Garden News August 2021

Heat-damaged plant care
OSU Extension has a webpage of advice about “How to care for heat-damaged plants,” and another on “Tips for gardening in extreme heat.” Most forecasters expect our weather to continue to be hotter than in the past, and both articles include advice on plant selection for this future.
Level Up Series presents Season Extension Techniques
Tuesday, August 10, 3 pm via zoom, Register here
Season extension is a bundle of techniques used to provide an earlier and/or later harvest in the garden. In this webinar we will examine a variety of season extension tactics available to home gardeners and compare how they may be used differently to match regional needs. This class is just in time for fall planting!
Sign up for the Metro Region Extension newsletter here for more information on these and other topics.
Visit the Washington County Extension page for information on local programs. Canning and preserving information and Pressure Canning Gauge testing is on this page. The free food safety and preservation hotline is now open, learn more here.