletter.
ODOT is preparing to assume ownership of NW Cornelius Pass Road between U.S. 30 and U.S. 26 through a jurisdictional transfer from Multnomah County and Washington County. This jurisdictional transfer was directed by the Oregon State Legislature through Keep Oregon Moving (HB 2017). We expect the transfer to be complete in late 2020 or early 2021, after we present our documentation to the Oregon Transportation Commission this fall.
The day-to-day experience for residents and travelers on Cornelius Pass Road will change very little once it is a state highway. Most changes are related to how the road will be managed and maintained after the transfer. Once Cornelius Pass Road is a state highway, ODOT will be responsible for things like permitting, roadway maintenance, winter weather maintenance, project planning and funding.
Sign up for project updates here.
Saltzman solution?

A Project Advisory Committee (PAC) was formed to help county decision-makers understand the community’s views on the two proposed alignments for the north end of Saltzman Road, where it intersects with Laidlaw. The first [virtual] meeting was held on August 26. Three additional meetings are scheduled, and anyone interested is invited to attend and submit comments. All meetings are on zoom from 5-7:30 pm. Visit the Washington County page for zoom links, meeting summaries, and more information.
Wednesday, September 23: Review the draft analysis (stormwater, hydraulics, traffic)
Wednesday, October 14: Review the draft Alternative Evaluation Memo
Wednesday, November 4: Make a recommendation for Alternative to forward
Members of the PAC include CPO representatives, neighbors and other community members, and representatives from THPRD, BSD, and TVFR. Also at the initial meeting was Ben Lively, one of the two County Engineers, Washington County Land Use staff, and Terry Song of Murraysmith, a public infrastructure company with offices in over a dozen western states.
As your representative from CPO1, I have set up a separate mailing list to update the community on PAC activities. If you’re not already on the CPO 1 mailing list (separate from the county list) and wish to get these updates, sign up here.
During the first meeting, Asif Rahman, who was active in the Bethany Neighborhood Coalition, described the third alternative solution that group had offered in early 2016.
One of our interns put together a list of major articles published since 2005 on the situation. A PDF file with links is available here.
Walker-Murray intersection project is appealed by Beaverton Councilors
Hearing: Wednesday, September 16, 6:30 pm (online)

Marc SanSoucie and Mark Fagin, members of the Beaverton City Council, filed an appeal on the Beaverton Planning Director’s decision to approve Washington County’s project (previously discussed here). (Beaverton had to weigh in because it’s within city limits, but both roads are county.)
The appellants say that the design of the right turn lane (a slip lane) is dangerous and not identified in the city or county published transportation documents. From SanSoucie’s testimony submitted during the original hearing, “I am asking that the City of Beaverton deny the application as submitted, and return it to the County with a requirement that the channelized right-turn lanes (or “slip lanes”) on the NW and SE corners of the intersection be removed from the design.”
This will be among several road projects discussed at the September 8 CPO 1 meeting.
Springville Road construction

Springville Road is being widened to three lanes: one travel lane in each direction with a center turn lane. Other improvements include: bike lanes, sidewalks, street lighting, and improved drainage. The road is currently a two- and three-lane urban arterial serving the rapidly growing North Bethany area. Road sections are not standardized, with narrow shoulders and multiple pedestrian-and-bicycle conflict areas.
The $6.8 million project is funded through the North Bethany Service District.
For more information, visit the Springville Road (Phase 3) webpage, call Capital Project Services at 503-846-7800 or email